Mundo de la vida en la filosofía hermenéutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El artículo que presentamos se propone examinar la presencia operativa del concepto husserliana de mundo de la vida en la filosofía hermenéutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer, dentro del marco general de su recepción crítica de la filosofía de Edmund Husserl. Consideramos que, pese a las reservas críticas que tiene Gadamer respecto del método y el proyecto fundacional de la fénomenología, es posible destacar en la lectura que éste hace de laobra de Husserl puntos de encuentro de relevancia para la aclaración de sus propios planteamientos, referidos fundamentalmente a la lucha contra el objetivismo y sus efectos alienantes sobre la praxis social y cultural, así como a la rehabilitación de un ámbito pre-reflexivo previo a lógica de la investigación científica, considerado por ambos autores como el suelo donde estarían enraizadas todas las producciones culturales.
This paper examines the presence of the Husserlian operative concept of the lifeworldin Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutic philosophy. It is suggested that, regardless of Gadamer·s criticisms to the method and the foundational project of phenomenology, it is possible to highlight in his interpretation of Husserl's work relevant shared aspects for the clarification of his own position. These are concerned with the struggle against objectivism and its alienating effects against cultural and social praxis, as well as the rehabilitation of a pre-reflective space previous to logic and scientific research, which are regarded by both authors as the ground where all cultural products are rooted.
This paper examines the presence of the Husserlian operative concept of the lifeworldin Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutic philosophy. It is suggested that, regardless of Gadamer·s criticisms to the method and the foundational project of phenomenology, it is possible to highlight in his interpretation of Husserl's work relevant shared aspects for the clarification of his own position. These are concerned with the struggle against objectivism and its alienating effects against cultural and social praxis, as well as the rehabilitation of a pre-reflective space previous to logic and scientific research, which are regarded by both authors as the ground where all cultural products are rooted.
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