360: Revista de Ciencias de la Gestión

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/174812

ISSN: 2415-5861
e-ISSN: 2518-0495

360: Revista de Ciencias de la Gestión es la revista académica del Departamento Académico de Ciencias de la Gestión de la PUCP. Es una publicación arbitrada semestral abierta a recibir contribuciones de autores peruanos y extranjeros, tanto en inglés como en español. La revista busca acoger documentos de investigación y reflexión sobre el conocimiento y la práctica disciplinaria habitual, en las distintas esferas organizacionales (empresarial, pública y social) y áreas funcionales (gestión estratégica, financiera, logística, operativa, de marketing y de personas).


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 4 de 4
  • Ítem
    Bioeconomía e innovación social: desafíos en la industria 4.0
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-12) Velásquez, Melbin; Velásquez, Lida
    La gestión del conocimiento, y el crecimiento de la articulación entre distintas disciplinas de las ciencias en la industria 4.0 han favorecido la creación e implementación de tecnologías y ha dado lugar al desarrollo de la bioeconomía. Con el propósito de identificar en la literatura académica las articulaciones y desafíos planteados sobre la bioeconomía y la innovación social en el escenario de la cuarta revolución industrial, se realizó el presente estudio desde un enfoque cualitativo, se diseñó un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio de revisión de artículo que consideró la literatura académica de Latinoamérica y el Caribe a partir del año 2010. Fueron consultadas las bases de datos Web Scopus, Scielo, Sciencie Direct, Dialnet y Google Scholar. La literatura académica encontrada fue escasa, contando con 21 documentos relevantes para este estudio, y si bien es incipiente en ellos la articulación de la bioeconomía y la innovación social en la industria 4.0, se reconoce el concepto de bioeconomía y de innovación social, las categorías emergentes y los desafíos que se sugieren en este escenario de conocimiento.
  • Ítem
    Actividades de servicio y servitización: oportunidades para una economía circular más sostenible
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-09-01) Pereira Sánchez, Ángeles
    The urgent environmental challenges that society must face in the near future call for a reconsideration of the dominant linear production and consumption model, and a shift to a more circular and sustainable economy. The aim of this paper is to carry out a theoretical-conceptual analysis of the role of service activities, as well the one of services related to production and products, in the dematerialization and greening of the socio-economic system. To this end, a literature review was conducted focusing on three dimensions: firstly, the nature of services and the characteristics that enable the development of a dematerialized economy; secondly, the functional service economy in the framework of a circular economy; and, thirdly, servitization as an innovative business model, based on the hybridization of products and services, with the potential to achieve environmental benefits. Based on the analysis developed, the conclusions section presents a suggested classification of the different service activities with the capacity to support the transition to a more sustainable economy throughout the life cycle of products. A distinction is thus made between different service and servitization activities in the production phase, in the use/consumption phase and in the end-of-cycle recovery phase.
  • Ítem
    El discurso colonialista en la internacionalización y sostenibilidad: una mirada desde América Latina
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-09-01) Gomez-Trujillo, Ana Maria
    This article seeks to show the internationalization process and the implementation of sustainability practices as manifestations of colonialism in the Latin American context which are not adjusted to their local realities. The need to address these concepts from a local perspective that takes into account the uniqueness of the organization's problems from the Latin American reality is highlighted. Thus, internationalization can be conceived in a way that promotes sustainable regional development of the so-called southern countries and reduces the dependency relationship with the northern hegemony, for which it is necessary to create theories that take into account the particularities of the periphery companies and highlight their differences with those belonging to the great and traditional world powers
  • Ítem
    Sostenibilidad en la cadena de suministro: evidencias del sector minorista español
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-08-15) Morcillo-Bellido, Jesús
    «Sustainability» in the supply chain is one of the important challenges of the 21st century. This work aims to deepen the understanding of how integral sustainability can be fostered, developed and supported through alliances and lean practices operations in a supply chain of the Services sector. Through the analysis carried out, it is sought to determine to what extent it has been possible to achieve a high level of comprehensive sustainability in the analyzed supply chain, supported by its own alliance model and the systematic and strict application of lean operations practices. The supply chain studied also presents the peculiarity of seeking that the efficiency practices developed in the focal company (Mercadona) are widely replicated in its more than one hundred key suppliers. The focal company is promoting the extension of these practices to its raw materials suppliers to achieve sustainability in the whole chain. The main contribution of this study is that it tries to show how integral