IUS ET VERITAS. Núm. 67 (2023)

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Tabla de Contenido

Sección Principal
  • Efectos de la resolución del contrato por incumplimiento: restituciones e indemnización por daños en una perspectiva de comparación dentro de la latinidad jurídica Nicolussi, Andrea; Troncoso, María Isabel; 9-29
  • Contratación, administración o uso exclusivo sobre bienes en copropiedad y tutela jurídica de los copropietarios excluidos. Redescubriendo la gestión de negocios ajenos (negotiorum gestio) León Hilario, Leysser; 30-60
  • Las formalidades convencionales en la contratación moderna. La cláusula de no modificación oral o “no oral modification clause” y la doctrina de los actos propios como límite a su eficacia Momberg Uribe, Rodrigo; Severin Fuster, Gonzalo; 61-75
  • A noção de “risco normal” nas opções de venda relacionadas a investimentos no setor energético Martins-Costa, Judith; 76-86
  • El control del contenido en contratos estandarizados. Análisis de la prohibición de cláusulas abusivas bajo el artículo 1399 del Código Civil peruano Vásquez Rebaza, Walter Humberto; 87-134
  • Libertad contractual, libertad religiosa y principio de no discriminación: reflexiones desde la experiencia del common law Benatti, Francesca; 135-146
  • O desenvolvimento da disciplina da transação no direito privado brasileiro e seu papel como instrumento de autoregulação dos conflitos entre particulares Siebeneichler De Andrade, Fábio; 147-161
  • La distinción entre la estafa y el incumplimiento contractual. Sobre la relevancia penal del engaño en los contratos Pariona Arana, Raúl; 162-174
  • La regla de la previsibilidad de los daños al tiempo de contratar como elemento distintivo de la responsabilidad por incumplimiento contractual en el Derecho peruano Ugarte Mostajo, Daniel; 175-188
  • La Protección al Consumidor en las Estructuras Negociales Contemporáneas: a Propósito de la Conexidad Contractual en los Contratos de Consumo Frustagli, Sandra A; 189-202

  • Sección General
  • La defectuosa construcción del lawfare como mito en Brasil y Argentina: entre la pesadilla y el noble sueño de la neutralidad política en la justicia penal Laise, Luciano D; 214-231
  • La teoría de la coautoría no ejecutiva e imputación penal a líderes de protestas sociales Chanjan Documet, Rafael; 232-241
  • Sobre la posibilidad de implementar la Cooperación Judicial en materia penal en la Comunidad Andina: algunas lecciones de la Unión Europea y del MERCOSUR Zuñiga Schroder, Humberto; 231-247
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    Resultados de Búsqueda

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    • Ítem
      La teoría de la coautoría no ejecutiva e imputación penal a líderes de protestas sociales
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Chanjan Documet, Rafael
      The aim of this article is to analyses the theory of non-executive co-authorship and its viability as a criminal charge for leaders of social protests for crimes originating in this context. For this, a review of national and international jurisprudence and doctrine on the theory of non-executive co-authorship is carried out in order to show what concept of this figure is compatible with the traditional foundations of co-authorship. This, to then show when its application is possible, considering its dogmatic approaches and a human rights approach, in protest. In this regard, it is argued that it can only be charged under this title if there is sufficient evidence that shows that the social leader, under a common plan, participated in an essential and remote way in the executive phase of the attributed crime.
    • Ítem
      La regla de la previsibilidad de los daños al tiempo de contratar como elemento distintivo de la responsabilidad por incumplimiento contractual en el Derecho peruano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Ugarte Mostajo, Daniel
      The remoteness rule constitutes a limit on quantum respondeatur that has not been well understood by national doctrine, which –from a unifying approach to different systems of civil liability– has come to question its usefulness and coherence with the full compensation principle. In this paper, this approach is debated and, based on a review of Comparative Law, a renewing conception of the rule is proposed that allows it to be understood as the distinctive element of liability for breach of contract and the fundamental criteria of objective attribution of damage in the Peruvian contract Law.
    • Ítem
      El control del contenido en contratos estandarizados. Análisis de la prohibición de cláusulas abusivas bajo el artículo 1399 del Código Civil peruano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Vásquez Rebaza, Walter Humberto
      One of the most important –and controversial– ways in which the legislator intervenes in standardized contracts (i.e., contracts with general contracting clauses and adhesion contracts) lies in the possibility for jurisdictional authorities to control their contractual content. The purpose of this intervention is to eliminate or substitute clauses effectively incorporated in them for being abusive or vexatious. This paper examines the discipline of content control provided by Article 1399 of the Civil Code, a rule that, despite having been unjustly relegated by national scholars, has enormous potential to achieve the protective purposes set by our Substantive Code, when correctly understood.On this occasion, we will first analyze the various legal rules contained in Article 1399, as well as their respective hypotheses and consequences. This analysis will be complemented by a practical application to concrete cases, allowing an understanding of the functioning of the normative provision. Secondly, the basis and importance of the article in question will be discussed, as well as its potential to become a notion capable of eradicating dysfunctional stipulations beyond the brief definition established by the Peruvian legislator in 1984 in Article 1398. Thirdly and lastly, we will develop which are the justifying circumstances capable of neutralizing, in each specific case, the abstractly vexatious nature of an allegedly abusive clause under Article 1399. This analysis takes on special relevance since its treatment by national scholars has been almost nonexistent.