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ISSN: 1016-913X
e-ISSN: 2223-3741

Areté es la revista de filosofía editada por el Departamento de Humanidades de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), que cuenta con dos números anuales. En ella se publican trabajos de investigación, originales e inéditos, escritos en español y eventualmente en inglés, de autores que participan de modo significativo en la discusión filosófica contemporánea en todos los campos de la reflexión filosófica. Comprende, también, una sección permanente de reseñas y, de manera ocasional, publica documentos sobre importantes debates filosóficos, realizados en nuestro país o en el extranjero, así como entrevistas a filósofos de renombre internacional.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 780
  • Ítem
    Gerard Naddaf y Louis-André Dorion: Making Sense of Myth. Conversations with Luc Brisson, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2024. 316 pp.
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-28) Moreno González, Rafael
    No presenta resumen.
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    La narración en la enseñanza de la ética
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-28) Zabala Hernández, Mauricio; Dionicio Lozano, Milton Fernando
    This paper seeks to call into question the usual way in which ethics is taught and to support the use of narrations as an important pedagogical tool within moral education. Since ethics has less to do with the acquisition of knowledge than with a disposition for action, it could very well use narrative formats to develop the sensibility necessary to build reflexive, critical and empathic citizens. After all, the anthropological nature of human beings is already narrative, and every form of good life implies ultimately the possibility of it being told. The practice of narrating amounts to a defense of the search for and the construction of meaning inside a society where rapidity and fragmentary information seem to determine the only possibility of self-constitution.
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    Jean-Luc Marion y la reducción a y de la llamada
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-28) Porcel Moreno, Manuel
    In his essay Réduction et donation, the French philosopher proposes a new principle –“autant de réduction, autant de donation”–, from which he will propose a third reduction in the field of phenomenology. The intent of this paper is to show how this principle points out that reduction, increasingly radicalized, not only reduces in a restrictive sense but rather opens or widens the horizon of donation, since it allows us to penetrate more and more into the very fact of donation as such. Thus, we will conclude that after the phenomenological-transcendental reduction and the ontological-existential reduction, the reduction to and from the call is exercised, which underlies as the fundamental scheme of the two previous reductions. This will be conceived as the original structure of the donation.
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    La organización de la economía en una sociedad comunista: sobre la teoría de los tres momentos en Marx y algunas perspectivas contemporáneas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-28) Sotomayor Trelles, José Enrique
    This paper has two aims. First, it attempts to sketch what one may call the “theory of the three moments”–a theory concerning the transition to communism–in Karl Marx’s works: seizure of power through democratic means, progressive destruction of the mechanisms of class domination, and organization of a new society of free and associated producers. The second aim of this paper returns to the horizon of possibilities regarding the organization of economy in a society where the remains of the capitalist mode of production have been destroyed. Concerning this point, the relevant passages of Marx’s work are neither abundant nor detailed. However, some of them focus on the perspectives of the cooperative organization of the Paris Commune. Going beyond Marx, the paper also reviews some contemporary approaches that take up the path towards an emancipated future.
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    Inteligencia artificial sostenible y quíntuple hélice: una respuesta ética en el ámbito de la innovación
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-28) Terrones Rodríguez, Antonio Luis
    In the Anthropocene and within the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence can be seen as an element that exacerbates the problems related to environmental degradation. Thus, renowned researchers such as Aimee van Wynsberghe and Mark Coeckelbergh have proposed the concept of Sustainable Artificial Intelligence (SAI). However, it is important to connect this conceptual approach with an innovation model that enables its realization for the sake of sustainability. The Quintuple Helix Framework represents an opportunity for boosting SAI through a form of innovation committed to social participation and environmental protection.
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    Utilitarismo extensional: el rol de la felicidad según J.S. Mill
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-28) Mesa Díez, David Santiago
    This paper aims to show that the idea of happiness defended by John Stuart Mill is based on a notion of utility that must be understood in extensional terms. This means that, according to Mill, the idea of happiness does not subordinate other practical precepts—such as the ones of justice and freedom. Instead, these precepts build the set of rules that enable its realization. This approach of Mill, which I call “extensional utilitarianism”, allows me to highlight the fundamental role that happiness plays in the context of Mill’s practical philosophy.
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    La educación como acogida: una propuesta desde la ética de Levinas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-28) Ortega Ruiz, Pedro; Romero Sánchez, Eduardo
    Emmanuel Levinas, one of the most profoundly original western philosophers of the 20th Century, has attracted considerable attention in recent years amongst educators and philosophers of education. His thought has several ethical implications for education in areas related with moral education, diversity issues, multiculturalism, or recognition policies. This paper is based on Levinas’ claim that the concept of responsibility builds the cornerstone of his philosophical work, and that responsibility is most clearly manifested in the welcoming of the other. To educate is to welcome, to accompany and to help the pupil in its life plan. According to Levinas’ ethics, welcoming is not understood as a mere object of instruction or teaching: “learning” takes place through contagion, through mimesis. Therefore, the paper criticizes an approach that stresses previously programmed concrete teaching activities, and defends the need to create a teaching environment in the classroom that encourages openness to the other, especially to those who are culturally different. It concludes showing the importance of a welcoming teaching that explores the feeling of responsibility and takes the experience of the pupil as the starting point of teaching action.
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    Una lectura estética y ética de La pregunta por la técnica de Heidegger
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-28) García Sánchez, Rafael
    Modern technology is a product of modern subjectivity and, more concretely, of a conception of metaphysics grounded on the apotheosis of the subject-object relation. The fact is that this conception of technology is out of control and, thus unleashed, it declares its radical independence. Technology, emancipated and proclaimed absolute rhýler, encloses our society. In this context, the will is deprived of all extra-technical means capable of safeguarding reality, voraciously abused and exposed to the danger of being reduced to mere replaceable utility, existence or resource. The out-of-tune world in which we live does not show itself in the truth of its being, but in the mere utility of a service that it must provide. On this path, it reaches human beings themselves, who with supreme discretion have been reduced to mere human resources.
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    Santo Tomás de Aquino y el Maestro Eckhart. Alcances en torno al ejemplo noético del muro en el De unitate intellectus contra averroistas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-28) Paredes Díaz, Sandro; Albornoz Olivares, Mauricio
    The relationship between Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart is –especially with regards to noetics– a complex matter. This paper explores the possibility of identifying coincidences and differences in their approaches starting from the noetic example of the wall used by Thomas in De unitate intellectus, which Eckhart also mentions in some of his works. I present an analysis of the example of the wall and of its use by Eckhart in a group of his sermons and treatises. As a conclusion, I claim that Eckhart, though acquainted with Thomas’ position, develops a perspective that goes beyond the Thomist framework.
  • Ítem
    El significado de la responsabilidad en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt y su proyección en el tiempo
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-28) Cantero, María de los Ángeles
    This paper analyses the variations and continuities of the meaning of responsibility in the different stages of Hannah Arendt’s work. First, it highlights the importance given to the political meaning of responsibility in the texts written before the report on the Eichmann trial. Then, it examines the mutations leading to a stress on the legal-moral meaning and on the relationship between thought, will and judgement. As a conclusion, it discusses the legacy of Arendt’s thought on responsibility and its reception by later generations.