Conexión. Núm. 10 (2018)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado Investigaciones en torno a la identificación de hitos: recorridos con actores rurbanos y aplicaciones futuras en organizaciones sociales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-01-23) Kenbel, Claudia AlejandraThis work aims to share research experiences in the perspective of communication and social development, particularly in what we have called the rurban problem. This is an idea that invites us to understand the survival experiences of thousands of family groups that, throughout the continent, work with elements, knowledge and rural practices in urban settings. Their presence stresses the dominant conceptions about what the idea of city is or should be. To address these experiences we develop a methodological strategy based on confl icting milestones as events that reveal to the public sphere tensions of senses between the modern urban and alternative conceptions. Specifically, the milestones can be identified from public policies that aff ect the social groups of interest.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Estudio de caso desde la perspectiva de la metodología mixta digital para el abordaje de la instantaneidad y solidaridad en el uso de WhatsApp durante el sismo 19S, en la Ciudad de México(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-01-23) Ortega, Enedina; Sued, Gabriela; Meneses, María ElenaThis research is located in the context of the current debates related to the design and application of a mixed digital methodological proposal for the study of the construction of solidarity in the earthquake of September 19, 2017, in Mexico City. The study was carried out in four groups of users with different levels of aff ectation and the role played by the cell phone and the WhatsApp instant messaging application was evaluated on two levels: first, in the construction of solidarity during the stages of the earthquake and post-earthquake by the users of this application and, secondly, in the use of the cell phone and the instant messaging application WhatsApp as a fi eld of study,a digital method and a heuristic data collection tool within a focus of action research in situations of natural disasters, emergencies, crises and, particularly, earthquakes.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Tensiones entre la observación participante y la participación militante: la reflexividad como parte del trabajo etnográfico en un movimiento socioterritorial(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-01-23) Isidro, Maria EugeniaIn this work some refl ections are exposed that arise from the realization of an ethnography in a socioterritorial movement of environmental character that resists the current agrarian model in a medium-sized Argentine city. In addition to conducting a brief tour of theoretical concepts central to research such as "socio-territorial movements" and "identity", we are dedicated to unraveling the details of ethnographic work describing in detail the implementation of the techniques used (observation participant and interviews), their potential and risks. At the same time, we deepened the tensions that were faced during the research process, while emphasizing refl exivity as an essential tool of the social researcher.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Redes y comunicación: acompañamientos reflexivos en tiempos de cambio climático(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-01-23) Palacio, Dolly CristinaThe aspects of a relational perspective are deepened, such as the place-network which off ers a proposal of research and participatory action in the light of relational refl exivity beyond the human in which communication, as a founding phenomenon of the social, is particularly important in the era of socalled information and communication societies. Social Network Analysis (SNA) as a relational epistemology, but also as a method, off ers a unique opportunity to establish relational refl ective processes in times of climate change.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Bufo versus Lacrónica. Derivas actuales de la producción de conocimiento en América Latina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-01-23) Cimadevilla, GustavoThe amount of postgraduate dissertations in Communication that occur annually in Latin America would indicate that the area has a permanent power of results to disseminate. However, the impressions we have about the production of dissertations and master and doctoral theses do not confirm it. If at some point it was considered relevant to develop reasoning that would provoke existing knowledge, and invite them to think new realities and discuss old postulates about legitimized theories, today new writings are adapted to meet the guidelines of research projects oriented by sequential objectives in which proposals in particular do not excel, and therefore do not off er striking results. Should this worry us if the social sciences claim to have visibility and social value? The present text analyzes why in these models of academic production there are few novelties and only off ers some alternatives to rethink the relevance, a key aspect and of interest for researchers that promote the generation of knowledge for the social fabric around ALAIC.Ítem Texto completo enlazado ¿Cómo estudiar el racismo en la prensa escrita deportiva?(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-01-23) Gonzales, SharúnEthnic and racial stereotypes are part of the language that the Peruvian sports press uses in the construction of news. At the same time, such press replicates the complaints of racist events in football.This article refl ects on a methodological strategy to examine the coexistence of both elements in the Peruvian sports press. Taking into account the specific characteristics of this type of press and the particularity of racism in Peru, we detect the need to use a research approach that addresses diff erent dimensions of both textual discourse and discourse as a social, cultural and discursive practice.It is a process that relates three stages of data collection: content analysis, critical discourse analysis and in-depth interviews with discourse producers. Put in dialogue, the results of the three analyzes show that the apparently contradictory relationship between the discourse and the practice of the Peruvian sports press are in fact coherent with the naturalization of racism in Peruvian society.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación. Conexión; Núm. 10 (2018): Estrategias metodológicas de investigación en comunicación para romper con los manuales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-01-23) Colona Guadalupe, CarlaNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado La fotografía como proceso: la experiencia en un taller de fotografía con jóvenes de Badalona (Barcelona, España)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2018-01-23) Holgado, ClaudiaWithin the framework of the Secondary School Accompaniment Program of the Social Space of Llefi à, Badalona (Barcelona, Spain), I carried out a photography workshop whose main objective was to allow young people to experiment with the photographic image and build personal visual narratives. This proyect proposes to understand the photographic experience as a process and not only as an aesthetic result. The article aims to account for the methodology used in the collaborative construction of a workshop and, this way, narrate the dynamics, encounters and links that can be generated from the photographic learning and the resulting images.