Las coaliciones promotoras de la política pública de salud mental en Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En este artículo analizo los factores que explican las inercias y cambios en la formulación dela política pública de salud mental en el Perú durante el periodo 2003-2016, sobre la base de las coaliciones promotoras. Mediante una metodología de investigación cualitativa, basadaen entrevistas con los actores clave, muestro cómo la política de salud mental —cuyos beneficiarios directos (las personas que padecen enfermedades mentales) no tienen capacidad paramovilizarse y plantear demandas— es discutida y cambia a través del tiempo. Sostengo queesta política avanza y se transforma constantemente debido a las configuraciones que se dan enel espacio estatal y no estatal —con las condiciones que cada área implica— y al papel de tresdiferentes coaliciones promotoras que impulsan núcleos de creencias sobre la salud mental ysobre las políticas más adecuadas para enfrentarla.
In this article, I analyze the factors that explain the changes and continuities in the making ofpublic mental health policy in Peru during the 2003-2016 period, using the advocacy coalition framework. Through a qualitative research methodology, based on interviews with key-actors,I show how mental health policy - whose direct beneficiaries (people suffering from mental illness)do not have the capacity to mobilize and make claims - is discussed and changed throughthe process. I argue that this policy advances and changes constantly due to the configurationsthat take place in the governmental and non-governmental spaces, with the conditions thateach space implies, and the role of three different advocacy coalitions that promote nuclei ofbeliefs about mental health and what are the most adequate policies to deal with it.
In this article, I analyze the factors that explain the changes and continuities in the making ofpublic mental health policy in Peru during the 2003-2016 period, using the advocacy coalition framework. Through a qualitative research methodology, based on interviews with key-actors,I show how mental health policy - whose direct beneficiaries (people suffering from mental illness)do not have the capacity to mobilize and make claims - is discussed and changed throughthe process. I argue that this policy advances and changes constantly due to the configurationsthat take place in the governmental and non-governmental spaces, with the conditions thateach space implies, and the role of three different advocacy coalitions that promote nuclei ofbeliefs about mental health and what are the most adequate policies to deal with it.
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