IUS ET VERITAS. Núm. 57 (2018)

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/183687

Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Valera Nuñez, Andrea Jamileth; 11

  • Presentación
  • Presentación Orbegozo Altamirano, Carolay; 13

  • Sección principal
  • Bases para el análisis económico de los sistemas de compliance penal Goldman, Diego Hernán; 14-28
  • Sentencia No. C-1008/2010 de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia y su fundamentación en la Lex Mercatoria Figuera Vargas, Sorily Carolina; Anaya Torres, María Alejandra; 30-42
  • Las variaciones en los contratos de construcción: precisiones sobre su noción y causas Vásquez Rebaza, Walter Humberto; 44-75
  • Las hipotecas de máximo en el sistema de garantías peruano. ¿Qué ocurre con los principios de accesoriedad y especialidad en cuánto al crédito en las hipotecas de máximo? Varsi Rospigliosi, Enrique; Torres Maldonado, Marco Andrei; 76-85
  • Las gracias presidenciales a Alberto Fujimori: un análisis desde el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos Blanco Vizarreta, Cristina; Mamani Ortega, Francisco; 86-104
  • El ejercicio de la actividad aseguradora por las empresas de la Economía Social: una revisión crítica de la situación en España Puyalto Franco, María José; 106-125
  • El abuso del Derecho de Información fuera de Junta en las Sociedades Anónimas y las limitaciones a su ejercicio Leturia, Eduardo; 126-145
  • El carácter ambiguo del concepto de genocidio: Entre la Sociología y el Derecho. Un análisis a partir de la discusión alrededor del genocidio político Benavides Vanegas, Farid Samir; 146-159
  • Corrupción y la categoría “delito de cuello blanco”: cuando los delitos se cometen en contextos normalizados Zúñiga Rodríguez, Laura; 162-169
  • Hacia una concepción autónoma de la responsabilidad precontractual y su aplicabilidad en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano Morales Hervias, Rómulo Martín; 170-189
  • La cuestión de confianza y la reciente sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional Eguiguren Praeli, Francisco José; 190-197
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 13
    • Ítem
      Las gracias presidenciales a Alberto Fujimori: un análisis desde el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-15) Blanco Vizarreta, Cristina; Mamani Ortega, Francisco
      The pardon and right of grace granted to Alberto Fujimori in December 2017 were widely questioned for ethical, political and legal reasons. In the field of Law, the decision was widely claimed as arbitrary and contrary to constitutional and legal  norms. This article focuses on International Human Rights Law and assesses how the presidential grace granted contradicts norms from this field of International Law. The authors discuss the inadmissibility of presidential graces in cases of serious human rights violations, the incompatibility of the measure with the rights of the relatives of the victims, the nonobservance of due process, and the lack of necessity and proportionality in the decision.
    • Ítem
      Editorial. IUS ET VERITAS; Núm. 57 (2018)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-15) Valera Nuñez, Andrea Jamileth
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      El abuso del Derecho de Información fuera de Junta en las Sociedades Anónimas y las limitaciones a su ejercicio
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-15) Leturia, Eduardo
      In Peru, article 52-A of the General Corporation Law incorporated the shareholders’ right to information outside of the General Shareholders Board for companies. In said article, this right is limited by two aspects: (i) that it must be requested by shareholders representing no less than five percent (5%) of the paid capital and (ii) that the required information must not compromise reserved facts or matters whose disclosure may damage the company. Although the aforementioned law does not explicitly indicate it, another restriction is that said right cannot be exercised in an abusive manner. This paper discusses the limitations to the shareholders’ right to information outside the General Shareholders Board and the abuse of said right, questioning whether it needs to be audited or if it compels the administration to prepare information required by the shareholders.
    • Ítem
      El carácter ambiguo del concepto de genocidio: Entre la Sociología y el Derecho. Un análisis a partir de la discusión alrededor del genocidio político
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-15) Benavides Vanegas, Farid Samir
      In this paper, the author focuses on treatment that genocide receives from the field of sociology, then he checks the differences of sociological studies with legal regulation contained in Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, specifically to groups that are subject to protection in legal definition of genocide.To achieve his purpose, the author develops how the process of production of the Convention was as well the criticism of legal definition of genocide in sociology. The author concludes sociological definitions have limitations, gives primacy to legal concept of genocide and affirms that social groups not protected by the Convention find protection by other rules of International Criminal Law.
    • Ítem
      Presentación. IUS ET VERITAS; Núm. 57 (2018)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-15) Orbegozo Altamirano, Carolay
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Bases para el análisis económico de los sistemas de compliance penal
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-15) Goldman, Diego Hernán
      Compliance programs and systems of criminal or administrative liability are being increasingly adopted by different countries as measures meant to reduce the social cost of white collar criminality. However, the legal application of these measures does not always ponder correctly the impacts on common good, the levels of economic activity and the adequate functioning of markets of goods and services. Eventually, this situation can lead to undesired effects, such as the inefficiency of the criminal system, the reduction of economic activity or the arising of obstacles to competition. By taking these circumstances into account, in this paper we will utilize the Economic Analysis of Law to analyze the logic that inspires these legal institutes and the incentives they generate. Our objective is to delineate some parameters that allow legislators, judges, legal advisors and businessmen to evaluate different compliance systems in terms of economic efficiency, generation of wealth and the promotion of competition in markets.
    • Ítem
      El ejercicio de la actividad aseguradora por las empresas de la Economía Social: una revisión crítica de la situación en España
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-15) Puyalto Franco, María José
      Social Economy companies constitute not only a particularly valuable legal instrument to empower workers and consumers in a digital and globalised market, but they are also a clear alternative to profit-making companies. Although Spain was a pioneer by recognising this sector in the Law 5/2011, of March 29th, of Social Economy, the main criticism lies in the lack of application of the framework, in general, and the measures of the Seventh Additional Provision, in particular. These measures called for the review of specific legislation in order to remove the limitations to Social Economy entities so that they could operate in any economic activity without any unjustified barrier. However, the Spanish legislator has not made any extra or systematic effort to reach that end. Therefore, this academic work will address the consequences of this inaction concerning the Social Economy companies that operate in a highly regulated sector: the insurance market.
    • Ítem
      La cuestión de confianza y la reciente sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-15) Eguiguren Praeli, Francisco José
      This paper analyzes the purpose, scope and political effects of the vote of confidence, which the Council of Ministers can present to Congress, from its regulation in the Peruvian Constitution. The author also evaluates the content and effects of the reform introduced in the Rulebook of Congress that discourages the use of the vote of confidence and limits its scope. Finally, the paper discusses the judgment of the Peruvian Constitutional Court that declares said reform as unconstitutional.
    • Ítem
      Las variaciones en los contratos de construcción: precisiones sobre su noción y causas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-15) Vásquez Rebaza, Walter Humberto
      One of the most important aspects of construction projects are their variations. These are situations that generate a series of negative consequences for those involved and constitute the breeding ground for claims and controversies, are inevitable in the construction industry. In the present article we will analyze two fundamental questions about variations: their conceptual delimitation and its causes. In general terms, we believe that a better understanding of the phenomenon will allow providing adequate and coherent solutions to the problem. The importance of this article derives from the vacuum at the legislative, doctrinal and jurisprudential levels in Peru. In effect, the regulation of the work contract contained in the Civil Code does not devote an organic treatment to variations. However, certain provisions of the mentioned normative body (as well as others included in sectoral disciplines) refer to the changes assigning them important legal effects.
    • Ítem
      Hacia una concepción autónoma de la responsabilidad precontractual y su aplicabilidad en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-15) Morales Hervias, Rómulo Martín
      The present paper proposes critical reflections to the prevailing thesis of Peruvian doctrine that considers that pre-contractual liability is subsumed in the general clause of atypical extra-contractual liability. In addition, a Peruvian judgment is analyzed to demonstrate that it is possible to argue in future cases the existence of a pre-contractual obligation based on the category of “an obligation without benefit”, which emanates from objective good faith.