360: Revista de Ciencias de la Gestión
URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/174812
ISSN: 2415-5861
e-ISSN: 2518-0495
360: Revista de Ciencias de la Gestión es la revista académica del Departamento Académico de Ciencias de la Gestión de la PUCP. Es una publicación arbitrada semestral abierta a recibir contribuciones de autores peruanos y extranjeros, tanto en inglés como en español. La revista busca acoger documentos de investigación y reflexión sobre el conocimiento y la práctica disciplinaria habitual, en las distintas esferas organizacionales (empresarial, pública y social) y áreas funcionales (gestión estratégica, financiera, logística, operativa, de marketing y de personas).
9 resultados
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado La innovación en la micro y la pequeña empresa (MYPE): no solo factible, sino accesible(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-29) Ponce Regalado, Fátima; Zevallos Vallejos, EmilioThe present paper seeks to point out that innovation is also accessible and necessary for the micro and small entreprises (MSE) in Latin America. But it is not given as traditionally understood as associated to technology.The hypothesis is that innovate in the MSE is not impossible nor necessarily expensive; on the contrary it is necessary and feasible, but different because it is related less to techonology than to processes or management models. In fact, several of these small businesses are making that in order to promote their growth and sustainability. To evidence this hypothesis and show that the regional innovation is rather in processes and/or management models, aspects where small firms have great opportunities to innovate and improve their productivity, this work analyzes statistics both in Costa Rica and Peru. The purpose is to define the MSEs main features, the owners skills and their innovation environment, in order to make visible its competences and the kind of innovation focus more in processes and management models and less in products or technology. It also presents two successful cases in generation of innovations with the purpose of presenting how the MSE are able to apply new measures and redirect their course when necessary.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Gestión de la innovación empresarial: un enfoque multinivel(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-05-26) Seclén, Jean PierreIn this paper, we analyse the importance of innovation management in companies. Themultilevel approach allows us to understand the phenomenon of innovation both fromthe perspective of the business manager and the policy maker, since the innovationecosystem appears to play a key role in promoting innovative capacity in a given territory.While management models of innovation have changed over time, most of themhave focused on large industrial enterprises without taking into account SMEs in generaland micro-enterprises in particular, making it necessary to perform further studieson the innovation capacity of companies with this size.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Educating innovative and critical thinking managers(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-29) Martínez-Hague, PalomaCritical thinking is recognized as a competency for life, as a basic component of creativity and innovation; and as a key professional expertise for organizations worldwide. The aim of this paper is to propose different ways of teaching critical thinking to future managers in order to prepare them for challenging organizational situations that must be confronted in an innovative and critical way. This is achieved by sharing research results and tools for management education.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La transferencia de conocimiento en las alianzas estratégicas para la innovación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-09-26) Díaz Gamarra, Manuel AlejandroThis paper reviews the literature on strategic alliances to illustrate how they arecharacterized, what types exist and, specifically, what phenomena are relevant when the alliance seeks to facilitate business innovation. In line with this purpose, it also examines the way literature characterizes the concepts of innovation, learning and knowledge, as well as organizational capabilities, as important factors of the process of knowledge transfer between partners.Ítem Texto completo enlazado ¿Innovación en el Perú?: una reflexión a partir de indicadores sintéticos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-29) Seclén Luna, Jean Pierre; Ponce Regalado, FátimaEste documento tiene como propósito describir de forma somera y sucinta el estado de la innovación del Perú a partir de indicadores sintéticos que ofrece el Índice Global de Innovación de la Universidad de Cornell, INSEAD, WIPO y el Índice Global de Competitividad del Foro Económico Mundial. Estos indicadores nos muestran que el Perú se encuentra rezagado en el ranking mundial de innovación, siendo la falta de colaboración para la innovación la principal barrera: la desconfianza y/o aversión al riesgo están presentes en la mayoría de las empresas e instituciones peruanas, de tal forma que nuestro ecosistema de innovación se encuentra desarticulado. Por otro lado, analizamos la Encuesta Nacional de Innovación de 2012 y 2015 y concluimos que la actividad de innovación en la que invierten más las empresas de manufacturas es la adquisición de bienes de capital. Sin embargo, las actividades de I+D interna y la capacitación del personal son aquellas en las que menos invierten. De esta forma, la dependencia tecnológica es la estrategia más empleada por los empresarios peruanos, quedando en un segundo plano la creación o acumulación de conocimiento interno.Ítem Texto completo enlazado MGPDI: modelo de gestión de la I+D+i en las organizaciones(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-29) Weber, Kival; Antonioni, José Antonio; Melchionna, Rosane; Villalobos, María Teresa; Duarte, Ana Marcia; Herbert, Juliana; Machado, Cristina; Machado, Renato; Pereira, Radamés; Schwening, CristianoA strategy to promote innovation in organizations consists of the adoption of Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+I) management systems. This paper aims at describing the current situation of the new R+D+I Management Model (MGPDI) that is applicable to any organization, independently of the size, type and activity. The novelty is in the definition of the: 1) Process Reference Model MR-MGPDI based on innovation best practices and on requirements of the Brazilian ABNT NBR 16501 and the Spanish AENOR UNE 166001-166002 standards; 2) Process Assessment Model MA-MGPDI based on the family of standards ISO/IEC 33000 for process assessment. Until December 2016 there are three goals: 1) to develop, test and publish two MGPDI guides (General Guide and Assessment Guide); 2) train the first implementation consultants, assessors and instructors; 3) perform three pilot of MGPDI implementation and assessment in organizations in southern Brazil, including tests with two online software support tools (SGPDI and MGPDI AA). MGPDI is a process model with great potential of replication in Latin America and Caribbean countries.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Contraste de un modelo de gestión del conocimiento en una universidad pública del centro de México(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-09-25) García Lirios, Cruz; Carreón Guillén, Javier; Rincón Ornelas, Rosa María; Bolivar Mojica, Eyder; Sanchez Sánchez, Arturo; Bermudez Ruiz, GilbertoOften, knowledge-generating organizations have been studied from the influence of their culture, structure and flexible and innovative processes, or from the influence of their leadership and the continuous training of their talents. In the present work, a higher education institution was well researched from the topics established in the specialized literature from 2010 to 2018, the discourses of key informants and the reliability as well as the validity of an instrument that measured its underlying factors. For this purpose, three investigations were carried out: One documentary, another qualitative and another correlational in order to specify a model for the study of the phenomenon in question. The results show a prevalence of knowledge generation as a second order construct and a representation of its dimensions around the categories of «alliances», «networks» and «climates», as well as a factorial structure around the motivation, innovation and communication of opportunities based on resources and capabilities. Lines concerning empathy, commitment and satisfaction are seen as factors that would increase the percentage of the total variance explained, which was 54%.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La política de innovación en Colombia(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-08-29) Montenegro, IvánThe purpose of the article is to support the main role of an effective public policy of innovation, science and technology, oriented to contribute to productive development and social inclusion. To this objective, a strong conceptual framework is adopted that emerges from the threefold failure: market, system and State. It supports policy´s key components such as: governance and focus on science, innovation, and productive development. There is awareness that in the world there exists a set of methods, models and techniques that facilitate the achievement of seemingly contradictory objectives. Among the challenges presented, note is made of the support of science, innovation, and productive development to post-conflict Colombian nation and territory and to the economy´s informal sector.Ítem Texto completo enlazado ¿Cómo innovan las fintech peruanas? Una aproximación a partir de un estudio de casos múltiple(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2019-09-25) Palomino Barchi, Gianella Judith; Velásquez, Vanessa; Marcos Quispe, Katharine Cledia; Seclen Luna, Jean PierreFintech is a type of startup with a disruptive business model that provides digital financial services. One of its main competitive advantages is that they continually innovate, which is why the management of the resulting innovation relevant to them. In Peru, although the fintech ecosystem is growing, there are no empirical studies dealing with innovation in fintech. This article contributes to the knowledge of fintech and analyzes the management of its innovation processes by identifying key enablers and practices of the process. For this, a multiple case study of six fintech winners of the Startup Peru contest was carried out. The findings we have, due to the iterative and agile nature of fintech startups, some do not have a process of systematized innovation; however, there are key enablers and practices for managing the innovation process that allowthem to successfully launch new services to the market.