(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Candia-Cáceres, Alexis
In this study, we present an analysis of the representation of eroticism and sexual violence in Andrea Marurana’s narrative: (Des)encuentros (des) esperados (1992), El daño (1997) and No decir (2006). By employing a series of resources drawn from literary theory, gender studies, philosophy and psychology, it is proposed that her writing can be interpreted using the notion of “metastasis of desire”, a concept that accounts for both the transformation and dissemination that desire undergoes in her novels and stories, as well the harmful effects of unethical and illegitimate enjoyment.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Pérez Hernández, Diego Octavio
The purpose of this article is to interpret the use of infernal imagery in Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Páramo. The defended hypothesis argues that the symbolic realm of Comala is a hellish purgatory, one without hope. Thus, the novel implies a contravention of the hopeful connotations associated with the so-called Mexican Miracle, not only because infernal despair is the antithesis of the optimism linked to the capitalist development that Mexico pursued, but also because this hopelessness is the result of the abandonment by a series of administrations that favored industrial interests at the expense of the educational needs of large segments of the population.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Bonilla, Johnatan E.
The objective of this work is to offer a proposal for the dialectal classifica-tion of Colombian Spanish based on the dialectometric analysis of lexical data from the Atlas Lingüístico-Etnográfico de Colombia (ALEC). The study involvedtwo hundred lexical maps from the ALEC which were randomly selected and processed in the Gabmap dialectometric analysis software. The similarity measure used was the Relative Index of Identity (Goebl 1984) and the visualization was carried out using the fuzzy clustering method. Based on the analysis of the results, the division of Colombian Spanish into three superdialects is proposed: central-eastern Andean, central-western Andean and Coastal. The Andean superdialects are divided from north to south (taking into account the dialect continuum) into high, middle and low dialects, while the Coastal superdialect distinguishes Caribbean and Pacific varieties. Finally, twenty-two subdialects corresponding to specific regions of the country are presented, along with their respective municipalities.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Lidgett, Esteban
This paper addresses the linguistics column that Juan B. Selva published in the pedagogical journal La Obra between 1923 and 1927, with the aim of examining both the criteria of authority regarding linguistic knowledge, as well as the ideological assessments and attitudes expressed by the author in relation to the linguistic phenomena he describes. The analysis of the column (which was published in a context in which Argentina was witnessing the institutionalization of linguistics and the expansion of debates on language in the press) allows us to corroborate the centrality of normative issues, a characteristic feature of the genre. However, it also reveals the emergence of a discourse that rejects prescriptive positions and, instead, seeks scientific explanations for the linguistic phenomena it records.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Arancet Ruda, María Amelia
According to critics, Viel Temperley is an Argentine mystical poet, but here we address a different facet, operative in relation to subjective representation and the encoding of a worldview: the iteration of military figurations, especially those of the soldier and its variants, in texts, paratexts and epitexts the latter, crucial in this work to validate the explored inclination, also supported by extraliterary documents. There is a multivocal repertoire of soldiery themes, deeply rooted in Argentine history and, furthermore, associated with the masculine imaginary of a particular era. This repertoire constructs the masculine self, but according to a subverted and destabilizing version, which ranges from love to heroism, even to the freedom of poetry. Due to this anti-system dissent, the figure of Juan Lavalle, dear to our author, is a kind of double in several compositions, and it sheds light on some of the meanings that soldiery acquires in Viel’s work.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Medina López, Javier
This article presents the development of research on the history of the Spanish language in the Canary Islands from a dialectal and historiographical perspective. We have considered both the contributions that conceive the current state of Canarian speech as an uninterrupted historical process, as well as those that rely on a methodology based on the transcription of historical documents. The latter are mainly part of the “Project for the Historical Study of Spanish in America”, carried out by the Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina (ALFAL) since 1993. In both cases, the bibliographical relationship will serve as the status quaestionis in this field of Canarian research. Today we have an extensive bibliographic panorama that shows how Canarian Spanish has evolved historically in the context of the Castilian expansion towards the Atlantic since the beginning of the 15th century.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Mendoza, Érika; Orozco, Leonor; Butragueño, Pedro Martín
The aim of this paper is to present the social and stylistic variation in the speech prosody of the Spanish of Mérida, Yucatán. Assertive utter-ances from sociolinguistic interviews and discourse completion tasks are analyzed considering the social variables of age, gender and educational level. The prosodic analysis is carried out within the Autosegmental Metrical model (Pierrehumbert 1980, Ladd 2008) and with the Sp_ToBI labeling conventions (Hualde Prieto 2015). The results show that this variety of Spanish is characterized by a prominent descent starting from the first tonal peak, the early-peak alignment in some prenuclear posi-tions, and the presence of some non-falling boundary tones. The social and stylistic variation suggests that the last two are features that indicate vernacularity.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Lee Penagos, Juan Camilo
In this article, we will present two forms of “heresy” in the work of Manuel Zapata Olivella as a novelist and cultural critic during the 1960s. First, we will observe how, in his novel En Chimá nace un santo, the heretical actions of the inhabitants of Chimá pose a direct affront to the legitimacy of the ecclesiastical authority, which derives, at the same time, in the exercise of repressive violence by the state authorities and, in a certain way, in the political awareness of the Chimaleros. Secondly, we will explore how the exercise of cultural and literary criticism that Zapata Olivella carried out in the magazine Letras Nacionales and other publications during the 1960s can also be considered “heretical” in the context of the struggles for cultural legitimacy within the emerging Colombian literary field. This parallelism or “homology” will be constructed from the point of view of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology of culture and his field theory.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Amador, María Vázquez
This paper intends to analyze the anglicisms found in the fashion magazine La Moda Elegante (1860-1927). To do so, these words were extracted, and categorized according to their thematic areas, formal typology, frequency of use and first appearance. Previous editions of the dictionaries of the Royal Spanish Academy and the current edition of the Diccionario de la Lengua were consulted. Eighty-eight anglicisms related to fashion, social chronicles, sports and other topics were identified. They were mostly non-adapted and infrequent voices. A high percentage of these anglicisms were included in the dictionaries, and most of them are still valid in the current edition. These data show that they were novel concepts related to new realities which have been incorporated into our language.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Krohn, Haakon S.
This paper is an analysis of the segmental phonological system of Maleku (Guatuso) on the basis of previously published phonological and phonetic descriptions. It has a particular focus on the distinctive features that contrast the phonemes, since no other publication has addressed this topic in detail before. In the patrimonial consonantal system, a total equivalence is established between the values of the features [sonorant] and [voice] if the phoneme classified as a voiced palatal fricative is considered a “sonorant fricative”. On the other hand, in the innovative system, which incorporates four phonemes borrowed from Spanish, the contrastivity of the feature [voice] is activated due to the introduction of voiced stop phonemes that contrast with the unvoiced stops.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Cavagnaro Farfán, Franco
The enunciated principle of two complementary elements from two different civilizations (harmonia oppositorum / yanantin) converges in Eielson’s poetic and plastic work to create. In his work, the city of Rome serves as a platform center that enables him to rediscover cosmological ways of seeing that connect different levels. For this article, we use Habitación en Roma, his articles from the 1950s, as well as statements made in the 1970s, 1980s, and in the 21st century. From the vestige, the creation of objects is replicated in his poetic and visual work and in his procedures with matter. Through this, it is possible to transform and be transformed after reaching moments of ultra-consciousness.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Stetie, Noelia Ayelén; Zunino, Gabriela Mariel
There are few studies in Spanish that analyze the complex relationships between gender stereotypes and gender morphology, even fewer that include non-binary forms. We evaluated the effects of two independent variables (stereotype bias and gender morphology) on the comprehension of sentences that include role nouns with masculine and feminine stereotypicality. We analyzed two dependent variables: noun phrase reading time (determiner + role noun) and total reading time. We found an early incidence of stereotypes during comprehension and different effects at the noun phrase level compared to the sentence level. Furthermore, the non-binary form [-e] seemed to function as a generic term for speakers of Argentine Spanish.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Esteban, Ángel
Specialized critics have so far insisted on the impact of Kafka as a narrator on Ribeyro’s stories, consistently in the same direction: it would be a direct influence on the stories written in the late forties and early fifties, texts from his youth with some fantastic or absurd element, and during a formative period in which the man from Lima had not yet developed his own voice. However, the most intense and profound presence of Kafka in Ribeyro is found in his diaries, and not so much in the themes or style, but in the common characteristics of “spiritual kinship” embedded in the realm of sensitivity and in how they both construct themselves as artists.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Hibbett, Alexandra
This article interprets Trilce (1922) by César Vallejo as a reaction to the emergence of the modern woman. By linking the analysis of the poems to a historical reconstruction of the changes that were underway in the social positioning of Peruvian women at the beginning of the 20th century, it explores the female figures of the mother, the sexual woman, the woman who has aborted and the voiceless woman, and shows how Trilce relates them to different aspects of time and modernity. Furthermore, it shows how, when facing these figures, the speaker makes himself visible, with bad conscience, as a subject who is not universal, but male. It is also in the face of these female figures that the poems signal that the encounter with the modern woman is what forces their own poetic style towards its most avant-garde innovations.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-18) Carbajosa Pérez, Mónica
Several studies on anthropogonic myths and on the origins of patriarchy agree in pointing out that the myth of Adam and Eve is one of the most influential in shaping the identity and destiny of women in Western civilization. This paper analyzes a corpus of literary works from the 20th and 21st century written by Spanish and Latin American women writers that offer a female vision of the myth. By transferring the voice to Eve, they rewrite the plot and redefine the characters. The article focuses on the analysis of two of the modifications that these works, manifestly hypertextual, introduce with respect to the hypotext: Eve’s perspective and voice, and the transformation of the story of the creation of the primordial couple.