THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho. Núm. 75 (2019)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Consejo Ejecutivo; 3

  • Homenaje
  • Tributo al maestro: recordando a Carlos Fernández Sessarego Espinoza Espinoza, Juan; 11-13

  • Derecho laboral individual
  • Jornada laboral: importancia y aspectos críticos de su regulación Ávalos Rodríguez, Brian; 17-32
  • Las trabajadoras del hogar en el Perú: Contexto actual, evolución normativa y posibles cambios Kajatt Flores, Carlos; 33-41
  • Extinción del contrato de trabajo de los empleados del hogar en España Ayala del Pino, Cristina; 43-62

  • Igualdad y no discriminación en el empleo
  • Derecho a la igualdad y remuneración equitativa Zuta Palacios, Karla; 63-74
  • Igualdad salarial entre hombres y mujeres: defensas y excepciones Blume Moore, Iván; 77-86
  • Discriminación en la regulación peruana del descanso por maternidad y paternidad Ulloa Millares, Daniel; 87-95

  • Descentralización productiva
  • ¿Quo vadis iurisprudentia?: la desnaturalización en la tercerización en el ordenamiento peruano Puntriano Rosas, César; 97-110
  • ¿Empresas tercerizadoras y trabajadores no registrados?: a propósito de la Casación Laboral 11312-2016-Junín Guzmán Estrada, Lucía Alejandra; 111-119

  • Relaciones colectivas del trabajo
  • Actuación sindical en la prevención y combate al acoso moral en el ambiente de trabajo: ¿es efectiva? Ciampa Benhame Puglisi, Maria Lúcia; 121-134
  • La conciliación laboral: Examen de su funcionalidad como sistema de resolución de conflictos Matallana Ruiz, Roberto; 135-147
  • Mediación laboral y su impacto en las relaciones colectivas de trabajo en Perú Cadillo Ángeles, Carlos; 149-163

  • Responsabilidad laboral
  • Algunas consideraciones sobre la responsabilidad del empleador ante daños causados al trabajador Ágreda Aliaga, Jorge Orlando; 165-186
  • Vicisitudes en el tratamiento del daño moral por la jurisprudencia laboral peruana Briones Quispe, Milko; 187-202
  • Apuntes a la responsabilidad civil derivada de despido incausado o fraudulento en el sistema peruano: la retórica de los punitive damages y la desnaturalización del lucro cesante Campos García, Héctor; 203-218

  • Presente y futuro del Derecho del Trabajo
  • El derecho del trabajo en la era del Turbocapitalismo Arias Domínguez, Ángel; 219-235
  • El impacto de las nuevas formas organizativas propias de la economía basada en medios tecnológicos en el mundo del trabajo Calderón Paredes, Cecilia; 237-253
  • Algoritmos laborales: big data e inteligencia artificial Toyama Miyagusuku, Jorge; Rodríguez León, Ariana; 255-266

  • Misceláneas
  • La prescripción de las infracciones en el Derecho Administrativo Sancionador peruano Ayvar Ayvar, Ricardo; Borda Gianella, Waldo; 269-291
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 20
    • Ítem
      La prescripción de las infracciones en el Derecho Administrativo Sancionador peruano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-23) Ayvar Ayvar, Ricardo; Borda Gianella, Waldo
      Prescription is a critical legal construct in Peruvian punitive administrative law, since it establishes a limit to the the punitive power of the State, which provides the citizens the legal certainty that they need when engaging with the public administration. Although most administrative procedures are regulated by a general norm, it is also necessary to consider the impact of specific norms on this institution.The author analyzes this topic by, first, addressing the legal status and typology of prescription to further adopt a stance regarding its legal framework. At last, the author refers to the materiality of its exceptional circumstances: the interruption and suspension of the limitation period.
    • Ítem
      El derecho del trabajo en la era del Turbocapitalismo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-23) Arias Domínguez, Ángel
      Since its inception, labour law surged as a response to the needs of workers who were submitted to a capitalist economy. However, with a shift to turbocapitalism, efficiency and consumption take precedent in redefi ning labor dynamics. As a result, labour law is bend to adapt to this new context. The author highlights the need of a historical revision to the content of labour law. This involves revisiting the economic context that positioned its inception to identify which elements are essential and defi ne their purpose. Finally, they detail the changes introduced through turbocapitalism as the dynamic of labour relations. From here, the author suggests a revision of the essential elements of labour law as the key to understanding this new economic era.
    • Ítem
      Apuntes a la responsabilidad civil derivada de despido incausado o fraudulento en el sistema peruano: la retórica de los punitive damages y la desnaturalización del lucro cesante
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-23) Campos García, Héctor
      The peruvian Supreme Court has considered at the V Labour Plenary that the remunerations left to be received in cases of uncaused or fraudulent dismissal have a compensatory nature. This interpretation has led the notion of punitive damages to be used rhetorically and has provoced that differentiated rules are established without justification in relation to void dismissal.The article explains the reasons why the Supreme Court assumed such position and criticizes those reasons. Finally, a possible solution is presented so that the magistrates do not apply the refered interpretarion in specific cases.
    • Ítem
      El impacto de las nuevas formas organizativas propias de la economía basada en medios tecnológicos en el mundo del trabajo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-23) Calderón Paredes, Cecilia
      The Congress of the Republic of Peru has received two bills with the purpose of including legal relationships composed of digital platforms, the companies involved and those who provide services for these platforms within the scope of Labor Law Regulations as a way to prevent them from being improperly excluded from such application of the law.This article explores the concept of on-demand economy and the economy’s new organizational methods that has been propelled by technological advances in the world of work and examines them through the review of international jurisprudence.
    • Ítem
      Algoritmos laborales: big data e inteligencia artificial
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-23) Toyama Miyagusuku, Jorge; Rodríguez León, Ariana
      Technology is constantly evolving and influencing all spheres in our life. Law and, in particular, labour law are not far from the technological revolutions as, increasingly, companies are incorporating algorithms as strategic partners for decision making.In this article, the authors seek to analyze and explain both the impact of the use of logarithms in employment relations, using concepts of big data and artificial intelligence and the protection off ered by labour law against this new trend.
    • Ítem
      Mediación laboral y su impacto en las relaciones colectivas de trabajo en Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-22) Cadillo Ángeles, Carlos
      The present article analyzes the impact of labour conflict mediation in work relationships in Peru and how this alternative dispute resolution instrument is an ideal way to solve problems. That is why this article analyze the importance of labour mediation in the conflicts that arise between employers and workers. The author seeks to explain why it is necessary to revalue labour conflict mediation and return to the original meaning, because it represents a tool through which parties may resolve problems in a peaceful way.
    • Ítem
      Algunas consideraciones sobre la responsabilidad del empleador ante daños causados al trabajador
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-23) Ágreda Aliaga, Jorge Orlando
      Liability as a civil concept against contractual and non-contractual damages has been a widely discussed subject by civil doctrine, but underdeveloped from Peruvian labour law.In this paper the author provides an outline of the fi eld considering legal literature and the rules applicable in the relationship between the worker and the employer, with an emphasis in the critic of judicial rulings that are ineffi cient and create legal uncertainty.
    • Ítem
      Vicisitudes en el tratamiento del daño moral por la jurisprudencia laboral peruana
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-23) Briones Quispe, Milko
      The ideal of Legal certainty seems to elude us because of divergent and heterogeneous case law. In Peruvian labour case law, ruling of non-pecuniary damage cases often deviates from precedent criteria; thus, there is no safe criterion in matters such as –for example– its specific elements, or when does someone is obliged to prove it or when presumptions are available.This article aims to highlight the lack of stability among the non-pecuniary damage labour case law ruling criteria. The author begins by introducing the concept and premises of non-pecuniary damage from tort law theory. Furthermore, the author reflects on Peruvian labour case law ruling criteria referred to compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the context of arbitrary, uncaused or fraudulent dismissal. At last, the author delves on the need of adhering to precedent criteria for the ruling of non-pecuniary damage cases.
    • Ítem
      Actuación sindical en la prevención y combate al acoso moral en el ambiente de trabajo: ¿es efectiva?
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-22) Ciampa Benhame Puglisi, Maria Lúcia
      In recent years, workplace harassment cases have multiplied and ceased to be reserved from one or another society to become a common reality of our times. Although there has been an attempt to solve this problem from legislative policies, it is also important to consider the role of trade unions. In this article, the author examines from web platforms the eff ect and presence of trade unions on specifications in the prevention and fi ght against psychological harassment on Brazil workplaces. To achieve this, comparative case law, union agreements and news from Brazil and other countries press agencies have been considered.
    • Ítem
      La conciliación laboral: Examen de su funcionalidad como sistema de resolución de conflictos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-04-22) Matallana Ruiz, Roberto
      Inherent to human socialization, dispute does not escape labor relations. Based upon an unequal status between employer and worker, labor relations off er a constant battle of opposing interests. Therefore, its resolution is the challenge to face. Among the current predominance of pacific dispute resolution, conciliation is an alternative to consider before a labor dispute. This article aims to analyze conciliation as a system of labor dispute resolution by using dispute theory to defi ne labor dispute and its different forms. Furthermore, the article displays the diversity of dispute resolution systems, specifying those concepts in the Peruvian legal frame for labor conciliation. At last, the article analyzes the advantages and criticism towards labor conciliation to, finally, underline its importance among labor dispute management.