(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-11-22) Senno Vassallo, Fiorella
In this article, the author addresses the reform of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code carried out by Legislative Decree 1390, through which the Registry ‘Gracias No Insista’ was replaced by the rule of prior consent to receive mass communications with promotional purposes, which was aimed at harmonizing the consumer protection regulation with the one of personal data.In this regard, the author develops a complete analysis of the regulation of promotional communications, both from the perspective of consumer protection rights and personal data protection; to later emphasize the successes and failures of the current regulation, at a legal and practical level. Likewise, the text proposes points of improvement to the current regulation and ends with practical recommendations on this matter to suppliers and consumers.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-11-21) Flaquer Riutort, Juan
The Internet increasingly radiates its essentialness in relationships, and in the different areas and activities of people. However, as we make a greater use of it, we expose our personal data to be stored and processed by third parties for commercial purposes. This is made possible by a tool that is present in most of the websites we browse on a daily basis: cookies.In this article, the author assesses the risks involved in the use of cookies for advertising purposes without an adequate legal framework. Furthermore, he analyzes the prevention and precautionary mechanisms to follow in order to ensure a balance that respects the rights of users.