Revista de Química. Vol. 35 Núm. 2 (2021)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Un bicentenario que también celebramos los químicos Ortega-San-Martín, Luis; 1

  • Rincón Filatélico
  • Bicentenario… de la cafeína Rabinovich, Daniel; 2-3

  • Artículos
  • Armas químicas: descripción general de tipos, riesgos y tratamientos Muñoz-Canales, Verónica; Rodríguez-López, Julián; 4-18
  • La cromatografía en capa fina: una alternativa vigente en la industria farmacéutica Vallejo-Rosero, Yeraldin Johana; Barrios-Correa, Luis; Anaya-Gil, Jorge; 19-25
  • Si la leche es blanca, ¿Por qué el queso es amarillo? Escobar Zapata, Carlos Alfonso; 26-29
  • Rojo: el color del Perú Beltrán-Suito, Rodrigo; 30-35
  • 100 años de la ciencia macromolecular: orígenes y perspectivas de futuro Ayarza, Jorge; 36-43
  • Tendencias en el uso del biocarbón como acondicionador de suelos Aponte, Gloria María; Soledad-Rodríguez, Beatriz; 44-51
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 8 de 8
    • Ítem
      Tendencias en el uso del biocarbón como acondicionador de suelos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-01) Aponte, Gloria María; Soledad-Rodríguez, Beatriz
      Biochar is a product that is obtained from different types of biomass such as pine wood bark, bamboo, organic and vegetable waste, human manure, poultry manure, among others. Biochar has been used in different ways as a soil improver among which are: improving the retention of water and nutrients in the soil, increasing the productivity of crops, increasing the quality of the soil and also acting as a sequestrant of carbon dioxide. This use as a soil improver is not only recognized from a research or academic point of view, but there is a lot of business interest in its development and commercialization, which is seen by the accelerated trend of patent research and development in the last ten years. Technology leadership is represented by US companies and the academic sector by Chinese universities publications. The future of biochar, as a soil conditioner, looks promising from both a business and academic point of view.
    • Ítem
      Rojo: el color del Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-10-19) Beltrán-Suito, Rodrigo
      The red color is characteristic of the symbols and emblems of Peru. It is not only present in the national flag, but is also characteristic of its national bird (Rupicola peruviana) and flower (Cantua buxifolia). Their color is due to the structural characteristics of organic substances belonging to the family of carotenoids and flavonoids. Apart from their use as colorants and pigments, these compounds also find diverse applications in pharmaceuticals and nutrition due to their antioxidant properties. This review details the specific compounds that give rise to the red color of the most representative plants and animals of Peru. The presence of unique substances not observed in other species is also highlighted.
    • Ítem
      Armas químicas: descripción general de tipos, riesgos y tratamientos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-08-22) Muñoz-Canales, Verónica; Rodríguez-López, Julián
      Chemical weapons have been used since time immemorial with a particular boom during the 19th century and World War I, where they played a crucial role as weapons of mass destruction. Despite the current greater awareness on the part of the population, the danger of chemical agents has not ended, due to the increase in their use for terrorist purposes. In this paper, a classification of the different chemical weapons is carried out and their toxic effects and mechanisms of action are analyzed, among other aspects, to continue raising awareness about the importance of their prohibition.
    • Ítem
      Un bicentenario que también celebramos los químicos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-21) Ortega-San-Martín, Luis
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Si la leche es blanca, ¿Por qué el queso es amarillo?
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-10-13) Escobar Zapata, Carlos Alfonso
      Cow's milk, which is used to make cheese, contains b-carotene, which is the compound responsible for the natural pale-yellow color of cheese. This yellow-orange colored compound is found naturally in the grass that cows feed on. As it is fat soluble, it is stored in the cow´s fat and passes into the milk encapsulated inside the so-called fat globules contained in milk. Since these globules scatter the incident light, milk appears to be white. During cheese making, these fat globules break down, releasing the b-carotene, which stains the cheese with its characteristic yellow color. Currently, to homogenize the cheese color in the industry, Annatto is added, a natural colorant extracted from the plant Bixa orellana L., present in the Peruvian Amazonia.
    • Ítem
      100 años de la ciencia macromolecular: orígenes y perspectivas de futuro
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-11-05) Ayarza, Jorge
      The year 2020 marked the 100th anniversary of the emergence of macromolecular science, also known as polymer science. In 1920, German chemist Herman Staudinger conducted pioneering research in which he coined the term ‘polymer’, giving rise to a new area of chemistry. Over many decades, a vast repertoire of polymeric materials and plastics were developed, with diverse applications in academic research, industry, transport, health, and electronics. Currently, this science still faces many challenges both at the fundamental research level as well as in engineering and technological applications. In this paper, we summarize the main historical events related to the development of macromolecular science, and also discuss current challenges and future perspectives.
    • Ítem
      Bicentenario… de la cafeína
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-12-21) Rabinovich, Daniel
      Se cumplen doscientos años del descubrimiento de la cafeína y en este rincón filatélico se hace un repaso a los descubridores de esta molécula tan consumida en el mundo por medio de un conjunto de estampillas.
    • Ítem
      La cromatografía en capa fina: una alternativa vigente en la industria farmacéutica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-09-08) Vallejo-Rosero, Yeraldin Johana; Barrios-Correa, Luis; Anaya-Gil, Jorge
      Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) emerged in the '50s, receiving great acceptance in its early years thanks to its versatility and efficiency. However, advances in new technologies caused thin layer chromatography to be progressively replaced, which is why we are looking for ways to couple TLC to more sophisticated and robust techniques in order to maintain its validity in the market. Nowadays, TLC is a technique that, when well-managed, allows the determination of purity and identification of raw materials of numerous drugs according to pharmacopoeia specifications, besides being used in rapid analysis for the detection of drugs and analyses of varied complexity. In the present assay, it will be demonstrated that TLC is a versatile, accessible and safe technique to perform chemical analyses with high performance if a basic knowledge and expertise for its execution are taken into account. d expertise for its execution is taken into account.