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ISSN 2305-7467
e-ISSN 2413-5437

La revista Conexión es una iniciativa académica del Departamento de Comunicaciones de la PUCP, que tiene como objetivo fomentar la investigación y la redacción de ensayos vinculados al tema de las comunicaciones. Se publica una vez al año y colaboran en ella profesores de planta del Departamento, así como investigadores y docentes invitados de otras universidades del país y del extranjero. Los artículos publicados en la revista son originales y se someten a una revisión editorial antes de ser publicados.

Los campos de interés de las comunicaciones son amplios y variados, y esa diversidad de miradas es la que garantiza la interdisciplinariedad de nuestras búsquedas, vincula la heterogeneidad de nuestros objetos de estudio y conecta de manera transversal nuestros hallazgos. En la actividad de la vida académica, Conexión ofrece un lugar de encuentro para la comunicación social con los otros dominios del saber.


Resultados de búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 4 de 4
  • Ítem
    Mary Jiménez: íntima y universal
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-09-05) Bustamante, Emilio
    The present article highlights peruvian filmmaker Mary Jiménez as a pioneer of the first person documentary in Latin America, and intents to prove that in her work there is an intention to meet with the Other and reintegrate the individual with the universe.
  • Ítem
    El discurso del movimiento LGBTI en Ecuador: usos del lenguaje y la tecnología en momentos de campaña electoral
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2020-12-12) Criollo Burbano, Marcelo
    This article analyzes two digital communicative strategies of LGBTI collectives during the 2017 electoral campaign in Ecuador. The discursive practices of subaltern audiences, their appropriation of technology and their political actions in the digital sphere are analyzed. Additionally, it includes the expression, style and discursive spaces that these audiences use to discuss their demands in digital platforms. An optimistic view considers that technology and digital networks have allowed an increase of forms of participation and greater visibility of LGBTI movements in Ecuador. From a less optimistic perspective, it is questioned whether these channels are adequate and sufficient for political participation and influence. Methodologically, we focus on the study of the forms of power of the statements. We ask ourselves: What topics are addressed and excluded from digital discourses? What strategies are put into play in these counterdiscourses? Finally, from the perspective of collective action, an approach is made about the complexities of the subordinate public and its emanci-patory potential in an electoral campaign context.
  • Ítem
    Notas sobre el documental peruano contemporáneo
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-09-05) Varotto, Viola
    This article is a summary of the current situation on the Peruvian contemporary documentary and an analysis of the forms of audiovisual language management, the promotion of production, as well the training spaces. It proposes, as a reminder, some contemporary filmmakers whose works have been recognized in the local and international media. Finally, it delineates the profile of the contemporary filmmaker.
  • Ítem
    Descubriendo a través de los sentidos algo más que el talking-head: el Documental como Entrevista Panestésica
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-09-05) Carbonell, Isabelle
    Documentary interview methodologies are often oversimplified and undertheorized, and talking-heads, the technique most strongly associated with the documentary interview, is often perceived as the sole technique for interviewing while it is only one among many. Alternate methodologies are possible, that take into account the sensorial world, moving beyond the talking-head. Encompassing a multisensory approach not only to interview but also to the entire filmmaking process, I have developed a new method of interviewing called the panesthetic method. Baffle Their Minds with Bullsh*t, Kerry Leigh (2013) features a talking head interview style, while in The Blooming (working title), I stay connected by a lav microphone for over 18+ hours on a boat to Wynn, my interviewee. In contrasting these two case studies, the panesthetic approach emerges as a methodological path to rethinking the documentary interview.