(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Frustagli, Sandra A.
This paper analyzes the legal consequences of the contractual connection in consumer contracts from the perspective of the Argentine legal system. It takes into consideration that the Civil and Commercial Code provides its own normative regime for the consumer contract as a business category different from the parity contract. However, since the rules governing the contractual connection are methodologically located within the general theory of contract, the application of that regime to related consumer contracts must be made in the light of the pro-consumer principle, of constitutional hierarchy (article 42 of the National Constitution CN), in order to guarantee the fundamental right to the protection of its economic interests. This leads to the recognition of a regime of actions in favor of the consumer that is broader than that which emerges from articles 1073 to 1075 of the Civil Code for related contracts in general.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Chanjan Documet, Rafael
The aim of this article is to analyses the theory of non-executive co-authorship and its viability as a criminal charge for leaders of social protests for crimes originating in this context. For this, a review of national and international jurisprudence and doctrine on the theory of non-executive co-authorship is carried out in order to show what concept of this figure is compatible with the traditional foundations of co-authorship. This, to then show when its application is possible, considering its dogmatic approaches and a human rights approach, in protest. In this regard, it is argued that it can only be charged under this title if there is sufficient evidence that shows that the social leader, under a common plan, participated in an essential and remote way in the executive phase of the attributed crime.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Zuñiga Schroder, Humberto
The Andean Community has as its ultimate goal the achievement of a common Latin American market, as stated in the Cartagena Agreement. To achieve this goal, in its more than fifty years of existence, various Decisions and Resolutions of supranational nature and mandatory compliance for its member countries have been issued on different matters; however, there are sectors in which there is still the need to regulate and strengthen cooperation ties. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the possibility of implementing judicial cooperation in criminal matters at the Andean level, taking various lessons learned from the European model and Mercosur; this in order to achieve deeper integration at the regional level.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Laise, Luciano D.
The notoriety that criminal proceedings against Latin-American political figures have acquired led some to argue that such proceedings constitute a perverse attack against popular leaders who oppose the neoliberal agendas of the global north. Before this issue, in this article I intend to systematically reconstruct the specialized literature on the concept of lawfare. Then I will outline both mythical and fallacious nature of many of the explanations and implications for so-called lawfare. Since those criticisms, I will highlight two relevant topics: (i) the necessary respect for the basic procedural guarantees for any person who is accused of serious crimes against public administration, and (ii) the inevitable political dimension of legal interpretation.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Ugarte Mostajo, Daniel
The remoteness rule constitutes a limit on quantum respondeatur that has not been well understood by national doctrine, which –from a unifying approach to different systems of civil liability– has come to question its usefulness and coherence with the full compensation principle. In this paper, this approach is debated and, based on a review of Comparative Law, a renewing conception of the rule is proposed that allows it to be understood as the distinctive element of liability for breach of contract and the fundamental criteria of objective attribution of damage in the Peruvian contract Law.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Benatti, Francesca
The essay examines the evolution of the principle of nondiscrimination in light of the U.S. experience. The decisions in Masterpiece and Creative 303 are examined in particular. It is noted how a careful resolution of the conflict between fundamental freedoms can only move from an ontological-relational appreciation of the person, taking into account the nuances of the concrete case.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) León Hilario, Leysser
Under the Peruvian Civil Code, the exclusive use of a co-owned property that excludes the others co-owners, is sanctioned with the obligation to pay a proportional indemnity to the excluded party. To solve application problems of this rule such as the quantification of the indemnity, with criteria of corrective justice, and not only punitive, it is essential to determine the nature of that remedy, and, by means of the historical-comparative method, revealing its basis, and its interaction with the rights and obligations arising from the management of other people’s affairs (negotiorum gestio).
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Siebeneichler De Andrade, Fábio
The work intends to examine the particularities of the settlement as a contract, based on the recognition of this legal nature, by the Civil Code of 2002. Since settlement is a legal instrument of great practical and theoretical importance, whose main purpose lies in serving to regulate conflicts between individuals, through reciprocal concessions, it is considered necessary to highlight and examine its particularities, within the framework of contracts and verify the development given to it by jurisprudence in the twenty years of validity of the 2002 Civil Code. Furthermore, it is worth highlighting the new position attributed to settlement by the new Brazilian Civil Procedure Code of 2015.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Martins-Costa, Judith
The objective of this article is to examine, through a functional methodology, the risks involved in put options related to investments in the energy sector, which presents several peculiarities. The study consists of delimiting which risks are or are not inserted in the normal scope of the contract. The option is examined from a functional perspective: whether its function is merely speculative or whether its purpose is to remove one of the partners. Considering the risks that exceed the normal range (alea normal), the possibility of contractual revision or termination is examined, analyzing the legal requirements contained in articles 317, 478 and 480 of the Brazilian Civil Code.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-29) Momberg Uribe, Rodrigo; Severin Fuster, Gonzalo
Although the principle of consensualism is still the general rule in modern contracting, it is common, especially in complex and long-term commercial contracts, to include clauses limiting the parties’ freedom to modify or terminate them, unless certain formalities are observed. In this context, this paper analyses the so-called “no oral modification” clauses, putting forward the arguments for accepting their enforceability, as well as their limits, by means of the application of the doctrine of venire contra factum proprium.