Documentos depositados recientemente

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The Inflation Uncertainty-Inflation Relationship: Time Variation Across Latin America and the G7
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento Académico de Economía, 2025-03) Alvarado, Mauricio; Rodriguez, Gabriel
This paper examines the evolution of the inflation uncertainty-inflation relationship in seven Latin American countries and the G7 from Q1 1948 to Q4 2023, using the time-varying parameter stochastic volatility in mean (TVP-SVM) model of Chan (2017) and its extension incorporating time-varying mixture innovations (TVP-SVM-TVMI) from Hou (2020). The key findings are as follows: (i) the TVP-SVM model is preferred in 8 out of 14 countries; (ii) inflation uncertainty has been higher in Latin America than in the G7, particularly during the 1980s "lost decade"; (iii) log-inflation uncertainty is more persistent in Latin America; (iv) there is no evidence supporting the hypothesis of Friedman (1977) in any of the countries analyzed; (v) the Cukierman-Meltzer hypothesis (1986) holds, as the uncertainty-inflation relationship is positive and time-varying in all countries; (vi) this relationship is stronger and statistically significantduring periods of high inflation uncertainty; and (vii) there is evidence of more structural breaks in this relationship in Latin America than in the G7.
Análisis de transferencia de tecnología entre empresas asociadas
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2025-03-19) Porto Machado, Sabrina; Figueira Marquezan, Luiz Henrique; Sausen Soares, Cristiano; Cunha Callado, Antônio André
Constantly questioning the role of institutionalization of interorganizational cost management in technology transfer of associate companies was the paper problem aiming at appraising the role of the institutionalization of interorganizational cost management in technology transfer of associate companies. Prior research studied financial and innovation performance focusing on how to manage stability and acquisition value project in firms. Such researches highlight the need for companies to improve technology transfer processes, which includes improving the cost management approach during technology change among firms. This is a qualitative, descriptive case study method with professionals in direction, management and coordination positions in a cooperative society, Central Sul/Sudeste and CAS as study subjects. The findings evidence a positive influence between technology implementation and exchange, highlighting the automation started by the process team in order to meet the associate needs and to improve operational efficiency. The research emphasizes the lack of a documentation standard, which makes process assessment difficult. It was observed that process institutionalization and effective collaboration are key to the successful transfer of technology. The lack of standardized documentation and the divergence of time and cost measurement evidence the need to improve interorganizational management.
Liderazgo ambidiestro y colaboración en red: estudio de caso de construcción de futuros organizacionales en el sector público uruguayo
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2025-03-17) Azevedo, Verónica; Malcón, Julián Eduardo
A case of social construction of the future in a Uruguayan public sector organization is analyzed.The original problem was the need for investments to expand energy infrastructure, with an impact on the satisfaction of demand for social and industrial purposes at a national level. To establish the baseline and measure progress, an organizational ambidexterity model was used.Prospective methodologies were applied to formulate the desired scenario and two hypotheses were proposed for its construction: 1) a particular leadership is required, 2) specific tools are needed to articulate collaboration between actors. Ambidextrous leadership and network collaboration models were developed and validated, which allowed for the improvement of key dimensions.The work contributed to understanding how foresight can be used in a company to sustainably improve its results and the role of leadership in the construction of the desired scenario.
Industria de los cosméticos: tendencias de mercado de los biocosméticos
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2025-03-19) Aponte, Gloria María; Soledad-Rodríguez, Beatriz Elena; Delgado, Johana Emperatriz
Biocosmetics, products which utilize natural or biologically derived components, are gaining prominence due to their safety, sustainability, and effectiveness. Among their advantages are a lower risk of irritation and allergies, biodegradability, and applications in skincare, makeup, hair care, and perfumes. This study examines global market trends in the production and use of biocosmetics over the past decade, employing content analysis and a literature review of key market reports. The market is projected to reach $8.75 billion by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) estimated between 4.49% and 6.90% for the period 2019–2032. The findings highlight a transformation in the cosmetic industry, with biocosmetics emerging as a rapidly growing sector driven by increasing demand for safe, sustainable, and effective products
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The Role of Technology Extension and Transfer in Firms’ Innovation and Productivity in Peru
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía., 2025) Ortiz, Miguel; Palomino, Juan
This study examines how technology extension and transfer services (TETS) drive firm-level innovation and productivity. Since research and development (R&D) investments are subject to market failure, engaging with external agents enables firms to innovate at lower risk and cost. Using data from Peru’s National Innovation Survey (ENI), we apply the Crépon, Duguet, and Mairesse (CDM) model alongside propensity score matching (PSM) to enhance the reliability of our results. Additionally, we employ the generalized propensity score (GPS) method to analyze the sensitivity of innovation and sales outcomes to varying investment levels. The findings confirm that investment in training and external R&D significantly enhances innovation, thereby boosting labor productivity. However, this relationship is nonlinear, suggesting the presence of investment thresholds required to maximize impact.