Anthropologica. Vol. 40 Núm. 48 (2022)

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Tabla de Contenido

Metodologías cualitativas y audiovisuales
  • Presentación: Dossier Experiencia y experimentación: metodologías cualitativas y audiovisuales para hacer etnografía hoy Figueroa, Mercedes; Godoy, Mauricio; Ulfe, María Eugenia; 5-9
  • Enfoques teórico metodológicos de J.B. Thompson en la investigación en psicología social Ribeiro, Maria Silvia; da Silva, Marcos Antonio Batista; 11-35
  • La devolución etnográfica cómo dispositivo metodológico: la producción simultánea de un documental etnográfico y un video promocional en etnoempresas turísticas en la selva central peruana Álvarez Castillo, Luz María; 37-66
  • De la intimidad a la reflexión: sobre el documental etnográfico Xennials Chávez López, Paula; 67-122
  • Etnografía, improvisación y narrativas digitales Ramos Mancilla, Oscar; 123-142

  • Amazonía
  • Liderazgo indígena y mass media. El caso de Alberto Pizango en la política peruana Romio, Silvia; 143-172
  • Desarrollo y política indígena en el Alto Yuruá (frontera Brasil-Perú) Pimenta, José; 173-198
  • Memorias rituales en el río Napo. El comercio cauchero y los napuruna en el noreste peruano Pino, Nehemias; Uzendoski, Michael; 199-225

  • Reseñas
  • Gerardo Castillo Guzmán (2022). Experiencias mineras locales en el Perú. Transformaciones sociales y espaciales en los Andes. Lima. Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fuller, Norma; 313-316

  • Tensiones territoriales
  • Territorialidades en conflicto en torno a un parque eólico en Argentina Kropff Causa, Laura; Spivak L'Hoste, Ana; 227-254

  • Patrimonio
  • Patrimonio arqueológico, puesta en valor y restauración en Ollantaytambo Garcia Bengoechea, Pablo; 255-285

  • Temas urbanos
  • De la casa al barrio y del barrio a la ciudad. Un análisis de las trayectorias urbanas de jóvenes peruanos en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina Zenklusen, Denise; 287-312
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 12
    • Ítem
      Territorialidades en conflicto en torno a un parque eólico en Argentina
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Kropff Causa, Laura; Spivak L'Hoste, Ana
      This essay addresses territorial tensions that emerged within negotiations related to a wind farm project aimed to be located in a rural setting in Río Negro province (Argentina). The project is promoted by a Chinese company and was accepted due to an Environmental Impact Assessment that missed to mention that there was a Mapuche community where the wind farm was intended to be located. Therefore, the community requested the development of a consultation process. In this process, different territorial logics were put into play, however within asymmetrical relations. The essay approaches these logics based on empirical evidence that was gathered through ethnographic fieldwork and archive research. The argument focuses on the territorial assumptions expressed in the Environmental Impact Assessment in comparison with those sustained by the community emphasizing on the ontological dimension of the problem. renewable energies – indigenous rights – mapuche – Patagonia – territoriality
    • Ítem
      De la intimidad a la reflexión: sobre el documental etnográfico Xennials
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Chávez López, Paula
      In Peru, half of the population are women and have a longer life expectancy. They are presented as those who live for others, at all ages, and at all socio-economic levels, therefore it is affirmed that they live in ‘time poverty’. Almost no free time or for personal activities, dedicated to delivering their physical and mental potential, both in the private and public spheres and in a context where patriarchy reigns and the rates of gender violence are among the highest in the region. This article aims to understand how, currently, Lima women of the micro generation Xennials, belonging to a very broad middle class, perceive and experience their present time and, retrospectively, the past time. With main emphasis on the methodology used: a documentary ethnography as field work, applying in-depth interviews, life stories, timelines, as well as personal video diaries narrated by the protagonists that enrich their own portraits. Although the results are based on the subjectivities of the subjects, a reflective dimension is also shown, with a view to self-recognition of their identities in today's society.
    • Ítem
      Liderazgo indígena y mass media. El caso de Alberto Pizango en la política peruana
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Romio, Silvia
      Over the last fifty years, indigenous leadership has undergone a series of important transformations. This trajectory has been dominated by a process of merging and reworking different models of leadership fromlocal, national and global contexts. In all of this, the creative use of visual tools and mass media has played a fundamental role. Within the Peruvian political scenario, the figure of Alberto Pizango Chota, Shawi leader ofthe Aidesep organisation, has set an important precedent in this regard. His case is an exemplary field of study on the extraordinary possibilities of exhibition, the use of images, the fabrication of aesthetics and the elaboration of new expressive codes. These are all elements that contemporary Amazonian leadership can propose and disseminate through digital technologies and relations with the mass media.
    • Ítem
      Memorias rituales en el río Napo. El comercio cauchero y los napuruna en el noreste peruano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Pino, Nehemias; Uzendoski, Michael
      This article reflects on the memory of the rubber boom in the mid Napo River towards the end of the XIX century and the beginning of XX century in the village of Angoteros. In this article, we develop a theoretical discussion to better understand a complex memory through the notion of phenomenological texts and perspectivism. In the ethnographic data, we present the image of the yakuruna boat, generated in ayahuasca rituals, as a text that accounts for the relationship of the people of Angoteros with the commercial dynamics along the rubber trade. We aim that the symbolic complex of the master spirits and the yakuruna boat start from a phenomenological text that defines the memories of the Rubber Boom in the mid Napo River region.
    • Ítem
      Presentación: Dossier Experiencia y experimentación: metodologías cualitativas y audiovisuales para hacer etnografía hoy
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Figueroa, Mercedes; Godoy, Mauricio; Ulfe, María Eugenia
      Presentation by guest editors Maria Eugenia Ulfe, Mercedes Figueroa and Mauricio Godoy to the dossier on experience and experimentation, qualitative and audiovisual methodologies for doing ethnography today.
    • Ítem
      Patrimonio arqueológico, puesta en valor y restauración en Ollantaytambo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Garcia Bengoechea, Pablo
      Este artículo examina la historia de los trabajos de restauración ejecutados en los últimos cuarenta años aproximadamente en el sitio inca de Ollantaytambo, en la región Cusco. La información recogida procede principalmente de entrevistas realizadas con profesionales relevantes para el estudio, así como de trabajo de archivo. Más que detenerse en lo apropiado o no de las soluciones técnicas implementadas desde el punto de vista de los estándares y las expectativas internacionales, el foco se dirige a las razones subyacentes que han motivado cambios en la apariencia física del sitio. Algunos factores que se exploran son los principios de restauración en juego durante las distintas intervenciones, el papel de la fotografía y la visibilidad, la relación entre el patrimonio tangible e intangible y la influencia del turismo en un área inspirada visualmente por los poderos imaginarios de Machu Picchu. El argumento sostiene que la historia de las restauraciones en el sitio es problemática de tal manera que invita a una reevaluación crítica y a un diálogo con debates internacionales sobre conservación y conceptos y prácticas de restauración, como la autenticidad.
    • Ítem
      La devolución etnográfica cómo dispositivo metodológico: la producción simultánea de un documental etnográfico y un video promocional en etnoempresas turísticas en la selva central peruana
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Álvarez Castillo, Luz María
      The aim of this paper is to recognize and analyze the materiality, agendas and routes of the audiovisuals resulting from practice as research: the whole process of production of an audiovisual as a methodology for academic research. Likewise, the present work opens the dialog for an exchange (Mauss, 2002) with our collaborators as an intervention device (cita aqui). The empirical reference is based on my ethnographic approach to ethno-tourism projects managed by a group of indigenous entrepreneurs in the Central Peruvian Jungle, who while promoting ethno-tourism in the region, explore and question their own indigeneity. The central methodology of this research is to simultaneously produce an ethnographic audiovisual and a promotional video as an exachange. We found that the camera, as well as the audiovisuals, are things that become an extension of the body and experiences of the anthropologist-filmmaker, researcher / producer, becoming agents that define and constrain the field of research.
    • Ítem
      Desarrollo y política indígena en el Alto Yuruá (frontera Brasil-Perú)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Pimenta, José
      The Rio Amonia Ashaninka indigenous people live in the Brazilian state of Acre on the Upper Jurua River on the border between Brazil and Peru. After their struggle against intensive lumber activities in the 1980s, andhaving obtained the demarcation of their territory in the early 1990s, they engaged in strategic alliances with several partners as an attempt to find economic alternatives to lumbering. In the past twenty years, withthe growing influence of environmental concerns regarding development in the Amazon, the Amonia Ashaninka acquired great political visibility through various projects geared to the paradigm of «sustainable development ». Based on ethnographic fieldwork, carried out in various stages over the last fifteen years with the Amonia Ashaninka, this article retraces the plight of this community in the past two decades for land demarcation and to establish interethnic and transfrontier alliances as a means to install a broad «sustainable development» policy for the entire Upper Jurua region. It also analyses the present day development and border policies of both the Brazilian and Peruvian states, which entail new threats to the region’s indigenous peoples.
    • Ítem
      De la casa al barrio y del barrio a la ciudad. Un análisis de las trayectorias urbanas de jóvenes peruanos en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-08-29) Zenklusen, Denise
      The following work proposes to reflect on the articulation between migration, youth and urban space, starting from contemplating and reconstructing the ways of inhabiting, circulating and producing the city. From an ethnographic approach, based on in-depth interviews, participant observation and annotated tours, it analyzes the daily and urban trajectories of young Peruvians who live in two peripheral neighborhoods in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. The results show the central place that Peruvian youth occupy in family migration projects and, specifically, in the production of three spaces: the house, the neighborhood and the city. At the same time that these spaces determine the ways of being young.