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Debemos resaltar que gracias a una paciente labor de recolección de números antigüos y digitalización de revistas impresas, la mayoría de estas revistas tienen su colección de artículos completa, llegando a sumar, a julio del 2021, un total de más de 20,400 artículos.

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Mención aparte merecen, por su importancia histórica y cultural el boletín del Instituto Riva Agüero y la Revista de la Universidad Católica, que siendo revistas descontinuadas, se muestran en este repositorio por números completos con su respectivo índice de contenido.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 25357
  • Ítem
    La invención de los celos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2005-06-22) Konstan, David
    In this paper the A. proposes the idea that, in classical Greece, the concept of a feeling that exactly corresponds to Jealousy in the modern Western world. did not exist. He inquires on the meaning of the word zélotupia that is frequently translated by "jealousy", and proves that it did not have that precise meaning in the ancient Greek texts. Yet, although there was little room in archalc Greek culture for the developmenl of the idea of Jealousy in a romantic sense. in Rome's first century B.C., conditions favoured the development of such a concept, concretely in Horace's amatory poems and in the authors of erotic elegy.
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    El argumento de la locura
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2005-06-22) Porchat Pereira, Oswaldo
    The argument explores the possible consequences of a philosopher´s critical revlsion of his own beliefs and certalntles, in which he would consider the posslbility of being mad. Although the argument is developed in the first person -with a Cartesian profile allen to the argumentative pattem of anclent Pyrrhonic scepticism- it nevertheless ends with a scepticai concluslon. lt radicaJiy challenges and checkmates classical reason's ideals of certainty and absolute. Knowledge.
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    Asombro ante el mundo y sentido de la vida en Wittgenstein
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2005-06-22) Sádaba, Javier
    El presente trabajo constará de tres partes. En la primera, trataré de ver qué es lo que significó para nuestro autor el asombrarse (staunen, wonder) ante el mundo considerado como un todo. En la segunda, intentaré relacionar ese pasmo o extrañeza con el sentido de la vida de cada uno de nosotros. Y es que la segunda parte es una explicitación de la primera. En la tercera, contextualizaré lo dicho en la cotidianidad de los humanos. Como creo, al igual que Epicuro, que la filosofia que no cura las heridas del alma es vana, acabaré aterrizando, en lo posible, en el buen vivir que a todos, al menos como ideal, nos pertenece.
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    La adopción de la teoría copernicana por Kepler: un caso de interacción entre ciencia, filosofía y religión
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2005-06-22) Kozhamthadam, Job
    lt is well known that Johannes Kepler was one of the first reputed and professionally recognized scientists to support the new heliocentric theory of Copemicus. Kepler accepted lt not as a provisional simpler theory, but as the true theory of the universe, and he did so despite the fact that he, more than any one else at that time, was keenly aware of the defects and deficiencies of this new theory. This paper Is an attempt to shed sorne fresh light on this baffling puzzle. After carefully and crltically examining the different views of well-recognized Ke pler scholars, this paper traces the source of this enigma to his special mode of thinking and proceedlng in his sclentlfic inquiry: Kepler allowed a creative and constructlve interaction between scientiflc data, phllosophical principies and certain religious beliefs. lf he had relied on empirícal data alone, he would not have been the most Ioyal Copemican. Philosophical or religious ideas alone also would not have convinced him of the veracity of the heliocenlríc view. Kepler's acceptance of the Copemican system is a paradigm lnstance of the constructive interaction between science, philosophy and religion in the history of science.
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    Tolerancia y reconocimiento. Propuesta de un arco conceptual
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2005-06-22) Giusti, Miguel
    In the current political circumstances. the concept of "tolerance" has recovered a relevant academic dignity and has been the topic of numerous investigations. Notwithstanding, "tolerance" is still being considered a "blurred" or "evasive" virtue. In this paper. the A. propases a systematic interpretation of that notion, in order to establish a body of henneneutic matrixes that may shed light on its reach and limitations. In this analysis, tolerance tums out to be a "parasitic" notion. for its validity always depends on a previous moral conception, of an affirmative and declarative nature. In that sense, the A. suggests that the new paradigm of "recognition" may serve as the ultimate and teleological normative framework of the nolion of tolerance.
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    ¿ Y el pluralismo teórico?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2005-06-22) Cepeda, Margarita
    The paper deals with the problem of theorelical pluralism, in the light of Dr. Hamer's case. founder of the New Medicine. After questioning the relalionship between juslice and pluralism as conceived of by contemporary politica liberalism, the paper defends an alternative of a hermeneutical type akin to Geertz's position versus Rorty's. which would counterbalance the typical reactionary position of every form of established knowledge.
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    Ann N. Michelini (ed.). Plato as Author: The Rhetoric of Phllosophy, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2003, 360 pp.
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Mendoza Loyola, César Inca
    No presenta resumen.
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    "Pluralidad sin convergencia en la filosofía contemporánea"
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Escoubas, Eliane
    No presenta resumen.
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    Mariana Libertad Suárez (comp.). Sabihondas e indiscretas. Antología de narradoras peruanas, 1917-1957. Lima: Editora Perú, 2022. 200 pp.
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-11) Espinoza, Jean Paul
    No presenta resumen.