360: Revista de Ciencias de la Gestión
URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/174812
ISSN: 2415-5861
e-ISSN: 2518-0495
360: Revista de Ciencias de la Gestión es la revista académica del Departamento Académico de Ciencias de la Gestión de la PUCP. Es una publicación arbitrada semestral abierta a recibir contribuciones de autores peruanos y extranjeros, tanto en inglés como en español. La revista busca acoger documentos de investigación y reflexión sobre el conocimiento y la práctica disciplinaria habitual, en las distintas esferas organizacionales (empresarial, pública y social) y áreas funcionales (gestión estratégica, financiera, logística, operativa, de marketing y de personas).
117 resultados
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Trayectorias Históricas de los Sistemas Nacionales de Investigación y Desarrollo en los Países de la OCDE(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-18) Gutiérrez Rojas, Cristián; Smith-Uldall, JeromeResearch and development (R&D) is crucial for promoting knowledge generation as well as the acquisition of new knowledge, so as to enable the development of new products, processes, or services, and improve the existing ones. In this vein, countries make decisions to increase and sustain their innovation efforts and focus on public R&D expenditures. This paper seeks to analyse the pathways of national R&D systems of OECD countries. For this purpose, we conducted a descriptive and exploratory analysis for the period of 2000-2021. We used innovative effort variables, such as R&D intensity, as well as patents as an output variable. The sample consisted of 37 OECD countries, divided into five quintiles according to productivity performance during the study period. The results highlight cases of R&D systems that made a significant leap in productivity during the study period; however, the results also identify cases where a higher R&D intensity does not translate into substantial improvements in productivity. This confirms that innovation is a complex phenomenon where there is not always a guarantee of a positive linear relationship between innovative effort and scientific/technological performance.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Escenarios e innovaciones en el sistema agroindustrial de la provincia de Entre Ríos: aportes desde un enfoque multinivel(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-18) Valentinuz, Oscar; Siede, Mario; Seiler, Cristhian; Caviglia, OctavioA sustainable future requires harmonizing productive, environmental, and social aspects. This study aims to analyze the main technological and social innovation challenges faced by primary production in an agricultural province of Argentina (Entre Ríos) through a multi- level approach and prospective scenarios. Building on a prior future study that generated narratives of five archetypal scenarios for the provincial agri-food system by 2030, the "transformation" scenario (termed "metamorphosis") was selected, and the required innovations at different levels of the multi-level approach (niche, regime, and landscape) were described to bridge the gap between this desirable scenario and the continuity scenario, i.e. business as usual. Sustainable intensification, digital agriculture, and the diversification of primary production were identified as key innovations for a transition toward the desired scenario, in which state regulations and incentives at the niche and landscape levels also appear essential for advancing along a transitional path.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Eficacia de los modelos de hélice como instrumentos para el desarrollo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-18) Moreno Villaseñor, Oswualdo Getzemany; Marín-Leyva, René AugustoHelix models are frameworks in which different actors collaborate to drive innovation and knowledge transfer, aiming to promote development. Although theories have explored the concept of multiple helices, known as N-Tuple helices, the most commonly applied models are the triple helix, quadruple helix, and quintuple helix. The triple helix focuses on the interaction between government, universities, and businesses. In the quadruple helix model, society is included as a fourth actor. Meanwhile, the quintuple helix incorporates additional factors that can vary by author, such as natural, economic, or cultural resources, among others. Similarly, in N-Tuple helices, other actors are added, which may also differ depending on the author’s perspective. For these reasons, it can be argued that the foundational helix models are the triple and quadruple helix. The purpose of this research is to analyze whether helix models are effective as tools for development. The methodology employed includes a literature review under the "salsa" methodology, presented through an analysis table. This table evaluates the results of research from various theoretical references on helix models, aiming to verify whether the hypothesis that these models are effective as tools for development is accepted.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Sustentabilidad y AgroTech. Modelo de análisis de capacidades y resultados en centros de I+D universitarios(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-18) Camio, Maria Isabel; Arditi, Andrea BelénThis study identifies capabilities and innovation outcomes in the AgroTech sector with a focus on sustainability. A conceptual model is developed based on literature concerning university-industry linkages and innovation capabilities, operationalized through dimensions, variables, and indicators. The research site is the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires in Argentina, focusing on 14 scientific-technological activity nuclei (NACTs) with varying technological and relational capacities, developing products or services in the AgroTech sector with a sustainability focus. Academically, the study highlights the proposal of a model applicable to the analysis of R&D centers and useful indicators for measuring technological and relational capabilities. From a public policy perspective, the paper emphasizes the role of public research systems and suggests the creation of University-Industry collaboration spaces to address sustainability and territorial development challenges.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La gestión de la investigación en clave prospectiva. Acerca del futuro de la producción, transferencia y vinculación del conocimiento científico en la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-04) Levy, Melina; Piñeiro, Juan Pablo; Amarilla, YaninaThe specialized literature on knowledge management has barely addressed the ability to obtain systematic information as an input that supplies planning in higher education, as well as the difficulties that universities encounter in obtaining such information. More recently, however, the study of future scenarios has become a valuable tool for analyzing the tensions and challenges that any organization should consider when planning. For this reason, this paper seeks to analyze the challenges that the research productivity of the Universidad Nacional de La Matanza scientists could face by 2030 from a management perspective. The methodology used was prospective. It considered the perspective of experts in charge of formulating specific policies to improve knowledge production in academic departments within the framework of the transversal norms designed by the Secretary of Science and Technology. Our aim is to make two contributions. The first is to produce theoretical knowledge for the field of science, technology and society (in Spanish, CTS); and, on the other hand, we expect to make a contribution to management.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Innovación y desarrollo productivo en Paraguay. Un análisis de los desafíos postpandemia de la Covid19(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-04) Olmedo Barchello, SelvaInnovation is a strategic objective for achieving inclusive economic growth; therefore, strengthening local research, development, and innovation capacities is necessary and challenging for Paraguay. Thus, the study aims to identify the main post-pandemic challenges for innovation and productive development for Paraguay in 2020-2022. The methodology applied is qualitative-quantitative, through a review of the literature in this field and the use of databases of national and international organizations. The results show a low innovative capacity and, therefore, a low productive development. In conclusion, this leads to the question of the direction that should be taken or the foundations on which to prioritize Paraguay's productive transformation towards a post- pandemic era, in which it is crucial to have local strategic capacities.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Un modelo de gestión de la transformación digital para la innovación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-04) Medellín Cabrera, Enrique AlbertoDigital transformation is driven by new digital technologies, which are strongly impacting value chains, forms of organization and production, distribution channels, business models and the way in which innovation is carried out in companies and their allies. For this reason, it is important to understand the phenomenon, size it and develop organizational design proposals that facilitate managing it appropriately. Considering the above, this article aims to identify the relationship between digital transformation and innovation in companies, to determine how capabilities can be developed that allow reinforcing innovation processes. To this end, a model is proposed that correlates the management of digital technology and innovation with digital transformation, in such a way that there is a reference framework, guidelines and tools for its organizational deployment.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Más allá de la oficina: cómo el trabajo a distancia está transformando las organizaciones(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-04) Rojas Plasencia, Karina Milagros; Huanca Torres, Edy Elías; Carbajal Mujica, Carmen Rosa; Rivera Peirano, Violeta LidiaRemote work has raised questions among companies and employees regarding its effectiveness and development. Therefore, the objective of this research is to answer the question: What is the impact of remote work on organizations? To achieve this, a systematic investigation was carried out using the Prisma method, which allowed the identification, selection, and analysis of various articles from recognized databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. In the initial search, 54,003 articles were found, which were filtered according to various criteria, resulting in 30 final articles. The results show that remote work can have a positive impact on job satisfaction, work-life balance, productivity, and innovation. However, some negative impacts were also identified, such as increased fatigue, social isolation, and lack of communication.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Planes y planificación de la CTI en Argentina: logros, brechas, invariancias y desafíos futuros de un sendero evolutivo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-04) Hernán Cantero, JavierManaging STI (i.e. Science, Technology and Innovation) involves a high level of complexity and economic and social relevance for a country to leave it open to improvisation. The successive CTI plans formulated in Argentina from 1998 to 2023 seem to reflect this idea. The objective of this work is to analyze the four state planning processes of STI, focusing on achievements, gaps between planned and the future challenges and invariances of STI planning in Argentina. The study is an explanatory, quantitative and empirical study, involving four case studies, supplemented by primary and secondary sources of a quantitative nature. The analysis of the plans will show an evolutionary process of state planning capacity, not free from gaps, continuities and future challenges of the evolutionary path of STI in Argentina.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Impacto de la vigilancia tecnológica en las pymes de la industria alimentaria(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-04) Mejía Chávez, Araceli Olivia; Solleiro Rebolledo, José LuisSmall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the food industry of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) utilize technology watch for the systematic collection and analysis of information from various sources. This generates knowledge through market research, competitor analysis, and technological trend identification, among others, which enables companies to make informed decisions. Technology watch is one of the five functions that comprise the management model of the Mexican National Technology and Innovation Award, which also includes planning, enablement, protection, and implementation.The objective of this research is to analyze the technology watch activities and practices carried out by food SMEs in the region, and based on this, to understand the impact of technology watch on these companies. This study conducted direct research through surveys applied to food SMEs and desk research on the topic. The research concludes that technology watch has contributed to solving market needs, identifying technological development projects, and improving strategic and technological planning in this type of company.