Espacio y Desarrollo. Núm. 36 (2020)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado La problemática del agua en las actividades agroexportadoras y urbanas vinculadas al manejo de instrumentos de planificación en la cuenca baja del río Ica(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-11-03) Chambi Chamorro, Gloria Estefany; Julca Gámez, Jhoel ArmandoThe purpose of this research work is to analyze the land-use planning instruments in the lower Ica River basin, the relationship that exists with the agro-export activity and urban population activities. The first document reviewed was the National Strategic Planning Center, which establishes the plans, indicators and strategies at the national level, which are linked to the plans that each institution must develop in order to achieve the established goal. In the same way, the supporting technical instruments, territorial and urban management instruments were reviewed, where the PAT and the PDU were promulgated after presenting delays according to the published chronogram. At the beginning of the agroexport boom in the old valley, there was no control or supervision of water resources by the authorities, so the problem of water scarcity increased exponentially as the years went by. It was not until the «closed zone» condition that the measures to preserve this resource were implemented and consequently, there was better control and supervision by ANA; however, one of the disadvantages of this authority is that it does not have the capacity to exercise a sanctioning function, since they only fulfill the supervisory role, as mentioned by a representative of the Water Administrative Authority (AAA Chaparra - Chincha) in a short interview. An interview was also conducted with a volunteer inhabitant from the district of Ica, who told of the shortages suffered by the inhabitants with respect to drinking water service, and also referred to the fact that they do not have an adequate service with respect to its quality and permanence, which would have repercussions on their health in the future.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-11-03) Delgado-Pease, SantiagoNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Nueva forma de organización de la producción en la industria automotriz en México: modelo flexible y redes de empresas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-11-03) Arciniega Arce, Rosa SilviaThis paper presents the «new» way of organizing production in the automotive industry in Mexico. The new role of the auto parts supplier industry is highlighted. It is a global model, applied in Mexico as well as in other regions of the world, however, the strategies differ in different countries and companies.The concept of a productive model that considers structural and institutional aspects, as well as thinking about processes considering space is used.The objective is to show the current production model in the automotive industry based on networks of suppliers that make up a complex system of production and services where structures (economic, political, etc.), as well as the policies of the different actors are involved.We study the production model of the automotive industry in Mexico in which the global policies of corporates stand out, such as the outsourcing of terminal activities. This leads to a deeper study on the new role of auto parts companies, as well as state participation in the configuration of the flexible production model and its spatial correlations.It is concluded that the automotive industry is governed by a new organizational form of production, with companies that are governed under the principles of flexible production in complex production networks, where organizational and technological changes are important and affect the redistribution of economic activities that include trade and services. Finally, the productive and spatial integration of the productive and commercial sector with the partners of the North is consolidated.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Un sendero ambiental de plantas nativas en el sector de Mostazal, Chile(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-11-03) Jaime Muñoz, Eduardo AntonioA proposal is presented to create an environmental trail in the Mostazal sector, Monte Patria commune, Limari province, Coquimbo Region, Chile. The objective of the work is to develop an environmental trail for the conservation of native plants that exist in the place.The methodological sequence on which the work was organized included the collection of background of the cartography of the study area through the use of the computer program (Google Earth, 2020), sources such as the guide for the design and operation of trails are consulted. Interpretive studies, photographs of the natural landscapes in the study area are taken, the locals are interviewed, a scheme with the route of the trail is drawn up and the information obtained is interpreted.The results encourage and promote an environmental awareness to care for and protect native plants that are being threatened by anthropic activities that are taking place, such as the formation of micro-garbage dumps, the construction of roads and the agricultural industry.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Percepción social del cambio climático en un valle interandino en la sierra del Ecuador(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-11-03) Logroño Logroño, Iván Santiago; Muñoz Barriga, AndreaClimate change as a global phenomenon generates socio-environmental dynamics at the local level that affect different groups and in particular in rural areas, small farmers. The purpose of this article is to determine the level of perception about climate change and how it influences the response capacity of farmers in an inter-Andean valley of the Ecuadorian Sierra. To do this, surveys were conducted aimed at farmers in order to understand how the population visualizes changes in time over temperature and precipitation, and in turn, how the alteration of these variables affects their agricultural production. Additionally, the empirical perception of farmers is compared with climate projections to determine correlations and to establish adaptation measures; Structural and non-structural. Farmers are a group that in particular understands better the changes that have taken place in the climate in recent decades, as they have a close relationship with it. However, it is extremely complex to establish these alterations in a given time and space, therefore, the population is in a high degree of uncertainty and visualizes agriculture as an unprofitable and highly demanding work in resources and time, which as a result, in many cases they must leave their crops and engage in other activities or migrate to large cities, as in this case to Quito, the capital of Ecuador.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Intervención social para la ejecución articulada de proyectos de investigación en comunidades altoandinas: caso instalación del sistema de monitoreo en tiempo real de la laguna Arhuaycocha, cordillera Blanca(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada, 2020-11-03) Yarleque, Christian; Castromonte Miranda, Emperatriz Janina; Herrera Quispe, José Alfredo; Neglia Sánchez, Irina Yélica; Alvarado Lugo, Robert Alfredo; Garay Marzano, David IsraelIn Peru, the communities located along the Andes Mountains at more than 3000 meters above sea level, have a behavior highly susceptible to any type of research activity on the mountain areas, mainly due to the past wrong management of mountain resources by mining companies for many decades, without an eco-efficient or optimal mineral extraction process from an environmental point of view. The biggest problem in conducting research activities in these areas is demonstrating to communities that research activities are of great common benefit and not of private interest. Here are strategies for awareness-raising work in mountain communities, prior to the execution of a research project. The study case was taken on the project to install a monitoring system over high danger Arhuaycocha glacier lake at Río Blanco-Santa Cruz Sub-basin, Ancash, Peru, where the Santa Cruz district is located on the alluvial path. Awarenessraising activities were carried out, identification of actors, analysis of the social situation and perspectives of the inhabitants for the project. It was concluded that all research activities must be carried out with a high degree of sense of belonging on the part of the communities, showing direct benefits, and reach agreements with local authorities. A key point was the inclusion of the residents in the project activities, making it transparent and making it clear that science activities are carried out within their community.