Derecho PUCP. Núm. 73 (2014)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Siles Vallejos, Abraham; 9-11
  • Los setenta años de la revista Derecho PUCP (1944-2014) Rodríguez Gamero, Marco Alonso; 13-24

  • Sección Principal
  • La Corte Internacional de Justicia en el diferendo entre Perú y Chile Méndez Chang, Elvira; 27-46
  • Análisis de los principales elementos de la sentencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia en el caso de la controversia marítima (Perú c. Chile) a la luz de las posiciones de las partes Moscoso de la Cuba, Pablo; 47-93
  • La posición oficial del Perú en torno a las zonas marítimas de la Convemar a partir del diferendo marítimo con Chile Namihas, Sandra; 95-108
  • Consideraciones climáticas sobre los convenios internacionales de relevancia ambiental Foy Valencia, Pierre; 109-130
  • El equilibrio interamericano entre pluralidad de información y concentración de medios Lovatón Palacios, David; 131-153
  • Los avances más recientes en la protección de los derechos humanos del grupo LGBTI en el ámbito interamericano Negro Alvarado, Dante Mauricio; 155-183
  • Rusia y la anexión de Crimea o la crisis de la post Guerra Fría Salmón, Elizabeth; Rosales, Pablo; 185-204
  • La situación en Siria de cara al derecho internacional. Una historia de desafíos políticos, jurídicos, y humanos Reyes Milk, Michelle; 205-237
  • La legalidad de la intervención en Malí Saldarriaga Velásquez, Giuliana Stephanie; 239-248

  • Documentos
  • Traducción del Fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia en el caso del “Diferendo Marítimo” (Perú c. Chile). Decisión sobre el fondo Abello-Galvis, Ricardo; Arévalo Ramírez, Walter; Sarmiento Lamus, Andrés; Vega Barbosa, Giovanni Andrés; Córdoba Pineda, Nicolás; 249-356
  • La «Guía de Principios sobre Responsabilidad Social de las Empresas» elaborada por el Comité Jurídico Interamericano de la OEA Novak Talavera, Fabián; 359-394

  • Interdisciplinaria
  • ¿Cómo funciona el derecho de aguas a 3300 m.s.n.m.? Guevara Gil, Armando; 397-410
  • La dictadura en la República romana clásica como referente paradigmático del régimen de excepción constitucional Siles Vallejos, Abraham; 411-424
  • El proceso en la literatura. Análisis de los aspectos jurídicos de tres obras emblemáticas: Los papeles póstumos del Club Pickwick, de Dickens; Billy Budd, de Melville; y La hoguera de las vanidades, de Tom Wolfe Zolezzi Ibárcena, Lorenzo; 425-453

  • Miscelánea
  • Consideraciones generales sobre los límites del control judicial del debido proceso en los procedimientos desarrollados ante las comisiones investigadoras del Congreso de la República Landa Arroyo, César; 457-482
  • La regulación de los precedentes administrativos en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano Cairampoma Arroyo, Alberto; 483-504
  • La inconveniencia del estándar de persona razonable en derecho penal Pérez-León Acevedo, Juan Pablo; 505-509

  • Artículos Traducidos
  • La moral ilumina al derecho común: teología y contrato (siglos XVI y XVII) Decock, Wim; 513-533
  • La filosofía analítica de Uberto Scarpelli. Del análisis del lenguaje valorativo a los principios de la bioética Zorzetto, Silvia; 535-582

  • Concurso de trabajos del Curso de Metodología de la Investigación Jurídica
  • La falta de criterios dentro del ordenamiento jurídico peruano respecto del concepto de «originalidad» aplicado a la protección de los derechos de autor sobre imágenes fotográficas Chávez Gutierrez, Wendy Elizabeth; 587-623
  • Criminal compliance en el derecho penal peruano Clavijo Jave, Camilo; 625-647
  • La inconstitucionalidad del artículo 6 de la Ley de Presupuesto del Sector Público para el año 2014 y de la Quincuagésima Octava Disposición Complementaria y Final de la Ley de Presupuesto para el año 2013 Prado Huayanay, Rubí; 649-677
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 24
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      Los avances más recientes en la protección de los derechos humanos del grupo LGBTI en el ámbito interamericano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-11-20) Negro Alvarado, Dante Mauricio
      The text describes the main progress in depicting the LGBTI topic in the Inter-American area. It begins with the analysis of some conceptual issues that are crossed to the topic and discuss the importance of including political commitments and statements in the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of OAS (Organization of American States) related to the LGTBI community protection. Even though, a few cases have gone to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, some landmark cases have deserved the Inter-American Court of Human Rights opinion. This produces an interesting case law on the matter. Finally, the text covers the latest Inter-American Convention on human rights adopted by the General Assembly of OAS in 2013, which includes the LGBTI community. That Conventionconstitutes the first regional treaty in force on the matter.
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      La inconstitucionalidad del artículo 6 de la Ley de Presupuesto del Sector Público para el año 2014 y de la Quincuagésima Octava Disposición Complementaria y Final de la Ley de Presupuesto para el año 2013
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-11-21) Prado Huayanay, Rubí
      Collective bargaining is the main tool for harmonizing conflicts of interests in a working relationship. Restrictions to this right have become important in the Public Sector due to their intensive process when establishing. Prohibition of wage increases through collective bargaining has led the government work in the last 9 years. The Budget Laws for 2013 and 2014 have adopted provisions that endure this restriction. The following paper pretends to analyze these restrictions validity from the parameters given by the Constitution and the International Agreements on the matter.
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      Consideraciones climáticas sobre los convenios internacionales de relevancia ambiental
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-11-20) Foy Valencia, Pierre
      In the first part we introduce what we consider the main features of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (CMCC) and its context, in terms of prejuridical issues about climate diplomacy and general considerations about this convention. In the second part, we discuss some references in order to show the synergies between the international agreements and the CMCC and some other more specific legal instruments.
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      Criminal compliance en el derecho penal peruano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-11-21) Clavijo Jave, Camilo
      First, this work proposes a study of the origin, elements and application of the Compliance Program or, also named, Regulatory Compliance Program. The aforementioned program is understood as an internal device that corporations use not only to comply with the current legislation but also to prevent and detect legal violations they could be found in or as part of the activities they carry out.Second, it tries to explain and develop the connection between, on one hand, the new risks in the financial and technological development and, on the other hand, Criminal Law as a protective body of important legal assets for society. The aim is to analyze Criminal Compliance to get the corporationto manage its activities under current legislation, especially Criminal Law.In this regard, it enlarges the sectoral developments based on the Peruvian Government’s implementation of the the Compliance Program in the legal framework.Finally, it analyzes the impact of Criminal Compliance in the criminal legal framework. For that end, it refers to the criminal liability system in Peru and in what way it impacts on the application of Criminal Compliance.
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      ¿Cómo funciona el derecho de aguas a 3300 m.s.n.m.?
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-11-20) Guevara Gil, Armando
      The authorities in charge of managing our Andean basins work in unimaginable water-powered landscapes from the Peruvian legislator point of view. They should generate and apply peculiar mechanisms. Why? Because the national legislator is traditionally positioned on the coast, a region very different to the Andean highlands and punas. The use of ethnographic evidence coming from a drainage basin in the Central Andes (Mantaro River, Junin) lets me depict in detail how public officers appeal to mechanisms of location, adaptation and regulation in order to adjust the official regulations, to cover the needs of the farming organizations of watering, and to affirm their positions as representatives of the Peruvian government. The consequence is that they exceed and also violate the regulatory channels that control their administrative functions. In this way, they incorporate a new function to their official position, that is, to develop peculiar administrative patterns to process the tightness between the inflexibility of the State Water Right and the demands of recognition and balance that the andean watering organizations propose to the Government.
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      El equilibrio interamericano entre pluralidad de información y concentración de medios
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-11-20) Lovatón Palacios, David
      Freedom of speech as a basic right is the starting point of the article. The Inter-American legal framework contributes pondering on the importance plurality and the vast array of information have in the validity of this right and democracy in general. This consideration is done from the standards given by the Commission reports and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights case law. The article ponders on how and how much the exercise of freedom of speech right is affected by the excessive concentrationof personal property and control over the media.
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      La inconveniencia del estándar de persona razonable en derecho penal
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-11-21) Pérez-León Acevedo, Juan Pablo
      Following American legal sources, I argue that the use of the reasonable person standard in criminal law is inaccurate and unfair, and, therefore, inconvenient to evaluate human behaviour based on three arguments which address flaws of the standard under analysis. Firstly, this standard is by definition abstract, theoretical and general, not reflecting appropriately the person’s sensory and ideational perception of the situation. Secondly, the trend in American legislation and case-law is to apply, in criminal cases, e.g., self-defence, a hybrid criterion, which consists in the consideration of a person’s belief and the correspondence of such a belief to what a reasonable person would believe under the circumstances, as opposed to a purely objective standard. The principle of individual criminal culpability underlies this. Thirdly, the reasonable person standard imposes a sort of majority’s dictatorship by perpetuating a predominant culture disregarding the viewpoints from minority groups.
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      La dictadura en la República romana clásica como referente paradigmático del régimen de excepción constitucional
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-11-21) Siles Vallejos, Abraham
      The starting point of the article is the idea that the original model of state of emergency government established to save the Constitution can be found in the Classical Roman Republic. It makes the characteristics of this institution to be analyzed. Institution that has founded an intellectual ‘tradition’ in the political and legal Western thought. The study also comments the characteristics that distinguish the “Roman dictatorship” as a concept that lightens the theoretical options of people who worry about the constitutional emergencies and the powers to set against.
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      La falta de criterios dentro del ordenamiento jurídico peruano respecto del concepto de «originalidad» aplicado a la protección de los derechos de autor sobre imágenes fotográficas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-11-21) Chávez Gutierrez, Wendy Elizabeth
      In our legal system, Copyright Law confers protection to authentic photographies and due to this feature, they are considered photographic works. Nevertheless, authorities have not given enough information of what a photography requires to be considered authentic. On account of this, the shortcomings of our related rules are evaluated to determine which foreign legislation gives a better referent, and to analyze the different views given to the authenticity concept by doctrine and case law. All of this with the purpose of determining specific criteria to qualify a photography as authentic and protected by Copyright Law, and proposing changes in our current legislationon the matter.
    • ÍtemDesconocido
      Editorial. Derecho PUCP; Núm. 73 (2014) Derecho Internacional: Crisis, Temas en Debate y Solución de Controversias
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2014-11-20) Siles Vallejos, Abraham
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