Documentos depositados recientemente
El concepto de tiempo más originario en Husserl: la atemporalidad del presente viviente
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-10) Ramírez, Manuel
Husserl‘s reflections on the living present led to its determination as a timeless consciousness that does not actively constitute immanent temporal objects. This characteristic of the original process would imply leaving it outside the transcendental phenomenological field. However, the article tries to show that through an archaeological reconstruction we know that the living present is not only a limit problem, but rather that it passively “constitutes” its temporal objects and is aware of itself through its self-affection, which allows it to insert into the phenomenological-transcendental field.
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 2023. Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe. Neunte Abteilung: Der handschriftliche Nachlaß ab Frühjahr 1885 in differenzierter Transkription. Band 14: Nachbericht zur neunten Abteilung. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 756 pp.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-10) Cerna, Jorge
No presenta resumen.
Nichols, Robert, 2020. Theft is property! Dispossession & critical theory. Durham: Duke University Press, 248 pp.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-10) Olaechea, Joaquín
No presenta resumen.
Percepción y temporalidad: Husserl frente a Heidegger
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-10) García, José Luis
This contribution is part of a copious bibliographic tradition that has sought the points of encounter and disencounter between the two most relevant phenomenologists of the 20th century: Husserl and Heidegger. Starting from the critical foundations of the 1919 public emergence of Heidegger’s project of an originary science, I propose, first of all, to review his criticism of the history of philosophy, which, in his opinion, has committed the original sin of being theoretical. And along these lines, I also review how this theorization has been mainly seen in the absolutization of perception when describing the original relationship between human beings and the world. This critical thread, though not explicit, reaches into Husserl’s quarries. Faced with this, secondly, I attempt a possible response to said critique in light of Husserl’s discovery of the absolute flow of consciousness as found in his Lectures on the Internal Time Consciousness.
La sorpresa en la experiencia estética de la música popular
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-10) Cercado, Antonio
Popular music has used new technologies and the globalizing nature of our time to expand into different species of daily life. We live overstimulated by different rhythms, melodies and sounds. In this diverse context, how do we explain that we like something new? In what follows, we propose to explain the genesis of taste, starting from the temporal structure of surprise proposed by Natalie Depraz: anticipation-impression-resonance. The idea is to understand taste as a possibility of surprise; as a resonance of the first sound experience. In this way, a different perspective on the aesthetics of taste can be offered: outside or differentiating itself from established aesthetic models. Furthermore, it will be possible to understand how surprise participates in the origin of the different musical communities that are responsible for sustaining mass musical productions.