Agenda Internacional

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ISSN: 1027-6750
e-ISSN: 2311-5718

Agenda Internacional es la revista académica del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (IDEI) de la PUCP que, desde su origen en 1994, tiene como objetivo brindar un aporte multidisciplinario sobre los principales aspectos de la realidad internacional. En tal sentido, son bienvenidas contribuciones desde el mundo del derecho, la ciencia política, las relaciones internacionales, la economía, la historia y otras ramas del conocimiento siempre que brinden un aporte desde una perspectiva internacional. Desde 2005 la revista se publica con una periodicidad anual.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 7 de 7
  • Ítem
    Argentina y su relación con la Federación Rusa (2007-2023). La búsqueda de la autonomía internacional en el marco de un vínculo dinámico
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-06-28) Ilivitzky, Matias Esteban
    Objective/context: This paper aims to explore the links that some recent Argentine presidencies (Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernández) maintained with the Russian Federation.Methodology: It will initially dwell into the longstanding tradition of pacifism which characterizes Argentine foreign policy, and then proceed to register the strategy of its most recent federal administrations regarding their international outlooks and its ties with Russia. Its strategy regarding the war in Ukraine will be inscribed within that broader diplomatic framework and tradition. It will then introduce the concept ‘geopolitical vaccinationalism’ into this scenario, making connections between purely public health issues, originated after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and foreign policy postures and decisions that are not necessarily related to them. In this section, the strategies of some recent Argentine administrations regarding the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines to be administered to its population will also be covered. Finally, in the last section of the paper, the issue of the increased rate of pregnant Russian women coming to Argentina to give birth will also be tackled.Conclusions/originality: This situation, prompted by the Russian-Ukraine Conflict, increased the strains between Presidents Alberto Fernández and Vladimir Putin, while also presenting risks in regard to the international standing of Argentina and the seriousness with which its passport is being regarded by foreign governments.
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    La influencia francesa jaqueada en África
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-15) Belaunde Matossian, Francisco
    The relative loss of French influence in Africa should not be surprising in a context of competition among various powers to mark their presence on the continent. However, this phenomenon, which could be considered inevitable, is currently aggravated by the spread of a feeling of rejection of France in several of its former colonies, such as the Central African Republic, Mali and Burkina Faso. This is due to reasons attributable to France itself, as well as to the action of Russia, which, in the last few years, has shown itself to be quite enterprising in that area. Among the first, we can mention the memory of the abuses of the colonial era, as well as the period of the so-called Françafrique and certain current clumsiness; the latter basically concern the Russian propaganda and narrative widely disseminated on the continent. The French government seeks to react with some actions that can be considered wise, but it is clear that its effort will take some time to bear fruit.
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    La política exterior rusa pos Guerra Fría. ¿Caso paradigmático de revisionismo?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-11-16) Adins, Sebastien
    Almost unanimously, official speeches and documents and, at the same time, a large number of academic texts in the West brand Russia as a “revisionist” power. Especially since the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol by Moscow and the start of the Donbas conflict in 2014, the Eurasian state has been considered as a “spoiler” of international politics, supposedly in search of the weakening of the values, rules and institutions of the so-called “Liberal International Order”. This article aims to problematize this statement by arguing that the category of revisionism does not constitute a one-dimensional international state behaviour, or an objective one. On the other hand, following Murray (2019), revisionism, in addition to its domestic roots, is built through social interactions with other countries, as part of a state’s struggle for recognition. After a review of the literature on this concept and the position of Murray's theory, this article analyses the motives and strategies of Russia in the post-Cold War international order, as well as the capabilities that support its foreign policy. In this light, it will assess the “degree” of revisionism in Russia’s international relations of recent years.
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    La ampliación de la OTAN y la cuestión rusa
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1995) Pérez Caldentey, Ignacio
    Este artículo se centrará esencialmente en la ampliación de la OTAN en el marco de las relaciones con Rusia. Creemos, en efecto, que este último aspecto constituye una cuestión clave, de gran carga política, y la que, en definitiva, condicionará positiva o negativamente el propio proceso de expansión. No nos detendremos aquí en las consecuencias de la ampliación desde un punto de vista interno de la organización por tratarse de un proceso complejo con una lógica propia, y que la propia OTAN tendrá que dilucidar.
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    De la Santa Alianza a Putin: dos siglos de tentativas hegemónicas de Rusia
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015) Alcalde Cardoza, Javier
    Russia’s current international behavior can be better understood by examining its main historical tendencies. Russia becomes military dominant power in Europe in 1812 and with the Holy Alliance attempts briefly to attain a hegemonic leadership, including preeminence in the field of ideas. After the Crimean War and the Great Game, played against Britain, Russia attempts again to attain hegemony with the Bolshevik Revolution and later in the Cold War. As a resurgent power, under Putin, she strives to attain a regional hegemony in the realm of Eurasia.
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    Conformación del sistema político ruso : un proceso no concluido
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1994) Hernández Mármol, Sofía
    A dos años de la disolución de la Unión Soviética, el sistema político ruso continúa su proceso de conformación. La desaparición de la URSS puso en crisis la identidad del Estado ruso independiente de una manera particular y diferenciada del resto de las repúblicas ex-soviéticas. Esta circunstancia ha marcado sustancialmente todo el ordenamiento del nuevo Estado en su etapa post-soviética.
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    Las crisis de la Unión Europea: ¿una aplicación de la Ley de Murphy?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-11-22) Adins Vanbiervliet, Sebastien
    The present article suggests that the various crises that have been affecting the European Union since 2008 have essentially structural causes. Two of them are the subject of this analysis. On the one hand, European regionalism is experiencing a crisis of legitimacy due to its technocratic character, the predominance of the neoliberal paradigm in its policies and the lack of a properly European identity among the population. On the other hand, the EU faces a crisis of a geopolitical kind that includes three main components: the growing vulnerability towards the MENA; the reappearance of a «Cold War logic» in its relations with Moscow and, in general, the same characteristics of the current international order.