IUS ET VERITAS. Núm. 51 (2015)

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/183693

Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Feijóo Cambiaso, Raúl Humberto; 13-14

  • Presentación
  • Presentación Hostia Cardeña, Augusto Tomás; 15

  • Artículos
  • Comparando la Norma Anti-elusiva General de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta con la Doctrina de Abuso de Derecho del Civil Law (Parte II) Prebble, Zoë; Prebble, John; 16-31
  • El nuevo potro indomable: El problemático estándar de motivación de los laudos exigido por las cortes peruanas Cantuarias Salaverry, Fernando; Repetto Deville, José Luis; 32-45
  • Peligros en la tipificación de Recomendaciones como Práctica Anticompetitiva en la Ley peruana Quintana Sánchez, Eduardo; 46-63
  • La insoportable burocratización del internet. La propuesta de OSIPTEL para regular la “neutralidad de red” en el Perú Zúñiga Palomino, Mario; 64-87
  • El Derecho Privado en el Sistema Jurídico Roppo, Vincenzo; 88-101
  • Una mirada desde el Derecho de Familia y Sucesorio, a propósito del derecho de habitación del cónyuge supérstite o si fuere el caso del sobreviviente de la unión de hecho Aguilar Llanos, Benjamín; 102-115
  • Sobre los denominados Actos Ilícitos Dañosos Espinoza Espinoza, Juan Alejandro; 116-122
  • Ley de Expropiaciones: Velasco Resucitó (¡Gracias Humala!). Murió la Calificación Registral (¿Gracias a quién?) Ortiz Pasco, Jorge; 124-133
  • “Freeze-out mergers” y compensación en dinero en el Perú: Análisis a partir de lo establecido por las leyes de Delaware Frías, José Enrique; Torrado, Eliana; 134-155
  • La determinación obligatoria del Objeto Social: Una regla anacrónica Montoya Stahl, Alfonso; Loayza Jordán, Fernando; 156-172
  • La presencia del notario en las sesiones de directorio y su certificación de las actas societarias Peró Mayandía, Mariano; 174-194
  • La nueva teoría de la legislación Arias-Schreiber, Félix; Peña Jumpa, Antonio; 196-206
  • La Justicia Transicional y los Derechos de las Mujeres: Posibilidades y retos Mantilla Falcón, Julissa; 208-223
  • El Proceso Contencioso de Lesividad: Catorce años después de su incorporación en el derecho peruano Morón Urbina, Juan Carlos; 224-246
  • “Subjetivando la objetividad”: A propósito de la determinación de las infracciones aduaneras Guadalupe Báscones, Julio; Vargas Ginocchio, Enrique; 248-259
  • Agenda Pendiente en Temas Concursales en el Perú Corzo de la Colina, Rafael; Isla, Renzo Agurto; 260-272
  • La Cosa Juzgada Implícita y el Derecho de Defensa Apolín Meza, Dante Ludwig; 274-285
  • Colusión por Comisión por Omisión: El caso de los Alcaldes y los Presidentes regionales Guimaray Mori, Erick; Rodríguez Vásquez, Julio; 286-296
  • La Heterocomposición de las Negociaciones Colectivas de Trabajo: Análisis del Arbitraje Potestativo en los Últimos Años Ugaz Olivares, Mauro; Osorio Véliz, Rosa Valeria; 298-312
  • La vía igualmente satisfactoria al proceso de amparo: implicancias del precedente Elgo Ríos en la pretensión de reposición de trabajadores del sector privado Osorio Véliz, Rosa Valeria; Castillo Fuentes, Diego; 314-324
  • Análisis Macroeconómico del Derecho Fernández Salas, José Carlos; 326-345

  • Interdisciplinaria
  • La tragedia de las economías negadas: una breve historia de dos emprendedores Laurent Solís, Paul; 346-368

  • Puntos de Vista
  • La negociación colectiva en materia remunerativa en el sector público y su relación con la Ley de Presupuesto del Sector Público Arce Ortiz, Elmer; Danós Ordóñez, Jorge; Blancas Bustamante, Carlos; Ulloa Millares, Daniel; 371-380
  • Entrevista a Massimo Bianca y Massimo Franzoni. Conversatorio en torno al Derecho Civil Patrimonial Feijoó Cambiaso, Raúl Humberto; 382-389
  • Las Comisiones Investigadoras y las diferencias entre las Sentencias Tineo Cabrera y Toledo Landa Arroyo, César; 390-396
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 27
    • Ítem
      Agenda Pendiente en Temas Concursales en el Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Corzo de la Colina, Rafael; Isla, Renzo Agurto
      This article addresses the issue referred to the modernization of the regulation on Bankruptcy matters in Peru. The authors propose the adoption of the Model of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law by Peru to help update our national legislation on cross-border insolvency and create more efficient ways of recognizing insolvency proceedings that have been started abroad. Finally, the authors propose the updating of the nomenclature, which are used in certain provisions of the Civil Code, as part of the pending agenda on Bankruptcy Law in Peru.
    • Ítem
      La tragedia de las economías negadas: una breve historia de dos emprendedores
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Laurent Solís, Paul
      This article addresses the history of Juan Mezzich, a European immigrant who came to Peru to start a wine business, and his grandson, Julio Cesar Mezzich, a leader of Shining Path. Throughout the article, the author describes the historical period and the economic and social context in which both characters developed, emphasizing the role of the regulation of the economy that the Peruvian state ran throughout the twentieth century.
    • Ítem
      Peligros en la tipificación de Recomendaciones como Práctica Anticompetitiva en la Ley peruana
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Quintana Sánchez, Eduardo
      On this paper, the author disserts on the notion of recommendations as a method of collusion. First, he approaches it based on comparative law (Europe and Latin-America) and precedent case law from INDECOPI, followed by defining how the term is (and should be) understood in Peruvian regulations as a horizontal agreement (cartel). It also analyzes in which instances said application has been inaccurate and the issues surrounding it. Finally, the author illustrates the complexity of framing recommendations as vertical agreements in the absence of “collusion between two or more parties”
    • Ítem
      La presencia del notario en las sesiones de directorio y su certificación de las actas societarias
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Peró Mayandía, Mariano
      Corporate bodies are essential for the development of companies activities, and their minutes provide a means of evidence and proof of the deliberations and resolutions adopted therein. In certain conlict situations, the presence of a notary public is required in the meetings in order to verify the legality and validity of the resolutions adopted. This is why the General Corporations Law provides for the possibility that the notary public witnesses the general shareholders meeting, but omits it in the case of the board of directors. In this context, the amendment of article 170 of the General Corporations Law expressly incorporates the possibility of counting with the presence of a notary public in the board of directors in order to certify the authenticity of the resolutions and implement immediately the decisions adopted by both corporate bodies.
    • Ítem
      Ley de Expropiaciones: Velasco Resucitó (¡Gracias Humala!). Murió la Calificación Registral (¿Gracias a quién?)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Ortiz Pasco, Jorge
      This article analyzes two central points, which are the expropriation from a criticism on what the new Expropiation Law indicates; and from that law, the author will refer about the role of registration qualification and how it has developed in practice. Finally, the author concludes three important issues that they have been derived from the analysis of the law, and presents the conclusions through a critique to the issue of property in our country.
    • Ítem
      “Subjetivando la objetividad”: A propósito de la determinación de las infracciones aduaneras
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Guadalupe Báscones, Julio; Vargas Ginocchio, Enrique
      This article addresses the issue referred to the sanctioning power of the State, which is exercised in two areas (penal and administrative) derived from a single power that allows the State to repress behaviors considered harmful to the development of society. Likewise, the authors have analyzed the Administrative General Procedure Law, where it has been clearly established that all sanctioning administrative procedure should apply the basic principles that protect the rights of the citizens. In this way, the State must apply the principle of guilt, principles of causation, presumption of innocence, among others, to judge customs infringements.
    • Ítem
      La vía igualmente satisfactoria al proceso de amparo: implicancias del precedente Elgo Ríos en la pretensión de reposición de trabajadores del sector privado
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Osorio Véliz, Rosa Valeria; Castillo Fuentes, Diego
      This article analyzes the content of the judgment Elgo Rios, to see if really that judgment represents a change of direction before the criteria handled by the Constitutional Court. This will explain the implications of procedural rules implemented for the recruitment in the private system over the previous precedent governing the origin of labor protection, that is, the judgment on the record 206-2005-PA, the precedent Baylon.
    • Ítem
      El nuevo potro indomable: El problemático estándar de motivación de los laudos exigido por las cortes peruanas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Cantuarias Salaverry, Fernando; Repetto Deville, José Luis
      The author makes a critical analysis of the current situation of the Arbitration in Peru, from various court decisions that have identified the standard of motivation that must have an arbitration award. In this way, the author indicates that the consequences of annulling arbitral awards by improper motivation, insufficient motivation or follow criteria of the Arbitral Tribunal are severe and it affects all the progress that has been obtained in the arbitration in these last two decades.
    • Ítem
      La nueva teoría de la legislación
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Arias-Schreiber, Félix; Peña Jumpa, Antonio
      This article discusses on the new theory of legislation. It is presented considering its antecedents, and its treatment from sociology of law to the current state of its development. It is make emphasis on the interdisciplinary nature of this theory for a better understanding of the legislative process, without failing to acknowledge the importance of its legal status.
    • Ítem
      Sobre los denominados Actos Ilícitos Dañosos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Espinoza Espinoza, Juan Alejandro
      This article addresses the topic of civil wrongful acts that can cause tort liability. The author criticize the position that holds that wrongfulness is not an element of tort liability. In accordance with that position, not considering wrongfulness as an element of tort liability, it permits to consider that some “lawful acts” could cause tort liability. On the contrary, Espinoza consider those supposed “lawful acts” as examples of abuse of law so they are actually wrongful acts.