(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-15) Fernández-Flecha, María; Junyent Moreno, Andrea; Blume del Río, María
We analyzed the size and composition of the receptive and productive vocabulary of Spanish-speaking Peruvian children in two age groups: 8 to 15 and 16 to 30 months. We look for significant changes in size based on the age and gender of the children. Regarding the composition of the vocabulary, we consider only those items that occupy the first 50 positions as long as they are understood or produced by at least 50% of the children, and we analyze them on the basis of an exhaustive list of grammatical categories and the children´s age. Finally, we explore the existence of correlations between certain grammatical categories whose syntactic relations could suggest a parallel development, and we compare our results with those of similar studies.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-15) Coca Vargas, César
On December 2, 1915, in Azángaro (Puno), there was a peasant uprising on the San José farm. The sources that recorded this event indicate that an Inca-inspired leader who called himself “Rumi Maki Ccori Zoncco” participated in said rebellion. Contemporary writers and journalists and even subsequent researchers have written about this legendary figure, whose real name might have been Teodomiro Gutiérrez Cuevas (1864-¿?). Although in some cases we can observe analyses from a cultural approach (incaistas or indigenistas, for example), I believe that there has been no detailed explanation of the cultural implications from those who dedicated lines to Rumi Maki’s figure. For this reason, my main purpose is to read the San José uprising in that direction. To this end, I will use three rhetoric modalities: the incaista (José Carlos Mariátegui), the indigenista (Dora Mayer, Manuel González Prada, Francisco Chukiwanka) and the gamonalista (Sebastián Urquiaga, Angelino Lizares). From here on, I will analyze the the rethorical type of each writing modality that represented Rumi Maki.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-15) León Mango, Liz Fiorella
In the ideology of the modern poet, childhood represented the lust for knowledge, the playful-experimental impulse and the material conscience of art. These features can be distinguished in the work of Luis Hernandez, who, revaluing childhood, set out the playful impulse and innocence as keys to an original artistic production. Identifying himself with the purity of a child, on a thematic level, the poet questioned the indolence and the organizational and alienating eagerness of all authoritarianism. As for the use of technical-formal instruments, he practiced with them just like a child experiments with his play objects, exploiting his possibilities, carefree and irreverent. That said, our objective is to show how his reinterpretation of childhood influenced his questioning of the processes of writing, distribution and reception of literature.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-15) Chaves González, Julián
This article proposes an interpretation of Michel Houellebecq’s novel The Elementary Particles from a gender perspective, focusing especially on the notion of masculinity in crisis. To this end, we criticize the premises with which the author develops his thesis on sexual liberation and we show and revise the identity implications with which his characters are constructed as men in crisis. Likewise, the article questions the place that violence occupies in Houellebecq’s work and in what sense it is provocative.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-15) Ruiz Mautino, Arturo
The article explores the possibility and conditions of a figural interpretation of the Libro de Alexandre. It proposes, in line with recent takes on the mester de clerecía masterpiece, that treason, as an iterative event and as a moral nucleus of the poem, configures an ideal entry point for apprehending the structure of the text and its poetic self-awareness. We provide a matrix for the scrutiny of the diverse instances of betrayal in the text and we envision a way to assess its validity in contemporary literature written in Spanish.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-15) Rastier, François
Independently of the generative and enunciative theories, the dynamic structuralism of the Saussurian tradition has made it possible to set out the problem of semiosis, which is understood as the individuation of the sign from a structural germ. At a higher level of complexity, the processes that preside over this individuation seem to also govern the composition of texts. Certain literary and pictorial examples make it possible to detect them, and they confirm that reflection on the arts is a major area of general and comparative semiotics.