Boletín de Arqueología PUCP. Núm. 30 (2021)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • La antropología biológica en Sudamérica Vega, María del Carmen; Okumura, Mercedes; Urízar, Marcela; Figueiro, Gonzalo; Gómez, Juliana; Mora, Franco; Cadena, Bibiana; Suby, Jorge; 5-12

  • Bioarqueología histórica
  • Análisis de los restos óseos recuperados en el rescate arqueológico del cementerio Central (Montevideo, Uruguay) Rojo, Belén; Melgar, Macarena; Curbelo, Lucía; Figueiro, Gonzalo; 13-31
  • Exploración paleopatológica en los restos óseos de inmigrantes chinos inhumados en Huaca Bellavista a fines del siglo XIX Irureta Salvatierra, Gonzalo V.R; Gómez Torres, Roxana; 33-51

  • Paleopatología
  • Análisis biomecánico del lanzamiento con estólica Coros Villca, Carlos; 53-76

  • Temática libre
  • Diferencias sexuales en la violencia desde la perspectiva de la psicología evolutiva: análisis de datos bioarqueológicos de sociedades andinas precoloniales Pinto dos Santos, Felipe; Vicensotto Bernardo, Danilo; 77-92
  • Dándole sentido a lo descontextualizado. Análisis de conglomerados óseos procedentes de Huaca Middendorf, Lima-Perú Rojas Pelayo, Lisseth F; Fuentes Villalobos, Sarita; 93-110
  • Traceología: identificación de las huellas de producción y modo de vida de los individuos de Ancón (800-1100 d. C.) Melgar Tísoc, Emiliano Ricardo; Watson Jiménez, Lucía; 111-134
  • Restos humanos modificados Shuar y Munduruku: práctica bioarqueológica y crítica poscolonial en Sudamérica Okumura, Mercedes; Huffer, Damien; Eggers, Sabine; 145-155

  • Notas
  • Una mirada a la vida y muerte de tres inmigrantes chinos de mediados y finales del siglo XIX: análisis osteobiográfico y del ritual funerario Phan, Julio; Vega, María del Carmen; Landa Cragg, Patricia; Pezo Lanfranco, Luis Nicanor; Camargo, Cecilia; 135-143
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 9 de 9
    • Ítem
      Traceología: identificación de las huellas de producción y modo de vida de los individuos de Ancón (800-1100 d. C.)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-06-16) Melgar Tísoc, Emiliano Ricardo; Watson Jiménez, Lucía
      This text shows the impact of the Wari Empire on the way of life of the local population at the coastal site of Ancon, through the analysis of non-specific bone stress, as well as the traceology of the manufacturing techniques of malacological and lapidary funerary objects. The research on 11 individuals from the Necropolis of Miramar corresponding to the end of the Middle Horizon (800-1100 AD) is presented and the characterization of 72 malacological and lapidary pieces with scanning electron microscope and experimental archaeology. The result of the bone analysis shows that the greatest vulnerability occurred in children under two years old and young male adults, while the neonates and infants having the greatest amount and variety of stone materials from different regions of the Central Andes and mollusks from tropical waters. Despite the diversity of origins, the craft production of these objects was homogeneous and standardized as a result of a local production, while the elites at Ancon had benefited from the acquisition and distribution of this items.
    • Ítem
      Análisis de los restos óseos recuperados en el rescate arqueológico del cementerio Central (Montevideo, Uruguay)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-06-16) Rojo, Belén; Melgar, Macarena; Curbelo, Lucía; Figueiro, Gonzalo
      In January 2019 there was a partial collapse of the «E» wing of the first body of funerary niches of the Central Cemetery of Montevideo, affecting 64 niches containing burials from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. The archaeological rescue work of the collapsed sector resulted in the recovery of intact or slightly altered funerary structures and in the extraction of displaced or isolated remains that were analyzed separately and are the object of this work. The remains were studied in order to determine the number of individuals, sex and age structure, and the effect of the collapse and the recovery methodology on the representation of bone elements. Three specific studies were carried out on subsets of the sample: taphonomy of adult individuals, age and sex structure of subadults, and osteobiography of two individuals. Although the inferences made should be taken with caution due to the fragmentary nature of the analyzed remains, it is concluded that the remains have an important potential as a source of knowledge of postdepositional factors, demography and living conditions of the high socioeconomic status population of the city of Montevideo in the second half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century.
    • Ítem
      Exploración paleopatológica en los restos óseos de inmigrantes chinos inhumados en Huaca Bellavista a fines del siglo XIX
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-06-16) Irureta Salvatierra, Gonzalo V.R.; Gómez Torres, Roxana
      The arrival and establishment of the Chinese community in Peru during the 19th century was a very relevant event within its historical context, having a considerable impact on sociocultural aspects of the country until the present. An important source of knowledge about this foreign population is the discovery of human remains identified as Chinese immigrants buried in the Huaca Bellavista Archaeological Site, formerly part of the Zavala hacienda, located in the Santa Anita district, in the province of Lima. In this sense, the present research will approach the study of this sample with an epidemiological orientation, emphasizing the recurrence, degree of expression and distribution of various pathological and traumatic alterations in the dental record that reflect the levels of health that these individuals would have experienced inside and outside the Zavala hacienda, in order to have a better understanding of the prevailing conditions of life and death of this population. Providing, as a result, evidence of continuous forced labor and, above all, precarious circumstances of subsistence; corroborating and complementing in this way the preceding documentary information on the lifestyle to which Chinese immigrants were subjected during their labor in the various haciendas of the Peruvian coast.
    • Ítem
      Diferencias sexuales en la violencia desde la perspectiva de la psicología evolutiva: análisis de datos bioarqueológicos de sociedades andinas precoloniales
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-06-16) Pinto dos Santos, Felipe; Vicensotto Bernardo, Danilo
      Motivated by an evolutionary look to understand the origins and circumstances of the practice of physical violence, this study analyzes quantitative data on head injuries in adult individuals, male and female, from pre-colonial Andean populations and discusses its results from the perspective of Evolutionary Psychology, particularly, to explain violent behaviour among males. The results point to a higher prevalence of males in the practice of violence and reveal aspects of the phenomenon that can be studied in the future, such as the differential circumstances of the occurrence of trauma related to gender in past populations.
    • Ítem
      Una mirada a la vida y muerte de tres inmigrantes chinos de mediados y finales del siglo XIX: análisis osteobiográfico y del ritual funerario
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-06-16) Phan, Julio; Vega, María del Carmen; Landa Cragg, Patricia; Pezo Lanfranco, Luis Nicanor; Camargo, Cecilia
      In 2018, three burials of Chinese immigrants from the late 19th and early 20th centuries were discovered in the Carabayllo district of Lima, during the archaeological monitoring of the private company Cálidda. This note presents the reconstruction of these funerary contexts, as well as the osteobiographies of each of these individuals, in order to get a closer look to the life, death and mortuary rituals of these persons.
    • Ítem
      Análisis biomecánico del lanzamiento con estólica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-06-16) Coros Villca, Carlos
      In recent years, evidence-based medicine has generated the need to quantify any movement, objectively. Today, thanks to the development of electronics and computing, new techniques have been developed, such as approaching biomechanical studies. One of them is 3D photogrammetry. In this way, the present work aims to evaluate the technical launch gesture with atlatl, through a biomechanical analysis using the 3D Photogrammetry tool and the bioinformatics application: Ariel Performance Analysis System (APAS 2000 3D), in order to infer in this way Musculoskeletal Stress Markers involved in it. The results show that the sites subjected to the greatest stresses are those related to shoulder acceleration, and therefore this joint is the most compromised, which is consistent with similar findings in certain related sports and the pathology associated with throwing. Therefore, we disagree with the term «Elbow of Atlatl» that is still used by many anthropologists. It is suggested to be more cautious when interpreting the activity patterns related to this technical gesture.
    • Ítem
      Restos humanos modificados Shuar y Munduruku: práctica bioarqueológica y crítica poscolonial en Sudamérica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-06-16) Okumura, Mercedes; Huffer, Damien; Eggers, Sabine
      The purpose of this communication is to present reflections on the practice of collecting Munduruku and Shuar heads from colonial contexts, their subsequent curation in global museum collections, and the importance of understanding the origins of this collecting practice considering both the existence of «forgeries» and the continued search for «authentic» examples by collectors today. Our research aims to contribute to the discussion on the importance of bioanthropological analysis of these Ancestral remains when allied to postcolonial criticism and provenance research regarding how and why they were collected, curated and kept in museums. Given that these heads are a sensitive reminder of the problematic circumstances of their collection, postcolonial criticism is paramount to rethinking their curation, display, and use as part of scientific investigations.
    • Ítem
      La antropología biológica en Sudamérica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-03-16) Vega, María del Carmen; Okumura, Mercedes; Urízar, Marcela; Figueiro, Gonzalo; Gómez, Juliana; Mora, Franco; Cadena, Bibiana; Suby, Jorge
      El artículo ofrece una visión detallada del desarrollo y estado actual de la antropología biológica en Sudamérica, una rama de la antropología que se enfoca en el estudio de la evolución y variabilidad humana a través de poblaciones antiguas y modernas. Entre los enfoques destacados se encuentran la bioarqueología, antropología forense, evolución humana, genética de poblaciones, biodemografía, epidemiología, estudios de crecimiento y desarrollo, primatología y estudios experimentales sobre la influencia ambiental en la expresión fenotípica.
    • Ítem
      Dándole sentido a lo descontextualizado. Análisis de conglomerados óseos procedentes de Huaca Middendorf, Lima-Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-06-16) Rojas Pelayo, Lisseth F.; Fuentes Villalobos, Sarita
      Middendorf Huaca towards the end of the Early Intermediate Period and the beginning of the Middle Horizon (around AD 250-600), was part of the component of the Maranga Complex, a site close to the Lima society. This research focuses on the panorama of the disarticulated remains from this site, excavated by the Maranga Archaeological Project (PRAMA). The study sample comes from the south-central sector of the west platform, a space occupied by the clearing of ancient excavations, where disarticulated human remains from a population of the Lima period were recovered. This research aimed to characterize the population in paleo-demographic terms while providing methodological strategies focusing on the treatment of bone conglomerates as an analysis potential. Therefore, we could record and characterize 2928 skeletal elements in terms of their diagnostic features (minimum number of individuals [NMI], sex, age, pathologies, and injuries). This research focuses on the minor axis of «contextual value», although this is more limited, it provides demographic parameters information. Thus, we identified almost half a hundred individuals, of whom more than half were young, in which we recorded various degenerative and congenital pathologies ascribed to adult individuals, as well as injuries associated with non-lethal events.