Conexión. Núm. 04 (2015)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Sánchez León, Abelardo; 7

  • EL Perú, Narración y Noticia
  • Día nacional del Perú y medios de difusión Lloréns, José Antonio; 4-33
  • Los corresponsales peruanos en la Guerra del Pacífico Gargurevich, Juan; 34-49
  • El fútbol y el héroe posmoderno Pahuacho, Alonso; 50-69
  • José María Arguedas: difusor de la música andina Núñez, Gabriela; 70-87

  • Movimientos Sociales
  • La violencia de género en los espacios públicos Beatriz Arce, María; 90-105
  • Actores y discursos religiosos en la protesta social Pérez, Rolando; 106-121

  • Imágenes Portátiles
  • Razón social o denominación social: comunicación empresarial en la construcción de una sostenibilidad fantástica Ribeiro, Backer; 124-143
  • Transmediación en la televisión peruana Vásquez, Guillermo; 144-161
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 9 de 9
    • Ítem
      La violencia de género en los espacios públicos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-07-04) Beatriz Arce, María
      Gender-Based Violence (GBS) is one of the most important obstacles in theway to development. The model of communication for social change (C4SC),under an approach of civil rights, presents an unavoidable opportunity for communicators to take over the urgent ethical demand of placing their work atthe service of public politics in order to fulfill this goal; but mainly in order tostrengthen the women agency in order to promote their empowerment. Herethe model of C4SC is overlaid on the case of sexual harassment on the streets,in order to identify the strategic lines that can be used for addressing other casesof gender-based violence.
    • Ítem
      Los corresponsales peruanos en la Guerra del Pacífico
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-07-04) Gargurevich, Juan
      Little significance has been given to the important role played by journalism during the previous trial to the Chilean’s War Declaratory against Peru and Bolivia. In the same way to the journalists, the war stringer who were sent by the newspapers with the aim of covering warlike events including naval procedures. Among them, there were four journalists who kept their readers updated with the most patriotic and shocking columns. For instance, we must never forget names like Del Campo, Neto, Reyes and Horta.
    • Ítem
      Razón social o nombre comercial: la comunicación empresarial en la construcción fantástica sostenibilidad
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-07-04) Ribeiro, Backer
      Sustentabilidade tornou-se um modismo, e todas as organizações empresariaisquerem “estar na moda”. Todas buscam desenvolver e comercializar seus produtosde forma que não agridam o meio ambiente e não façam mal à saúde humana.Se preocupam com a preservação do planeta, cuidam dos seus funcionários e dasua comunidade. Entretanto, há muita descrença em relação à sustentabilidadeempresarial, ela não pode ser encarada apenas como um diferencial em relaçãoaos concorrentes, ou algo que possa agregar valor ao produto e/ou serviço. Nesteartigo propomos uma reflexão sobre o papel da comunicação empresarial emrelação à sustentabilidade e a atuação do comunicador frente aos desafios depreservar o planeta para as futuras gerações. Apresentamos também as estratégiascomunicacionais que as empresas desenvolvem nas mídias corporativas e porfim, ilustramos alguns cases que mostram como as organizações conduzem seusnegócios e contradizem a sua própria comunicação.
    • Ítem
      Actores y discursos religiosos en la protesta social
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-07-04) Pérez, Rolando
      This article analyses the roles played by the actors related to religious groups,the way that they rebuild their participation and representation in the publicspace from their involvement in the initiative of social protest about the reclaimand defense of certain civil rights. In this regard, the article addresses the relationship between religion and politics, and furthermore specifically, the way inwhich religious human capital contributes to the process of collective actionsand social mobilization. At the same time, it offers some ideas regarding theway in which religious speech and public practice is shaped by cultural mediatization.
    • Ítem
      Día nacional del Perú y medios de difusión
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-07-04) Lloréns, José Antonio
      This article offers a theoretical exploration about the massive display of mediaduring the annual celebration of Peru’s National Day. The exploration is basedon the general assumption that this celebration is a central practice of the Modern State-Nation that maintains its political legitimacy and its institutional continuity. In addition, such practice is part of the resources displayed for cultural conformation of its citizens. In this context, the article proposes a series of considerations regarding the interaction of mass media with the ceremonial State practices.
    • Ítem
      Transmediación en la televisión peruana
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-07-04) Vásquez, Guillermo
      Transmedia storytelling is gaining increasingly more presence in narrations thatpeople access through different media or platforms. In fact, this is not unawareto the Peruvian’s television contents in which the transmedia stories have startedappearing though with noticeable shyness and almost in proof-period, becausethe audience is still unfamiliar to the new tendency. In this article, an incipientreferent of transmedia in the public Peruvian television is examined. Theexposition is centered on the characteristics of the most recent manifestationsof the phenomenon.
    • Ítem
      El fútbol y el héroe posmoderno
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-07-04) Pahuacho, Alonso
      The aim of this article is to reveal, through a critical analysis of the discourse,how the leading football player Paolo Guerrero has been built up in differentsporting newspaper articles as a new national hero who is able to incarnate acertain archetypical value (bravery), and introduce him as a lucky essence fromthe Peruvian national character. Through a thoughtful examination of the several discursive strategies often used by the sports press, this virtue is deconstructed in order to find the national ideology which is set up behind it. The spirit of this essay is to denature every attempt of enclosing the idea of a unique national identity in this feature, a representation which most of the sporting announcements are the responsible to show it as an irrefutable truth.
    • Ítem
      José María Arguedas: difusor de la música andina
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-07-04) Núñez, Gabriela
      Jose Maria Arguedas (1911-1969) is one of the most important contemporaryPeruvian writers. His life and literacy work have located in the literature and theanthropology edges, reality and fiction, speaking and writing, the Andean andthe vernacular culture. Arguedas was a narrator, poet, ethnologist, teacher, civilservant, a folklore promoter and a great communicator who built interculturalbridges in Peru. Through the revision of one of his some literacy works, essays,letters and Peruvian musicians’ testimonies, this current article is an attemptto explore one of the author’s little known side: his role as an Andean musicpromoter.
    • Ítem
      Presentación. Conexión; Núm. 4 (2015)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-07-04) Sánchez León, Abelardo
      No presenta resumen