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ISSN: 0254-9212
e-ISSN: 2224-6428

Anthropologica del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales es una publicación de la Especialidad de Antropología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú que se edita desde 1983.

Anthropologica publica trabajos originales inéditos resultado de las investigaciones empíricas y etnográficas más recientes dentro de la antropología y disciplinas afines en el ámbito nacional e internacional, con énfasis en la región andina y amazónica. Se dirige a estudiosos de antropología, profesores universitarios, investigadores y académicos de las ciencias sociales y humanas.

La revista está compuesta por cuatro secciones: Artículos, Reseñas, Traducciones, y Testimonios para la historia de la antropología. Las temáticas dentro de estas secciones pueden ser muy variadas como se puede observar al revisar los números anteriormente publicados. Las mismas deben ser, sin embargo, relevantes a la antropología y disciplinas afines.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Ítem
    Por qué la vulnerabilidad importa. La relación entre masculinidad, emociones y vulnerabilidad en el ejercicio de violencia contra las mujeres en la pareja
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-02-17) de Stéfano Barbero, Matías
    Based on qualitative research that includes participant observation in psycho-socio-educational groups and in-depth interviews with men who exercised intimate partner violence, this article analyzes the relationship between masculinity, emotions, vulnerability and violence. It is suggested that male violence is not only linked to power, but also emerges as a resistance to vulnerability ―as openness to the other, to emotion and the uncertain― that affective bonds demand. The vulnerable position is, at the same time, a position that finds resistance in the mandates of masculinity, but also a necessary position to be able to build conflicts without reaching violence. Psycho-socioeducational groups shows the importance of repoliticizing emotions and vulnerability for social change, especially transforming how masculinity links to violence.
  • Ítem
    Las voces de los conocedores y conocedoras de los pueblos originarios en la formación docente
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2017-12-15) Trapnell, Lucy
    During the last decades the need to question the way in which knowledge is constructed as well as its relation with power issues has come forward. An important innovation in some teacher training colleges and conventional universities is the redefinition of the teaching staff. They have included indigenous elders as an attempt to open higher education to the inclusion of new actors and new voices. However, in this article I argue that the participation of indigenous elders in teacher training processes, does not necessarily guarantee the development of practises that will highlight the existence of ways of thinking alternative to hegemonic knowledge nor the multiple ways in which knowledge is produced. For this to happen consciousness must be gained regarding the complex relations between knowledge and power, and the way in which it is expressed in higher education in general and in specific academic spaces. Drawing from the experience of the Teacher Training Programme of the Peruvian Amazon (Formabiap), which I have accompanied during the last 29 years, I sustain my argument with information gained through my direct experience with the Programme and from documents, studies and internal and external evaluations of its process. 
  • Ítem
    Reconfiguraciones del poder y la gestión local: afectos y tensiones que reinventan al Estado
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-12-28) Lynch Cisneros, Jimena
    Local state structure and local government (gestion) are shaped by spaces and personalities whose political and social relations generate unexpected effects. In this article, I explore this dynamic through an ethnography conducted with local municipal authorities at a swearing-in ceremony for the Urubamba Provincial Council (Junta) of Chicha Producers (Ajawasis) and a Carnaval Fiesta sponsored by the municipality. Specifically, the article analyzes how affects, histories, rumors and memories enter into tension with more formal or normative arenas of government, including established adminsitrative and legal processes. Seen from this perspective, the municipality ceases to appear as a static unit, to emerge instead as a fluid entity composed of very dynamic and shifting social processes and forces. Through an exploration of these processes, ethnography can help to open up the concept of gestion, to reveal how affect runs through the space of the municipality as through social life. The article offers a different entry into the study of the neoliberal State, by exploring how municipal authorities’ actions are shaped by relationships that go well beyond their official offices and hierarchies of the state.