Politai. Vol. 09 Núm. 17 (2018)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado Una mirada desde «la otra orilla»: explorando la influencia del Feminismo en la reforma del Estado a partir de los casos de España, Chile y Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018) Bensa Morales, Jessica VioletaEven though studies on state feminism have focused on its effects on the feminist movement, or in the progress of the gender agenda, its opposite relation has remained less explored: how does feminism influences the state? In this article I analyze the Spaniard, Chilean and Peruvian cases from the late 1970s to the present in order to look over the relationships between state feminism and the state´s reform. I propose that these influences can be traced in at least three aspects: the reform of the welfare models, the introduction of new concepts and management tools, questioning the-so-called neutrality of New Public Management and the way in which transnational or global feminism policies are translated or indigenized in different state contexts.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El uso de la evidencia en las políticas públicas: el caso de las Evaluaciones de Desempeño y Ejecución Presupuestal en el sector Educación en el Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018) Navarro, Alejandra; Zuñiga, Antonio; Arenas, LinaThis article aims to approach the use of evidence in the formulation of public policies. To this end, we analyze the independent evaluations of the Education sector, particularly the Performance Evaluations and Budget Execution (EDEP – for its acronym in Spanish), which we take as a case study. In order to present the context in which this tool is located, first a brief account of the literature is presented about the use of evidence in public policies and the relationship between knowledge and public policies in Peru. . Secondly, the analysis of five EDEPs of the Education sector is presented in the light of the following axes of analysis: i) the profile of the researchers and the methodology used in the research, and ii) the analysis of the fulfillment of the consigned commitments. The article concludes that EDEPs generate an intermediate degree in compliance with their recommendations, which is mediated, among other factors, by the type of public intervention evaluated; and questions the usefulness of the EDEP as an effective mechanism for evaluating and improving the design or component of a program, identifying opportunities to improve the tool, such as the methodological redesign, the simplification in the reporting of results, the empowerment of the matrix and its mechanisms, among others.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación. Politai; Vol. 9, Núm. 17 (2018): Reforma del Estado y Políticas Públicas en América Latina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019) Arroyo, JuanNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Mirando más allá de lo técnico: la importancia del factor político en el desarrollo de las políticas públicas en el Perú 2013-2016(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018) Benites Alvarado, Alexander; Hurtado Paz, FrankThe development of public policies, defined as decisions and activities orientated to the solution of public problems requires a great number of skills and knowledge by the decision-makers and public managers. In that sense, there is an extensive literature that explains the importance of the technical skills and the ability to produce evidence of these actors. These two qualities should accompany the policy in its entire process. Nevertheless, from this perspective, we can easily lose sight of the role played by the political factor and its impact on the activities and strategies deployed by public managers. This article is based on the idea that the political factor plays a determinant role in the activities of public managers. For this reason, and due to the little delimitation of the concept, this investigation proposes to understand and analyze the political factor as 1) the coordination and 2) relationship with the political environment by public managers in the development of public policies. To do this, our analysis units are the public policies rewarded in El Concurso de Buenas Prácticas organized by La Autoridad Nacional del Servicio Civil (SERVIR), between 2013 and 2016, with the goal of proving the relevance of the political factor in the development of these practices.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Entre el entusiasmo y la indiferencia. Expectativas y acciones de la baja y mediana burocracia frente a la Reforma del Servicio Civil en dos ministerios peruanos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018) Alva Mendoza, Jair; Arriola Laura, Giovanni; Ramos Coronado, VivianPeruvian civil service has been characterized as an element of low capability of the Peruvian state for being immersed in normative disorder (plenty of labor regimes) and for its non-existent planification. Thus, since 2008, a process of reforming the Peruvian civil service was started, said process has had as one of its main objectives to guarantee meritocratic access to public job positions of the Peruvian state. Nevertheless, with only two years left to achieve its main goal (2020), the transit of the different labor regimes to the regime of La ley Servir has not been has not been implemented yet. Having that on account, this study seeks to understand the expectations and actions of the low and medium bureaucracy on the effect that the civil service reform will have in the labor dynamics that have been developing in these workspaces To achieve said objective, two ministries are chosen: Education and Interior, for being two entities that started the procedures of the transit to the new labor regime in 2014, but to January of 2018 both had achieved a different progress. Thus, the labor dynamics of the low and medium bureaucracy are described; the causes of the current difference in the progress of the reform in both ministries are explained; and, finally the position and actions of the low and medium bureaucracy against the implementation of the civil service reform are analyzed. Starting with a examination of the documents and semi-structured interviews, we find out that the servers of the levels of bureaucracy studied show an agreement with the general objectives of Servir; nevertheless, they have two adverse positions to the reform: 1) both of them perceive that Servir has not informed correctly about the effects of the reform in their work; and 2) the implementation of the reform will not improve substantially the existing meritocracy in both ministries. This way, the study contributes to understand bureaucracy in front of internal institutional reforms of the Peruvian state.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Corrupción como problema de acción colectiva: Hacia un enfoque más ajustado para pensar la reforma institucional en América Latina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018) Philipps Zeballos, AndyI understand, as Kafka does, that the situation of the bureaucracy of the early twentieth century in Europe in 'The trial’, that corruption has as one of its roots the lack of a sense of community. In this article I propose to overcome the rational choice approach. That way I can combine it with one (that) can understand corruption as collective action. That is why I reflect on the next four key questions to understand this approach: A) what is a collective action problem? this detaches that high levels of trust are significantly related with lower levels of corruption. B) When can we talk about societies where corruption is more the norm than an exception? this deduces that confidence is at stake, specially, in institutions. And c) in which degree the environment determines human behavior in relation with social psychology? Thus, this new paradigm addresses institutions of public administration in the middle of anti-corruption policies and provides us of clues about what characteristics are the ones that matter enough to get more confidence, more cooperation and, finally, less corruption in a state.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La reforma del servicio civil en el Estado peruano: análisis de los factores que explican los avances de un proceso que sigue constituyendo un desafío(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018) Torres Balcázar, Víctor JoséCivil service policy has fulfilled five years of effective implementation and has data that evidence its progress until the present. Precisely, this article seeks to address the phase of implementation of said public policy, the process of transit to La Ley SERVIR regime´s, trying to provide an approximation of the results that would have throw this new attempt to start a reform in the human resources of the Peruvian State following the case of the nineteen ministries.The analysis will have as its central core twelve grouped variables in three dimensions: organizational characteristics of the ministry, normativity characteristics and tools of transit, and leadership in the ministry´s transit process. Thus, considering said variables, it will be evident that the degree of progress of the ministries manage to be explained in an important way by a number of people that provide their services, the time that the ministry takes in the process of transit, the complexity perception that one has about the tools of transit, the hierarchical position of whoever is the responsible for the transit process.The results of the investigation invite people interested in reform processes to make a reflection about the complexity of the implementation process, The alerts, that the implementation about the necessity of adjustment applications in design, launch and the relevance (of the actors involved in the execution) takes action as long as said policy is legitimate and visible. Said aspects are important for the reform, being that five years have passed since the publication of the first version with the steps that should guide the transit of public entities to the civil service regime and, until the present, only just one entity from the state has managed to conclude said process.