Vol. 46 Núm. 2 (2022)

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/193433

Tabla de Contenido

  • Influencia prosódica en la espirantización de las oclusivas sonoras del castellano de la ciudad de Lima (Perú) Elias-Ulloa, José; 441-480
  • “Motoso y terruco”: ideologías lingüísticas y racialización en la política peruana Zavala, Virginia; Almeida, Claudia; 481-521
  • La estructura informativa del doblado de predicados Muñoz Pérez, Carlos; Verdecchia, Matías; 523-550
  • “No, pero si yo quisiera lo podría hacer”: los recursos de concesividad con función atenuante en actos argumentativos en el corpus PRESEEA de Santiago de Chile Ibarra Herrera, Daniela; Guerrero González, Silvana; Gajardo Moller, Consuelo; González Riffo, Javier; 551-585
  • Ironía y creatividad léxica durante la pandemia del coronavirus Rodríguez González, Félix; 587-620
  • Nombres comerciales en kichwa en Quito: una comodificación y explotación cultural del uso de la lengua Enríquez Duque, Paola; 621-669
  • La fuente escrita como elemento corroborativo de los cambios fónicos: evidencia onomástica Cerrón-Palomino, Rodolfo; Cangahuala Castro, Sergio; 671-702
  • El diario personal como espacio de reflexión literaria en cuatro autores del contexto hispánico: Ribeyro, Levrero, Piglia y Trapiello Luque Amo, Álvaro; 703-726
  • ¿Cómo es el sujeto? Crítica y clínica en los poemas de Oliverio Girondo Vich, Víctor; 727-744
  • "El patio de los vientos perdidos" de Roberto Burgos Cantor: aspectos de la novela del encanto de la interioridad Orduz Rodríguez, Frank Alexander; 745-772
  • Entre la autoficción y la teoría expresiva del arte: "Efectos del amor propio" de Miguel Álvarez de Sotomayor (c. 1810) Muñoz de Morales Galiana, Javier; 773-803
  • Performando la patria: "Los patriotas de Lima en la noche feliz" Santistevan, Alfonso; 805-834

  • Reseñas
  • Micaela Carrera de la Red y Marta Luján (eds.). "Orígenes y contactos del español de América". Madrid / Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2021. 366 pp. Bravo-García, Eva; 835-843
  • Luz Ainaí Morales Pino, Elena Grau-Llevería y Fernando Villegas Torres (eds.). "Arte, artista y campo artístico. Concepciones, inscripciones y poéticas en el contexto latinoamericano". Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Caro Ojeda, Marlon Enrique; 844-850
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    • Ítem
    • Ítem
      Entre la autoficción y la teoría expresiva del arte: "Efectos del amor propio" de Miguel Álvarez de Sotomayor (c. 1810)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-23) Muñoz de Morales Galiana, Javier
      This paper aims to carry out an analysis of the novel Efectos del amor propio (c. 1810) using a broader theoretical framework than the one that has been used so far to study it. Thus, we consider that it can be typified as “autofiction”, a type of novel in which the identity of the main character and that of the author are mixed up, and which is conditioned by a new way of understanding artistic creation that emerged in the early nineteenth century: the “expressive theory of art”, applicable to works whose main purpose was the intimate venting of the author.
    • Ítem
      Performando la patria: "Los patriotas de Lima en la noche feliz"
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-23) Santistevan, Alfonso
      Los patriotas de Lima en la noche feliz, a stage play that is part of the performative program of the declaration of the independence of Peru in 1821, has been mostly studied based on its content and style. This article reviews the way this play has been approached from different disciplines and proposes a study from the aesthetics of the performative. From an analysis of the performative components, both mimetic and ritual, it is suggested to pay attention to the exclusions, the symbolic and fictional spaces, and the character hierarchy that the play proposes. In this way, this study reveals the play’s contradictions and limitations when it comes to representing the emerging Peruvian republic: the inaugural work of republican theater envisions a rational, “civic” and white/creole Peru that excludes the possibility of a heterogeneous nation.
    • Ítem
      ¿Cómo es el sujeto? Crítica y clínica en los poemas de Oliverio Girondo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-23) Vich, Víctor
      This essay studies the representation of subjectivity in Oliverio Girondo’s poetry based on three types of figurations: the decentering of identity, the crisis of the will and the death drive. The analysis attempts to show, on the one hand, the importance that these representations had in a context that demanded unitary, coherent and productive subjects and, on the other hand, to locate the critique that this poetry addresses to modern reason. The essay lists the strategies elucidated to reconfigure subjectivity before the world, before language and before itself.
    • Ítem
      “No, pero si yo quisiera lo podría hacer”: los recursos de concesividad con función atenuante en actos argumentativos en el corpus PRESEEA de Santiago de Chile
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-23) Ibarra Herrera, Daniela; Guerrero González, Silvana; Gajardo Moller, Consuelo; González Riffo, Javier
      This paper analyses concessive resources with a mitigating function which are found in argumentative acts in the PRESEEA corpus from Santiago, Chile. Based on data from 36 semi-structured interviews, the behaviour of concessive-oppositional moves and concessive discourse particles in argumentative acts is analyzed, and their sociolinguistic variation is described in relation to the speakers’ gender, age and level of education. The key findings highlight that in Chilean Spanish there are at least 12 strategies that fulfill a mitigating concessive function, among which “sí, pero (yes, but) + negation”, “aunque (even though)”, “no, pero (no, but) + assertion” and “a pesar (de) que (despite the fact that)” stand out. These strategies are linked to the functions of self-protection and face prevention in the development of the argumentative act. Furthermore, it is also observed that the variation is mostly due to the subject’s age.
    • Ítem
      "El patio de los vientos perdidos" de Roberto Burgos Cantor: aspectos de la novela del encanto de la interioridad
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-23) Orduz Rodríguez, Frank Alexander
      This article studies El patio de los vientos perdidos (1984), the first novel by Colombian writer Roberto Burgos Cantor. From the parameters of The novel of the enchantment of interiority, a category proposed by Hélène Pouliquen (2018), it shows how the moments of plenitude oppose radical skepticism. Thus, it examines how paradigms that organize an ethic of interiority operate in the novel, where the characters experience moments of fullness despite their difficult realities.
    • Ítem
      “Motoso y terruco”: ideologías lingüísticas y racialización en la política peruana
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Zavala, Virginia; Almeida, Claudia
      In this article, we analyze uses of “motoso” and “motoso terruco” in Peruvian politics, produced in social networks (Twitter and Facebook), which account for a semiotic process of indexical inversion in the functioning of the language ideology of motoseo. In this context, speaking “motoso” no longer refers to concrete forms of speech associated with a social group, but to practices and discourses that produce a meta-pragmatic knowledge of how “Indians” supposedly speak or should speak. The reinvention of “motoso” in articulation with “terruco” would be revealing new dynamics in the way cultural racism functions in Peru. Specifically, it emerges as a strategy to racialize, relocate and, above all, silence political figures who are seen as potential threats to a prevailing social order of colonial and neoliberal character.
    • Ítem
      La estructura informativa del doblado de predicados
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-22) Muñoz Pérez, Carlos; Verdecchia, Matías
      In this paper we analyze the information structure of predicate doubling in Rioplatense Spanish (e.g., Leer, leyó ‘as for reading, she/he read’). We propose that in this construction the dislocated predicate functions as a contrastive topic in the sense of Büring (2003), that is, it evokes a set of alternative questions with which it contrasts. We argue that this characterization explains the “continuation effect” that predicate doubling exhibits, i.e., the fact that a predicate doubling sentence suggests a potential continuation that involves another predicate. Moreover, we show that this analysis correctly predicts the distribution of predicate doubling in embedding contexts.
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      Influencia prosódica en la espirantización de las oclusivas sonoras del castellano de la ciudad de Lima (Perú)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-21) Elias-Ulloa, José
      This article studies the role that stress, and the word-initial syllable has on the spirantization of the intervocalic voiced stops in the Spanish of Lima. Through the analysis of how frequently the stop and approximant allophones of the voiced stops occur and intensity ratio measurements of those allophones, the study found out that there is an asymmetry between the spirantization patterns of non-velar and velar stops. It was also found out that the interaction between stress and the word-initial syllable can inhibit the spirantization of /b, d/ up to a certain degree, and that stress can increase the amount of constriction of their approximant allophones, [β, ð]. Those same prosodic factors do not have any effect on the spirantization of /ɡ/. It regularly surfaces as the velar approximant, [ɣ], in intervocalic environments.