La Colmena

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ISSN: 2220-4490
e-ISSN: 2414-1321

La Colmena es una revista académica con periodicidad anual, editada por estudiantes de la especialidad de Sociología de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Desde su primera publicación, en el 2007, tiene el objetivo de ser una plataforma de encuentro para que estudiantes, investigadores y profesores del Perú y Latinoamérica incursionen en la investigación crítico-social y expandan el conocimiento.

El público objetivo de La Colmena, tanto de autores como lectores, son estudiantes y profesores de pregrado y posgrado de universidades peruanas y latinoamericanas, así como investigadores académicos y especialistas vinculados a la sociología y a otras disciplinas de las ciencias sociales. Respecto de la cobertura temática, la revista ha publicado sobre todo investigaciones sociológicas teóricas y aplicadas vinculadas a los siguientes temas: el género, los cuidados, la migración interna y externa, la educación, los procesos de acción colectiva, la religión, el medioambiente, entre otros.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2
  • Ítem
    Licencia de paternidad y maternidad en el Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-03-19) Giesecke, Micaela
    In Peru, pregnant mothers and fathers of newborns have the right to maternity and paternity leave, respectively. Mothers have 98 days of rest before and after birth. Meanwhile, fathers are entitled to four days off. Through the review of secondary sources, the present essay aimed to analyze maternity and paternity leave policies from the five principles for the evaluation of policies from the family perspective (Bogenschneider & Little, 2012), as well as from the gender approach (Butler and Fraser, 2000). With this, it seeks to understand to what extent these policies are effective in the search for equal opportunities and gender equity, so that this document contributes with arguments for the construction of policies that allow achieving gender equality.
  • Ítem
    Análisis comparativo del impacto del embarazo adolescente en las trayectorias de vida de las mujeres jóvenes rurales del distrito de Umari, Pachitea, Huánuco
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-11-22) Herrera, Damaris
    The objective of this essay is to analyze the impact of adolescent pregnancy on the family, educational and work trajectories of young women in the rural district of Umari, Pachitea, Huánuco, through a comparative analysis between young women who experienced and not an early motherhood. Based on this, we aim to verify if an adolescent pregnancy event changes the life trajectories of rural adolescents. A qualitative approach is proposed, using semi-structured interviews that were carried out with two groups of young women between 19 and 29 years old. The results point out that family trajectories differ between the two groups, since young mothers tend to live with their partners, dedicating themselves mainly to housework while the young non-mothers continue to live with their families. The educational trajectory is the crucial difference between both groups, since young non-mothers tend to access higher education, in contrast to adolescent mothers, since none of them do. Regarding the work trajectories, it is found that, after a few years, the young mothers begin to work like their non-mother peers, but they access informal, temporary and low-income jobs, while their peers access formal, safe and low-income jobs, and better income, associated with their educational level. However, they share similar trajectories with those young non-mothers who did not study, confirming the hypothesis that adolescent pregnancy, in a context of social vulnerability, does not imply a major change in the life trajectories of the young women, such as the possibilities of social mobility.