Revista de Química
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ISSN: 1012-3946
e-ISSN: 2518-2803
La Revista de Química (PUCP) es una publicación que tiene como objetivo la divulgación de la Química y busca difundir los principales avances científicos en Química y áreas afines con objeto que la sociedad actual, sin necesidad de tener una formación científica completa, pueda conocer los descubrimientos más destacados de estas ciencias. No se aceptan trabajos de investigación experimental pero sí trabajos de revisión que hayan sido escritos con objeto de divulgación. Consulte más detalles aquí.
654 resultados
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Voltamperometría: fundamentos electroquímicos y aplicaciones(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-16) González-Hernández, Jerson; Garcia-Céspedes, JairoVoltammetry is an electrochemical technique with a wide field of application in quantitative determinations of analytes, characterization analysis, and the study of diffusion, adsorption, reduction, and oxidation processes. The versatility of this analytical tool is due to the implementation of different modifications to the methodology based on technological advances that have improved equipment and the three-electrode systems, mainly. This review addresses the fundamental principles of voltammetry, which includes instrumentation, thermodynamics, and the kinetics of electrochemical processes, as well as a review of voltammetric techniques and some relevant applications in different fields such as environmental analysis, pharmaceutical industry, and forensic sciences. The multiple interdisciplinary studies based on voltammetry show a significant use and recognized applicability of this electrochemical technique.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Las partículas Janus y las dualidades en la química(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-05) Ortega-San-Martin, LuisEsta editorial se enfoca en los dos artículos presentes en este número, uno dedicado al uso de robots que hacen uso de herramientas de inteligencia artificial para la síntesis de fármacos, y el segundo centrado en las características especiales de las partículas Janus, que pueden autopropulsarse en determinadas condiciones.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Movimiento propulsado por reacciones químicas y mediante luz en partículas Janus y coloides activos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-06-28) Requejo, Katherinne I.; Cañari-Chumpitaz, CristhianUnlike inert matter in equilibrium, active matter such as biological organisms are out of equilibrium generating motion and assemblies from molecular interactions and chemical reactions in the nano and micro-scale. In the past, such properties were considered to be exclusive of living systems, however, developments in colloidal science have enabled to produce synthetic analogues known as active colloids capable of emulating these properties. In this article, we first introduce active colloids and Janus particles, the most well studied examples of this scientific field. Then, we briefly present the common methods to synthesize these particles and the description of the mechanism of propulsion at the single colloid level. Besides, we describe how these particles generate collective behavior and assemblies in conditions out of equilibrium. Finally, we describe important characteristics of these active colloids for their application in areas such as biomedicine and environmental remediation.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La revolución quimioinformática: enseñándole química a los robots(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-03-18) Montero-Bastidas, José RaúlThis article describes recent advances in the automation of organic chemistry focused on medicinal chemistry. Different platforms have enabled the execution of hundreds and even thousands of reactions in parallel to accelerate the discovery of pharmaceuticals. On the other hand, artificial intelligence models are being applied in organic chemistry to design experiments with conditions that increase the probability of success. Together, these advances promise to revolutionize organic synthesis and the fields of industry that depend on it.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Bajo la lupa de la química del estado sólido: una breve introducción a la familia de las carbodiimidas/cianamidas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-10) Bourakhouadar, HichamMetal cyanamides and carbodiimides are an exciting group of compounds in solid state chemistry. They have been widely studied in recent years, and a large number of compounds have been reported that now incorporate alkali, alkaline earth, main group, transition, and rare earth metals. This work is an introduction to this family, in which we describe the forms of crystallization, methods of synthesis and some of their reported and potential applications in Li-Ion & Na-Ion batteries, as light-emitting diodes and photoluminescent materials.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Cuando la “viveza” destruye la integridad científica: la compra de autorías en artículos científicos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-13) Ortega-San-Martin, LuisEsta editorial se centra en el principal problema ético que ha sacudido el ámbito de la investigación científica en el Perú: la compra de autorías en publicaciones por pseudocientíficos que buscan engañar tanto a sus empleadores, lectores y estudiantes, con hojas de vida falsas en infladas. Estas graves faltas de ética sientan un pésimo ejemplo a los jóvenes investigadores y dañan la integridad científica.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La Era Digital en la Química Farmacéutica: Transformando el Diseño de Medicamentos con Métodos Computacionales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-11-28) Valdiviezo, JesusDrug design has significantly benefited from advancements in computational chemistry and neural networks. In this article, we explore the pivotal role played by computational chemistry techniques such as Density Functional Theory (DFT), Molecular Docking, and Molecular Dynamics (MD) in understanding and optimizing atomic and molecular-level interactions. Furthermore, we examine how the integration of neural networks has enhanced precision and efficiency in drug design. We present specific examples of research projects showcasing the synergy between these methods and highlighting substantial advances in the quest for effective medical solutions. Additionally, we discuss challenges and key considerations for continuing to progress in this multidisciplinary field.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La aplicación y práctica de la química en dispositivos ponibles para el análisis de fluidos corporales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-05) Nien, Hsin-Hua; Li, Bor-RanWearable devices improve personalize health care. The wearable devices can come in various convenient forms such as contact lenses, watch and skin patch to fit the clinical application. The wearable devices can be applied on different body fluid type including interstitial fluid, urine, tear, saliva, and sweat. Chemistry plays an important role on body fluid component analysis. Delicate design of chemistry response affects the analytic result display mode, detection accuracy and device stability. This article reviews the application and practice of chemistry in wearable device of body fluid analysis. Integration of chemistry and other detection systems provides many possibilities and opportunities on the development of future healthcare wearable devices. Keywords: Wearable device, glucose, lactate, healthcareÍtem Texto completo enlazado “La química del dinero”, una recomendación para numismáticos, químicos y curiosos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-14) Ortega-San-Martin, LuisThe highlights of the book "The Chemistry of Money" by Brian Rohrig.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Hacia el desarrollo de alternativas sostenibles al combustible diésel: síntesis de 1,1-dimetoximetano (OME1) a través de catálisis bifuncional(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-06-14) Herrera, Jose Efrain; Rodriguez, Andrés F.The environmental impact generated by the extensive utilization of fossil-based fuels has driven the need to develop renewable energy sources, as well as sustainable processes for liquid fuels production. Oxymethylene ethers (OMEs) are oxygenated compounds that have emerged as a potential alternative to replace Diesel fuel, helping to reduce the formation of soot and nitrogen oxides (NOx) during its combustion. Among this family of compounds, 1,1-dimethoxymethane (OME1) has special interest because of its versatility as an industrial solvent or as a chemical intermediate. Specifically, it can be used as a feedstock to produce higher chain OMEs. The direct synthesis of OME1 involves the selective oxidation of methanol over bifunctional catalysts, which have been widely studied during the last decades. This work summarizes the main features of the different catalytic systems developed, which play a fundamental role for the commercial production of 1,1-dimethoxymethane