Revista de Actualidad Mercantil. Núm. 07 (2023)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Ramos Flores, Jazmin; Martínez Saravia, Diego; De la Torre Cachay, Arnold; 9-10
  • Presentación Taboada Pajuelo, Alexia; 11-12

  • Sección principal
  • Aplicación del régimen de control de concentraciones en la adquisición de sociedades registradas en el Registro Público del Mercado de Valores a través de la Bolsa de Valores de Lima Santiváñez Seminario, Roberto J; Maeda Morales, Guido M; 13-31
  • Metaverso y Propiedad Intelectual León y León, Gustavo; 32-51
  • Contratos que hacen referencia a los rivales y el bien jurídico protegido por la libre competencia Ybar Abad, Mario; 52-61
  • La mala fe y la competencia desleal en el registro marcario: análisis comparado a partir de la Decisión 486 Bassino Pinasco, Manlio; Jimenez Garay, Andrea; 62-80
  • Información, publicidad y engaño Jaeckel Kovács, Jorge; Montoya Naranjo, Claudia; 81-95
  • Desafíos del Derecho de la Competencia Ecuatoriano, luego del Examen Inter-pares de la OCDE y el BID Pérez Ordóñez, Diego; Regalado Mantilla, Eduardo; 96-108
  • Los acuerdos de cooperación entre competidores y su análisis bajo la ley de represión de conductas anticompetitivas Gonzales Cucho, José Carlos; 109-123
  • Fundamentos de la intervención estatal en materia de competencia, consumidor, propiedad intelectual y datos personales Alterwain, Alejandro; 124-135
  • Un análisis práctico de la reforma de la Unión Europea de su Reglamento de exención por categorías de acuerdos verticales y directrices sobre acuerdos verticales Guerra Fernández, Antonio; Doumont, François; 136-151
  • Las marcas en la industria del cannabis: reflexiones sobre sus particularidades Camargo Williamson, Helena; 152-163
  • Reforma al régimen de sanciones por la violación de las normas de libre competencia en Colombia: Análisis de la ley 2195 de 2022 Miranda Londoño, Alfonso; Morales Hernández, Luis Daniel; 164-182
  • ¿Riesgo de confusión o riesgo de complicación? Barreda, Gonzalo; 183-196
  • Evolución del rol y funciones de las marcas frente a los desafíos del mercado y del consumidor Quadrio, Iris V; Canese, Verónica M; 197-206

  • Entrevistas
  • Entrevista: Los desafíos de los mercados digitales para el Derecho de la Competencia Quintana, Eduardo; 207-215
  • Entrevista: La función de los programas de cumplimiento en contra de las prácticas anticompetitivas Espinoza, Jesús; 216-222
  • Entrevista: Impacto de la Ley Nº 31040 en el Programa de Clemencia del Indecopi Falla, Alejandro; 223-227
  • Conversatorio: Efectos de la ley de concentraciones a un año de su vigencia Falla, Alejandro; Quintana, Eduardo; Zambrano, Omaira; Velarde, Sebastián; 228-236

  • Miscelánea
  • Derecho al olvido: Uruguay a la vanguardia de la Protección de Datos Personales Cervieri, Virginia; Monsuárez, Pablo; Torres, Daniel; Larumbe, Facundo; 237-245
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 20
    • Ítem
      Evolución del rol y funciones de las marcas frente a los desafíos del mercado y del consumidor
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-08) Quadrio, Iris V.; Canese, Verónica M.
      The role of brands has evolved in the past decade more than ever before in history. Market and consumers’ demands, changes in diversity and inclusion, sustainability, and the environment challenge the concept of brands that we learnt. Nowadays, brands are required a less neutral position in the face of political and social changes, and they are expected to reflect values. We are interested in exploring this new scenario, discuss the traditional functions of brands, analyse how they impact on trademarks, and to what extent it is possible to adequately protect distinctive signs.
    • Ítem
      Conversatorio: Efectos de la ley de concentraciones a un año de su vigencia
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-08) Falla, Alejandro; Quintana, Eduardo; Zambrano, Omaira; Velarde, Sebastián
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Entrevista: La función de los programas de cumplimiento en contra de las prácticas anticompetitivas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-08) Espinoza, Jesús
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Entrevista: Los desafíos de los mercados digitales para el Derecho de la Competencia
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-08) Quintana, Eduardo
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Entrevista: Impacto de la Ley Nº 31040 en el Programa de Clemencia del Indecopi
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-08) Falla, Alejandro
      No presenta resumen.
    • Ítem
      Derecho al olvido: Uruguay a la vanguardia de la Protección de Datos Personales
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-08) Cervieri, Virginia; Monsuárez, Pablo; Torres, Daniel; Larumbe, Facundo
      The authors develop a detailed legal framework and scope of the right to erasure in Uruguayan and international legislation, as it is a right that guarantees the protection of personal data, especially in the digital context. In this regard, the authors analyze international legal cases to determine the role of search engines in the treatment of personal data. They also explain how the application of the right to erasure does not affect other rights. Finally, the authors emphasize the importance of using the right to erasure in relation to search engines to ensure adequate protection of personal data.
    • Ítem
      Información, publicidad y engaño
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-08) Jaeckel Kovács, Jorge; Montoya Naranjo, Claudia
      This article addresses the notion of consumer deception. It also discusses the differences between information and advertising as forms of commercial communication, as well as the difference between these concepts and the constitutional freedom of expression and opinion, which does not necessarily imply communicating for commercial purposes or to influence consumer decisions. Since advertising, information and opinion are different categories of communication, their legal challenge requires a different evidentiary exercise. Advertising allows objective and subjective statements, while information is restricted to the use of objective statements. Ih this line, it is concluded that advertising can not be evaluated based on the standards and requirements of information and vice versa.
    • Ítem
      La mala fe y la competencia desleal en el registro marcario: análisis comparado a partir de la Decisión 486
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-08) Bassino Pinasco, Manlio; Jimenez Garay, Andrea
      In this paper, the relationship between unfair competition and intellectual property regulation will be analyzed, focusing on the application of Article 137 of Decision 486. Hence, firstly, bad faith and unfair competition as unregistrability provisions of trademarks will be conceptually analyzed; secondly, the application in Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru in the last years of said Article will be assessed; and, thirdly, the pre-judiciary interpretations issued by the Court of Justice of the Andean Community will be reviewed. Considering the above, it can be concluded and established the "jurisprudential requirements" for the application of Article 137 of Decision 486; as well as, the challenges faced by the owner of an intellectual property right to activate its application.
    • Ítem
      Las marcas en la industria del cannabis: reflexiones sobre sus particularidades
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-08) Camargo Williamson, Helena
      The legal cannabis industry has been, and will continue to be, growing rapidly. An industry of this size brings with it many challenges, within which the protection of intellectual property is not indifferent. In the area of trademark protection, very characteristic questions arise. In this sense, this article will determine, on the one hand, whether trademarks indicating or evoking cannabis, or containing the representation of the cannabis plant, are registrable, or whether on the contrary they should be denied in order to be contrary to the law, morals and good costumes. On the other hand, it will be considered whether it is possible to grant brands for cannabis products of any kind in those countries where their use is only allowed for medicinal purposes, or whether the granting of these distinctive signs should be restricted to Class 5 of the Nice International Classification.Finally, the article will determine the relationship between the brands that protect cannabis products, the obligation of use and the grounds for exemption from use by force majeure.
    • Ítem
      Contratos que hacen referencia a los rivales y el bien jurídico protegido por la libre competencia
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-07-26) Ybar Abad, Mario
      The analysis of vertical restraints has been carried out mainly through a weighting, case by case, of its anticompetitive effects and likely efficiencies. This is a natural consequence of the conception of competition law as a means to promote consumer welfare and economic efficiency.However, in recent years, a different view has gained strength in the Chilean Supreme Court, according to which, the main goal of competition law is to safeguard the freedom to compete in the market.Given this new approach, the analysis of a particular type of vertical agreements takes on special relevance: contracts that refer to rivals, since, by their very nature, they limit the freedom of third parties external to the agreement.This document analyses the main contracts that refer to rivals, their potential effects on the markets and how its analysis could be subject to changes as the pendulum swings from a competition law aimed at protecting consumer welfare –as currently widely understood– towards a competition law which main goal is to protect the freedom to compete.