(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1984-03-16) Molina Loza, Carlos Arturo
The present article consists of two parts, one in which the healer tells us about his life and his work. And a second one in which the author makes a brief analysis explaining the reason for the effectiveness of the healer's intervention. The material was collected during a visit in December 1983 and January 1984. The healer's speech was recorded and presented, except for one rearrangement, without any modification.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1984-03-16) Gelles, Paul H.
The important role that water management has played in social organization and in the formation of so-called "hydraulic societies" is an issue that has interested many social scientists. The following article, which focuses on communal work, demonstrates the importance of water in the social organization of an Andean peasant community. The author is a postgraduate student of Anthropology at the Pontifical Catholic University. This article is part of a thesis prepared at the Post-Graduate of the Pontifical Catholic University.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1984-03-16) Fernández, Eduardo
The Viracochas arise among the Ashanincas due to the disobedience of their father's youngest son, the Inca. They kill the Inca, cutting off his head and taking it to Lima where it never dies and continues talking.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1984-03-16) Hacquenghem, Anne-Marie
In an article entitled "Pythagore en Amérique", published in his book Le Regard Eloigne, Lévi-Strauss points out the particular place they attribute, to the seeds of the ancient family of legumes, peoples distant in time and space. This indicates us to return to the study of the pallares (lima beans) represented in the Moche iconography.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1984-03-13) Gutierrez Estevez, Manuel
The author conducts a paradigmatic analysis of six versions of the competitions between Inkarrí and Collarrí. He shows that the meaning of the competition is not in, the victory but in the basis of the exchange between the peoples headed by Inkarrí and Collarí. The asymmetric exchange, contradictory in itself, expressed and transmitted through a series of ritual competitions, constitutes the object of the myth.
He then argues, briefly and hypothetically, that the essence of the myth of the defeat of Inkarrí at the hands of Españarrí would not be the expression of a messianic expectation, but that of a search for reciprocity necessarily asymmetric, between traditional Andean culture and Spanish culture.
The author finally alludes to a ritual, The race of the Three Wise Men, in, San Pablo, Canchis Province, which brings together what the myths had separated: Inkarrí and Collarrí competitions on the one hand, combat between Inkarrí and Españarrí on the other. The three kings - Inkarrí, Collarrí and Mistirey - compete and in the expected effects depending on which of them has been the winner - good or bad agricultural year - their complementarity and reciprocity are expressed.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1984-03-16) Souffez, Marie-France
This article reproduces some general ideas about the problems of the Peruvian educational system vis-à-vis the Andean culture. It advances some research proposals and develops a theoretical position that underlines, alongside the different studies on man in its generality and permanence, the importance of exploring the variations of the human spirit in different cultures and times, which could be useful in Peru, a multicultural country dominated by one culture. Likewise, it proposes to investigate, within the Andean specificity, the ways of thinking and expressing intelligence valued in this culture, beginning the approach by an analysis of the meanings of linguistic expressions related to these forms.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1984-03-16) Ossio, Juan
The author presents a new revision of the Inkarrí myth. The story retains its colloquial style. The reader will be able to read it in the original Quechua text or in its Spanish translation.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1984-03-16) Lausent, Isabelle
The Pacarina of the town of "San Salvador del Mundo" of Pampas (Chancay valley) is the Mango hill. The repeated extirpations of idolatry suffered by "its children", the miscegenation and the passage of time have, little by little, made the myths about the Mango disappear. The oral tradition of Pampas that gives much importance to the world of the supernatural continues, however, to offer numerous tales and legends mentioning this hill no longer as a pacarina but as a source of wealth and a place of charm.The analysis that follows has been made from the stories compiled by Jorge Osterling during Easter in the year 1980 in Pampas La Florida.