Derecho PUCP. Núm. 68 (2012)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Homenaje a Óscar Ermida Uriarte y editorial Villavicencio Ríos, Alfredo; 9-10

  • Entrevista
  • El Derecho del trabajo en la encrucijada posmoderna. Entrevista al doctor José Luis Monereo Villavicencio, Alfredo; 13-32
  • Reforma laboral en el Perú: gran intensidad y ausencia de resultados. Entrevista al doctor Javier Neves Villavicencio, Alfredo; Mendoza, Luis; Guerra, Luciana; 301-307

  • Sección Principal
  • Crítica de la libertad sindical Ermida Uriarte, Oscar; 33-61
  • Reforma y contrarreforma laboral en Argentina, crónica simple de un proceso pendular Goldin, Adrián; 63-92
  • La reforma del mercado de trabajo en España durante la crisis financiera internacional Ojeda, Antonio; Gutiérrez, Miguel; 93-129
  • Hacia un nuevo modelo laboral en España Cruz, Jesús; 131-156
  • Legislación de emergencia y reforma laboral en España (2011-2012) Sempere, Antonio; 157-192
  • El proceso de reformas de la negociación colectiva en España Gorelli, Juan; 193-224
  • Las relaciones entre autonomía colectiva y gobierno en Uruguay: crónica con final abierto Barretto, Hugo; 225-242
  • La reforma del proceso laboral en Uruguay. El regreso al proceso laboral autónomo Fernández, Hugo; 243-266
  • Acceso a justicia laboral en Centroamérica Bolaños, Fernando; 267-283
  • El redimensionamiento del derecho internacional del trabajo Canessa, Miguel; 285-300
  • La flexibilidad laboral en España y Perú: análisis de ciertos aspectos diferenciadores Quiñones, Sergio Arturo; 309-334
  • La regulación de los efectos laborales de la subcontratación: el Perú en América del Sur Sanguineti, Wilfredo; 335-353
  • Flexibilización del Derecho del Trabajo y sus implicancias sobre las relaciones laborales en el Perú Tostes, Marta; Villavicencio, Alfredo; 355-382
  • Flexiseguridad, derecho al trabajo y estabilidad laboral Blancas Bustamante, Carlos; 383-402
  • El debate europeo sobre la flexiseguridad: algunas lecciones para el sur Vidal Bermúdez, Álvaro; 403-434
  • La tutela laboral de los derechos fundamentales del trabajador. Una asignatura pendiente en tiempos de reforma Arce Ortiz, Elmer Guillermo; 435-448
  • Validez y eficacia del contrato de trabajo Toyama, Jorge; 449-467
  • La protección frente al despido en la evolución de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional Ferro Delgado, Víctor; 471-494
  • Los contratos temporales: exposición y crítica Pasco Cosmópolis, Mario; 495-511
  • Una visión ponderada de la legislación laboral: comentarios al régimen MYPE y a la propuesta de «Ley de la Nueva Empresa» Sánchez Reyes, Christian; 513-537
  • Aspectos laborales en la ley de libertad religiosa y su reglamento Ulloa, Daniel; 539-549
  • El modelo de relaciones colectivas peruano: del intervencionista y restrictivo al promocional Villavicencio, Alfredo; 551-570
  • El servicio de seguridad y salud en el trabajo Ugaz, Mauro; Soltau, Sebastián; 571-584
  • Enseñando democracia: normativa, realidad y propuestas en torno a la educación para la ciudadanía en el Perú Constantino Caycho, Renato; 585-610
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 27
    • Ítem
      Las relaciones entre autonomía colectiva y gobierno en Uruguay: crónica con final abierto
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-06-21) Barretto, Hugo
      Relations between collective autonomy and government in Uruguay: chronic with open endingThe present article, after making a brief recount of the model of Uruguayan collective labor relations, analyzes the foundation and impact of heteronomous regulation on the protection of trade union freedom and collective bargaining released in the context of transformation model during periods from 2005 to 2009 and so far until 2012, with the purpose of determining whether the same meant a profound and definitive break of the pre-existing model or rather it emphasizes some of its elements without disturbing the nature
    • Ítem
      Legislación de emergencia y reforma laboral en España (2011-2012)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-06-21) Sempere, Antonio
      Emergency legislation and labor reform in Spain(2011-2012)Spanish Labor Law is going through a phase of continuous and disordered reforms, most of them made through approved rules by the Government invoking raisons of urgency. Here are explained six recent andrelevant Royal Decrees-Laws approved between 2010 and 2012
    • Ítem
      Hacia un nuevo modelo laboral en España
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-06-21) Cruz, Jesús
      Towards a new labor model in SpainThe article starts with confirming the acceleration process in reforms of labor regulations-intensive and extensive-which is faced bySpain that has considered even the reform of constitutional framework. It should be noted that measures taken in the Spanish reform are aimed at increasing the employability of workers and with regard to promotion of employment stability; we find the incorporation of a new contractual modality, literally called “employment contract for indefinite time to support entrepreneurs”.Meanwhile, as the most important novelties are located the following: elimination with general character of administrative authorization for collective dismissals, the expansion of the proper reasons of economic dismissals, with the corresponding reduction effect of the judicial control as justification for business measure and the possible reduction in the practice of dismissal cost, the generalization of compensatory amount for unfair dismissal after 33 days of salary per year of seniority with limit of the 24 monthly salary, the complete suppression of processing salaries when the employer chooses indemnified extinction in case of unfair dismissal, among others. All this range of regulatory changes is analyzed critically by the author who, starting from the Spanish legislation, studies the most relevant legal concepts.
    • Ítem
      Flexiseguridad, derecho al trabajo y estabilidad laboral
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-06-21) Blancas Bustamante, Carlos
      Flexisecurity, right to work and labor stabilityThis article deals with one of the most recent and innovative proposals of related flexibilization, basically, to the extinction of labor relation and that areknown as «flexisecurity» or «flexicurity». For this, the author comments the model of Denmark – country in which it’s originated «flexisecurity» – emphasizing the configuration of a «golden triangle», composed of: i) flexibility in the labor relation, aimed at facilitating the dismissal ii) a generous system of unemployment benefits, funded primarily by the State and iii) a new policy of «activation» of the labor market, which seeks to keep large sectors of the population permanently trained to meet new labor challenges. The author emphasizes the difference between our country and Denmark, since it is a Welfare State with a high level of social protection funded by a fiscal pressure and high tax rates. Finally, the article notes that for the study of «flexisecurity» it shouldn’t ignore the legal framework derived from workers’ fundamental rights established in the Constitution and international treaties which imply: right to work, dignity and citizenship of the worker and Trade Union Freedom and Collective Rights
    • Ítem
      El debate europeo sobre la flexiseguridad: algunas lecciones para el sur
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-06-21) Vidal Bermúdez, Álvaro
      The present article analyzes the emergence and evolution of flexisecurity strategy in the European context, different conceptualizations, their effects regarding the protective function of labor law and lessons that can be extracted from previous experiences in Latin America and particularly Peru concerning the subordination of social and labor policies on the policies of employment generation.
    • Ítem
      El modelo de relaciones colectivas peruano: del intervencionista y restrictivo al promocional
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-06-21) Villavicencio, Alfredo
      The model of peruvian collective relations: from interventionist and restrictive to promotionalThe article begins by considering a system or democratic model of labor relations implies a significant degree of self-gravitating through the presence of collective autonomy as self-regulation agreed in relations between the representatives of workers and employers. That collides with the fact thatin Latin America, with the exception of Uruguay, the model is remarkably restrictive. Although our country since the Constitutionof 1979 explicitly ascribes to the model of Social State of Law – which in the labor field was expressed in the consecration of a democratic model of labor relations, this has not had correlation with the infra-constitutional regulation.Then, the article presents the main characteristics of a democratic model of labor relations which has as main features: i.–The dialectical conception of labor relations and assignment to the conflict of a functional role within the constitutional scheme, ii.– The consecration of collective autonomy as an essential piece of the regulatory system, iii.– The promotional intervention and feeder system from the state as a notion of closure of exceptional transcendence. Finally, the article points out the principalnovelties on the subject contained in the Project of General Labor Law, the same that is in line within the new Latin American context of impulse of the collective autonomy that exists in countries like Brazil, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and also seeks to promote the gradual substitution of decentralized and dysfunctional model for the functioning of the country, establishing a certain preference for the sectorial bargaining.
    • Ítem
      La tutela laboral de los derechos fundamentales del trabajador. Una asignatura pendiente en tiempos de reforma
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-06-21) Arce Ortiz, Elmer Guillermo
      The labor guardianship of worker’s fundamental rights: A pending subject in times of reformThe articlestarts with the penetration of Constitutional Law in labor relations mainly promoted by the Constitutional Court, which with its repeated statements have specified the normative content of workers’ constitutional rights. From this, it maintains that in protection matters of fundamental rights we are in the middle of an insufficientordinary route and another extraordinary route, legal protection, also unable to assume adequate protection of workers. The article analyzes particularities that should have a claim of violation of the fundamental rights of any other in alabor site to pick up characteristics such as:  accentuated swiftness, priority and preventing inadmissibility “in limine”. Finally, the text concludes regretting that New Procedural Labor Lawhasn’t created an ad hoc process for the protection of fundamental rights and that, on the contrary, it has opted for a disperse and chaotic system to protect them.
    • Ítem
      La reforma del proceso laboral en Uruguay. El regreso al proceso laboral autónomo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-06-21) Fernández, Hugo
      The reform of the labor process in Uruguay. The return to the autonomous labor processThe reform of the Uruguayan labor process and the return to an autonomous legal regime represent a radical and fundamental change in the national legislation. The simplicity of new procedural structures governed by principles and owns norms of labor discipline give the new regime a dogmatic autonomous space lost for many years. The procedural labor reform is built on the adjectival character of its nature prioritizing the substantive law and adjusting the procedural rule to its characteristics. The principles of Labor Law (substantive and procedural) are the foundation of the new regime
    • Ítem
      Crítica de la libertad sindical
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-06-21) Ermida Uriarte, Oscar
      Critique of trade union freedomThe article begins of the protective character of Labor Law and of the study of trade union freedom as an instrument of compensatory inequality, to analyze critically the protection of this right in the Committeeof Trade Union Freedom. Then, it develops causes of the current crisis of trade unionism and the possibility of atrade union self-reform and of an International Court of Trade Union Freedom. Finally, the article presents some strategies for overcoming the crisis of trade unionism
    • Ítem
      El redimensionamiento del derecho internacional del trabajo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2012-06-21) Canessa, Miguel
      The resizing of International Labor LawThe transformations brought about by the globalization of the labour world render insufficient the national efforts to face a cross-boundaries phenomenon. Similarly, the International Labour Organization efforts are praiseworthy but incomplete because its Members are reluctant to new international commitments. In this situation, labour human rights are in the best position to face the challenges of globalization.