Anthropologica. Vol. 03 Núm. 03 (1985)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Desarrollo de la teoría étnica en las ciencias sociales Fukumoto, Mary; 7-32
  • Ideología y mito: una reflexión crítica Ansión, Juan; 33-60
  • Símbolos y ritos andinos: un intento de comparación con el área vecina amazónica Ortiz Rescaniere, Alejandro; 61-85
  • Experiencia y representaciones del mundo natural e una comunidad andina de Cajamarca De La Torre A., Ana; 87-106
  • "El tiempo de... ": división del tiempo y ciclo de reproducción entre los yagua del oriente peruano Frayse-Chaumeil, Josette; 107-121
  • Sinopsis del mundo Piro: Ética y estética en el arte Piro. Modificaciones en las estructuras de parentesco Piro durante el auge del caucho (1885-1915). Los asentamientos Piros y la persistencia de su identidad Román Villanueva, Luis; Szyszlo V., Vicente De; 123-152
  • Breve informe sobre la coca Hinostroza García, Lauro; 153-170
  • El simbolismo del piojo en el mundo andino. Boceto filológico Souffez, Marie-France; 171-202
  • El franciscano Raez y la unificación del quechua Cerrón-Palomino, Rodolfo; 203-246
  • Monumentos y monumentalidad Silverman, Helaine; 247-259
  • Introducción al estudio de las poblaciones costeras durante la etapa arcaica en el norte de Chile Muñoz Ovalle, Iván; 261-286
  • Cuentos del Río Huayanay Arguedas, José María; 289
  • Los labios rezumaban saliva: ¿Una imagen arguedeana de la Pacha Mama? Kemper Columbus, Claudette; 291-294
  • Una interpretación más abierta de Incarri Kato, Takahiro; 295-305

  • Miscelánea
  • El Chaco de Zorros Mamani Calla, Oscar Rimberto; vii-xiii
  • Escuchando a la abuela González Linares, Américo Manuel; xv-xxix
  • ¡Gentiles! No por dinero, sino por sueño Chara Suero, Juan Alberto; xxxi-xxxvi
  • Matrimonio tradicional Shajup Chuintam, Guillermo; lxxix-lxxxii
  • Marcaza work Gómez Quispe, Raúl Beto; lxxxiii-lxxxviii
  • Historia de Calca antiguo Valenzuela Ayala, Margot; lxxxix-ciii

  • Notas y Comentarios
  • Dos libros de Claudio Esteva Fabregat De Cossío Klüver, Manuel Augusto; 309-311
  • Jan Szeminski. La utopía Tupamarista Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Fondo Editorial, 1984. 297 p. Román Villanueva, Luis; 312-313
  • Índice de autores y de temas de la revista Debates en Antropología (1978-1982) Champa, Javier; 315-323
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 23
    • Ítem
      El Chaco de Zorros
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1985-03-20) Mamani Calla, Oscar Rimberto
      The article does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Introducción al estudio de las poblaciones costeras durante la etapa arcaica en el norte de Chile
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1985-03-20) Muñoz Ovalle, Iván
      Research carried out in recent years has released important findings regarding the first populations that inhabited the north coast of Chile. For this reason, we have been interested in preparing, by way of synthesis, an article that analyzes the forms of adaptation and development of these populations to coastal life. In it, some aspects of their culture are discussed, which are not only important for the studies of this Central South Andean cultural area (Lumbreras, 1981), but also of the total Andean and American areas in general.
    • Ítem
      Breve informe sobre la coca
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1985-03-20) Hinostroza García, Lauro
      This report is part of the research led by Dr. Juan Ossio, commissioned by the Organization of American States (OAS) on "SOCIAL, CULTURAL, MEDICAL, AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF THE TRADITIONAL USE OF COCA IN POPULATIONS OF THE PATEAU AND HIGHLANDS OF PERU, ESPECIALLY OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES ”. It exposes topics about the coca leaf in the Andean culture: classification criteria, myths, songs and a sample of qatipay or seguimiento. The latter is an important ritual practice for the Andean peasantry, it guides the present, past and future of all its activity. Each leaf, due to its shape, position and size, will reveal the social roles it has to assume, that is, the mysteries of time.
    • Ítem
      Cuentos del Río Huayanay
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1985-03-20) Arguedas, José María
      The article does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Sinopsis del mundo Piro: Ética y estética en el arte Piro. Modificaciones en las estructuras de parentesco Piro durante el auge del caucho (1885-1915). Los asentamientos Piros y la persistencia de su identidad
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1985-03-20) Román Villanueva, Luis; Szyszlo V., Vicente De
      The three articles that we present below aim to detail three fundamental aspects of the Piro culture. This ethno-linguistic group, belongs to the Arahuaca family, like the Campa, Machiguenga and Amuesha, it is located mainly on the banks of the Urubamba river belonging to the Echarate district, La Convencion Province, Cusco Department and the Sepahua District , Atalaya Province, Ucayali Department. The estimated population for this group is 1600 inhabitants (Wise, M.R. 1972) which is distributed in 12 native communities, of which half are titled by the Peruvian State. There is regular bibliography on this group, mainly with regard to linguistics, stories of travelers and missionaries of various orders, and to a lesser extent ethnographic and ethno-historical works. In this series of articles the authors seek a detailed approach to deepen the knowledge of this ethnic group. For this we will use the previous works to which we will add our notes and appreciations collected during four years of work in the area. The first article by L. Komán tries to explain the relationship between the ideological and the aesthetic, for which reference is made to mythology and the aesthetic manifestations of the Pyro group. In the second article, the same author points out a structural transformation in the Pyro kinship system during the rubber exploitation boom, giving rise to a variation of the original model, which guarantees the biological and cultural reproduction of the group. V. de Szyzslo's final article describes the way in which each of the families of the Miaría pyre community, in the Urubamba, has the space to build their homes and communal premises. The three articles are therefore complementary to obtain a detailed view of the ideological, socio-political and technological aspects that make up the Piro universe.
    • Ítem
      ¡Gentiles! No por dinero, sino por sueño
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1985-03-20) Chara Suero, Juan Alberto
      The article does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Ideología y mito: una reflexión crítica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1985-03-19) Ansión, Juan
      The theoretical reflection that is presented responded to a need: to formulate a conceptual criticism that would allow the contributions of Marxism and cultural anthropology to be used for the study of Ayacucho stories. Mythical thought is not a mere "falsification" of reality as a common interpretation of the Marxist tradition implies. A review of the approaches of Marx and Engels, and of later authors, culminates in a conceptualization of its own that points out clues to the study of mythical thought and of the way of thinking, of cultural shock and syncretism.
    • Ítem
      Índice de autores y de temas de la revista Debates en Antropología (1978-1982)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1985-03-20) Champa, Javier
      The review does not present a summary.
    • Ítem
      Símbolos y ritos andinos: un intento de comparación con el área vecina amazónica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1985-03-19) Ortiz Rescaniere, Alejandro
      Some considerations on the risks of analysis of the mythical Andean texts. An enriching suggestion: try comparisons between myths of the cultural areas of the Andes and the western Amazon. This article ends by showing the possibilities of the proposed comparison through a brief analytical essay that compares myths from both regions.
    • Ítem
      Historia de Calca antiguo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 1985-03-20) Valenzuela Ayala, Margot
      The article does not present a summary.