Espacio y Desarrollo
URI permanente para esta comunidad
ISSN: 1016-9148
La Revista Espacio y Desarrollo es la revista académica del Centro de Investigación en Geografía Aplicada (CIGA) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, que se publica ininterrumpidamente desde 1989 en forma impresa, y a partir de 2009 también en forma electrónica.
Espacio y Desarrollo se encuentra registrada en las siguientes plataformas: Latindex, DIALNET, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), JournalTOCs, WorldCat, BASE (Bielefield Academic Search Engine) y EbscoHost.
396 resultados
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Salvar la Sachamama a través del Biocomercio: las exportaciones de productos basados en la biodiversidad nativa en el Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-14) Rudbeck, Jens; Ivanova, Yovita; Maier, SylviaTwo decades ago, the Peruvian government introduced the National BioTrade Promotion Program to support the production and export of agricultural commodities that complysp;with UNCTAD’s principles and criteria for BioTrade. This article takes stock of some of the program’s achievements over the past 20 years and discusses the challenges that remain to scaling up biodiversity-friendly approaches to agriculture in Peru. We find that the rapid increase in export during the first ten years of the program, which drove the initial optimism about BioTrade’s potential for economic development and biodiversity conservation, has given way to a more cautious assessment as the second decade has seen the expansion of markets for Peruvian biodiversity-based products slow down considerably.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La industria automotriz en México durante las recientes crisis: reorganización productiva y perspectiva geopolítica(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-06) Arciniega, Rosa SilviaThe 2020-2021 global health crisis, the microcomponent shortage emergency from 2021 to current days and the multiple ongoing geopolitical tensions (especially between United States and China) continue to have an impact on the automotive industry. These events have generated disruptions in supply chains, which have highlighted the vulnerabilities of a production system that works Just in Time. In this context, nearshoring has gained significance as a strategy to ensure a resilient and efficient supply chain in terms of times and costs. The objective of this research is to describe the scenario of the automotive industry in Mexico during the recent crisis that have occurred since 2020, and that continue to impact the international trade context identifying nearshoring as a business strategy linked to a productive restructuring, with the aim of managing risks in a complex production network. It is concluded that the post pandemic context demands a reconsideration of the structure and organization of the productive activities of the Mexican automotive industry, with an impact not just at the sectoral level but also at the regional level. Furthermore, the increase in production costs in China also positions Mexico as an attractive trading partner, proposing to launch operations with similar products to the Asian manufacturers. The productive and geographic restructuring, which includes offshoring to reshoring with re-localization of companies and divisions, impose to consider the role that Mexico will play in the changing geopolitical and economic landscape.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Desafíos y perspectivas de la situación ambiental en el Perú: el caso de los bosques(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-06) Dunin Borkowski, Ana SabogalThe article revised the situation of the forest in Peru and the relationship between forest and environmental policy. The recent history of the environmental policy is presented and the diverse conservations approach of the forest in Peru are revised and discus. Finally, the discussion explores the perspective and possible solutions for the forest conservation.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El padre Joaquín García Sánchez, OSA. Un geógrafo innato(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-06) Bernex Weiss, NicoleThis article presents briefly the distinguished Augustinian missionary, Cavalier of the Amazon, honorary professor of the Department of Humanities of the PUCP, Father Joaquín García Sánchez OSA. His extraordinary geographical itinerary is recounted from his childhood walking the landscapes of the Sabero mining basin (León, Spain) to his arrival and immersion in the Loreto Amazon. Builder of intercultural bridges, Father Joaquín was a man of dialogues that were transformed into works (Center for Theological Studies of the Amazon, Amazonian Library, Irapay, Shupihui, Kanatari, Monumenta Amazónica, among others). For more than 55 years, he dedicated himself to living in, with, and for the Amazon from all its biophysical, sociocultural, economic, environmental, and political diversities. His studies, listening, generosity and closeness to the most relegated, his defence of peace and democracy were combined with the development of an indigenous pastoral and ecotheology. Its impressive geographical horizon integrates the living and lived dimensions of the Amazonian territories, memories and interscalarity. With “Amazonium”, Father Joaquín left us an exceptional scientific, moral and alteretic heritage, inviting us to make this dream our own.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Ambientes vulnerables. Aportes conceptuales y definiciones para el análisis de la vulnerabilidad de los sistemas ambientales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-06) Freitas Scaraffuni, Gabriel; Achkar Borrás, MarcelIn recent decades, the changes wrought by human activities upon ecosystems have become increasingly apparent, leading to processes of environmental and social degradation. Certain analyses of this situation attribute a portion of the responsibility to epistemological and theoretical approaches, prompting the proposition of several alternative conceptual models.The concept of vulnerability has been employed to address environmental issues across various theoretical and methodological frameworks, resulting in a lack of consensus regarding its definition or models for application. While strides have been made in perspectives aiming to model territorial vulnerability in an integrated manner within a systems framework, limitations persist primarily in how the relationships among system components are assessed and represented.Beyond these constraints, the development of vulnerability models holds the potential to transcend linear intervention-impact paradigms and facilitate systemic analyses, rendering this field ripe for innovation. This article aims to propose a conceptual definition of vulnerability from the perspective of environmental systems, enabling the modeling of its spatial and temporal variability. This process will entail not only acknowledging the existence of multiple dimensions and their interrelations, but also integrating elements such as the emergent properties of the system, the specific definition of its functional degradation, and the recognition and consideration of stochastic processes inherent to open and dynamic systems.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Transformaciones del paisaje y modos de vida: una perspectiva geohistórica en Dalcahue, Chiloé, Chile(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-06) Henríquez Olmedo, Valentina; Barton, Jonathan R.This article explores the transformations of the landscape in Dalcahue, Chiloe, and how these transformations are influenced by changes in the lifestyles or livelihoods of the people of Chiloe, from the 1960 earthquake to the end of the 2010s. A qualitative methodology is applied, through the analysis of interviews with older adults who have managed to live through the time period of the case study: witnessing the abandonment and geographical isolation of the archipelago in the 1960s (and earlier), the irruption of aquaculture activities, and as a consequence, urban expansion and the abandonment of rural activities. The article concludes that the changes in the landscape are due to changes in the lifestyles of Chiloe society, as well as to external agents of globalization, such as the arrival of the salmon and fish farming industries.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Conectividad vial en la gestión territorial: una mirada desde los indicadores sociales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-06) Aronés Cisneros, Angel; Córdova Domínguez, Franck Bryan; Sánchez Arias, Lizbeth Gesenia; Vilela Aguilera, Brayan Pooll; Sánchez Vásquez, César Julio; Anampa Huanca, Luz Marina; Melgar Aliaga, Kevin Celso; Mendoza Ramírez, Franz Antony; Montellanos Cabrera, Harry Frank; Bautista Salazar, Edinsson ManuelThe objective of this research is to analyze road connectivity in relation to the indicators of illiteracy, malnutrition, homes without access to water, non-monetary poverty and internet access. In the methodology for mapping road connectivity, distance weighting or inverse distance weighting (IDW) was used in the ArcGis 10.8 software, while the indicators for the districts have been extracted from GeoPerú. The results indicate that road connectivity plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of the districts. Those with high connectivity, such as Moche, Huancán and Perené, have lower rates of illiteracy, malnutrition, homes without access to drinking water, non-monetary poverty and homes without internet compared to districts with low connectivity, such as El Porvenir, Santo Domingo de Acobamba and Pichanaqui. It is concluded that road infrastructure is a key factor in reducing inequality and improving living conditions in less developed areas.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Espacio y fe en la Amazonía peruana. Sociedades religiosas y modelos de organización espacial(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-06) Novoa Goicochea, ZanielThe article presents the links between Geography and Religion based on the following hypothesis religious practices of human groups participate in the construction of the space and the generation of spatial organization models in the Peruvian Amazone. The research aims to study the forms of territorial occupation and the models of space organization that emerged from religious practices. After, a theoretical framework is developed on spatial organization with emphasis on social and cultural factors. In this research, the author also proceeds to put into practice a descriptive methodological process, supported by a long field work, interviews, literature review, creation of cartography and chorematic schemes. All of these contributes to present the socio-religious structures and models of organization that correspond to the three cases of churches studied. The main contributions lead us to conclude and confirm that there is a link between geography and religion. The research let us acknowledge the relationships between society and territory are linked with practices based on the exercise of faith. Furthermore, this research allows us to understand the postulates and key concepts in the Geography of Religion such as: socio-cultural factors, socio-religious structures, religious landscapes, space organization models and others.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Geografía física y geografía humana: las dos caras de una medalla(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-06) Tavares Correa, Carlos; Alarcón Álvarez, MarceloNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-09-21) Tavares Corrêa, Carlos; Delgado-Pease, SantiagoNo presenta resumen.