Debates en Sociología. Núm. 57 (2023)
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#57 Dossier
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Acaparamiento de tierras y «frágil gobernanza de la tierra» en la frontera agrícola de Matopiba(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Silva, Anderson Antonio; Tartalha Nascimento Lombardi, Thais; Wylk, JoséThis article contributes to the current debate on the violation of human rights through the practice of green grabbing. The study reflects upon the situation of territorial insecurity and the struggle for territorial rights of the Akroá Gamela people, who live in the south of the State of Piauí, characterized by what is called here weak land governance. The indigenous territory studied does not have its homologation process finalized, which means that it does not officially exist, nor does it allow its boundaries to be added to most of the official databases of different governmental spheres. The region where the Akroá Gamela people are located is also situated within an area of advancing agricultural frontier known as Matopiba, located in the Cerrado area, the second largest biome in Brazil and South America. The main goal is to think on how green grabbing wickedly uses legal problems of communication between entities and governance to foster deforestation. To do so, we analyze two land regulation tools: the Rural and Environmental Registration (CAR) and the Vegetation Suppression Authorization (ASV), to understand this process of traditional population and peasants' land rights encroachment.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El agrohidronegocio en la región chaqueña argentina (Salta, Santiago del Estero y Córdoba)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Toledo-López, Virginia Belén; Schmidt, Mariana Andrea; Ayrala Quiroga, MarinaIn Argentina, the provinces of Córdoba, Salta and Santiago del Estero are cases of great importance in the context of agribusiness expansion, due to the spectacular loss of biodiversity, the frequent territorial conflicts carried out by indigenous peoples and peasants and, more recently, against the use of agrochemicals and their consequences on human and non-human health. This article aims to make visible some of the emerging experiences in the territories under study as transition initiatives, with special emphasis on the construction of resistances and alternatives.To this end, we address the main irruptions of agribusiness in the Chaco's web of life (understood as agrohydrobusiness, given the centrality assumed by the dispute over water resources in this region), considering its territorial, environmental and health consequences, to then analyze the main forms assumed by resistances and re-existences. The methodological proposal focuses on simultaneous work with different information construction and analysis techniques, such as: systematization and analysis of multiple secondary sources (journalists, statistics, legislation, reports from state and/or private organizations, among others), along with field records and in-depth interviews.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Alternativas del Sur Global para enfrentar las crisis social y ambiental(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Barkin, DavidDominant theories in the social sciences support the developing forces of colonialism and imperialism, as well as the consolidation of a "global market," giving rise to ethnocide and environmental devastation on a planetary scale. Instead of denouncing them, it is appropriate to offer another analytical framework to approach an understanding of the peoples who are resisting this dispossession with "very different" visions. These societies are building communal forms of life, rooted in other cosmogonies, recognizing the value of the different contributions of genders, the richness of generational differences, the capacities to self-govern and flourish, the importance of community, without underestimating the meaning of individuality. To address their contributions, a new epistemology is required: Radical Ecological Economics. We begin with La milpa mesoamericana as an example of the profound differences between productivist approaches and those based on the intimate relationship between society and nature. Communality guides deliberate strategies to forge solidarity and well-being with important bonds of mutual support between societies that are continuously incorporating innovations that strengthen them, always aware of the obligation to take care of their environments, designing appropriate socio-ecological metabolisms.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Alternativas y resistencias a los modelos hegemónicos capitalistas en los mundos rurales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Ejarque, Mercedes; Palmisano, TomásNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Comunalidad agroalimentaria frente al capitaloceno(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Rossi, Leonardo JavierWhen conceiving ecological and political crisis finds roots in capitalism like an ontological regime, we look for a novel political praxis contributes to heal the social-metabolic web between humans, food, and territories. In this way, the following essay proposes a political epistemology understanding communality as a critical key to design a political ontology against capitalocene.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La conceptualización de los canales cortos de comercialización(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Cendón, Maria Laura; Bruno, Mariana Paola; Lacaze, María Victoria; Molpeceres, María Celeste; Zulaica, María LauraThe COVID-19 pandemic strengthened the discussion around the hegemonic global food model. At the same time, it gave rise to the proliferation of innovative rural-periurban-urban interactions in the supply of cities, which have accounted for changes in the social relations of production, circulation, and consumption of food. There are different approaches that refer to these processes, and introduce concepts such as short supply chains and alternative food networks. However, there are no definitions accepted universally by the scientific community. Similarly, there is no conceptualization at the local level that would enable a systematization of experiences. In the light of this, an opportunity to reflect critically and propose a contextualized conceptualization has been opened up. The aim of this article is to conceptualize the term short food supply chain and the construction of a typology for the southeast of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This work was based on a bibliographic review and the identification of different dimensions to formulate a definition that allows the systematization of experiences, their characterization, quantification, and consequent visibility. This way, material will be generated for the development of public policies aiming at strengthening the sector.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La construcción de alternativas a las formas hegemónicas de producción agraria(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Palmisano, Tomás; Acosta, María de la PazThis article has two research objectives: 1) To analyze the motivations that the subjects expose to explain the construction and sustainability of agri-food alternatives; 2) To identify the tensions, conflicts, and violence of agribusiness in the face of which they construct these alternative approaches. Our methodological approach of Qualitative Content Analysis is used in combination with socio-productive information on the subjects and the agricultural context in which they are inserted. Fieldwork was conducted between 2017 and 2023 in Buenos Aires and La Rioja (Argentina) and Putaendo (Chile). The findings of the analysis contribute to a qualitative and relational understanding of both the motivations and the contextual conditions that shape them. Among the main elements mentioned by the people interviewed, the following stand out: the identification of socio-environmental damage and public health problems of the technological package; the search of alternatives for the material reproduction of families in contexts of centralization and concentration of land and capital; the construction of collective projects of rural roots; participation in political organizations; the application and translation of public policies; the influence of generational factors.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Editorial(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Castro Carpio, AugustoNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado «Equilibrando las cuentas»(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Ashencaen Crabtree, Sara; Parker, Jonathan; Sylvester, Olivia; García Segura, Alí; Man, ZanisahStrongly emerging Indigenous methodologies have attracted researchers to employ diverse research paradigms within a moral commitment to conducting research based on ethical sensitivities and appropriate research protocols, as informed by research work with marginalized and unfamiliar groups including Indigenous Communities. However, adopting Indigenous methodological approaches may raise additional ethical considerations requiring a nuanced examination of what these may entail and competing ethical claims regarding research funding, research processes, outcomes and output. In this article, we draw sociological insights from Bourdieusian theory, as well as feminist epistemology, to explore the ethical implications arising from qualitative research the authors recently completed with Indigenous communities in equatorial Malaysia and Costa Rica, where Indigenous land rights and access issues form the contextualizing and comparative backdrop to the study, with reference to relevant international UN policies such as the Sustainable Development Goals.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Hacia la Reforma Agraria Popular en Paraguay(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Setrini, GustavoOne of the main political events of the 20th century for Latin America was the agrarian reform. The policies implemented in its name and the various understandings of the agrarian issue unfolded from different actors' proposals for solutions. Agrarian reforms were defined as land distribution policies carried out primarily through expropriation or with market assistance. The economic and political transformations of recent decades have led social actors grouped in the peasant movement to reconsider the definition of agrarian reform. What is the agrarian reform currently needed, how does it differ from previous ones, and what productive and trade policies will be necessary for its effective implementation? After identifying "Popular Agrarian Reform" as the response of the peasant movement to current agrarian issues, this article concludes that planning policies for the agrifood system, especially its productive and commercial links, are essential for the realization of popular agrarian reform.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Juventudes rurales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Vallejo Hidalgo, Nicolás; Martínez Godoy, DiegoThe present article critically examines how rurality has transformed in the context of globalization, and its effects on rural youth in Ecuador, based on an intertemporal analysis of the National Survey of Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment, as well as relevant case studies that directly or indirectly focus on youth. The article aims to provide a conceptual framework for understanding rural youth that goes beyond narrow definitions based solely on age and challenges urban-centric, homogenizing, and adult-centered notions. Accordingly, drawing on theoretical perspectives on territorial development, the article identifies three major challenges that rural youth pose for rural territorial development.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Juventudes rurales intersticiales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Roa, María Luz; Hirsch, Mercedes; Barés, Aymará DanielaIn this article we problematize the notion of roots from the perspectives of young people in post-pandemic rural Argentina, focusing on the somatic and symbolic ways in which young people inhabit rural worlds. We wonder about the ways of inhabiting rural youth today, as well as the constitution of youth identities linked to symbols, aesthetics and rural corporalities. For this, we present a comparative analysis of two cases of young people who live in scattered rural areas of the northeast and Argentine Patagonia. We consider information from two qualitative investigations that combine the use of interviews, observations, and workshops with young people. The analysis is organized in three dimensions. In the first place, we characterize the future projects of young people and the carnal and digit-carnal youth displacements and spatialities between the countryside, the city and the town. Secondly, we wonder about the somatics of rooting and uprooting from a phenomenological perspective, contemplating emotive, practical, and performative ways of inhabiting the territories and the indigenous and mestizo selves. Based on these indications, we finally propose a definition of rural youth as interstitial youth.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El metabolismo social de la comunalidad reconfigurada en Milpa Alta(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Carmona Motolinia, José Ramón; Tetreault, DarcyBased on an analysis of the struggles of the Nahua peoples of Milpa Alta in Mexico City, this article addresses the following question: How has it been possible to conserve large extensions of forest and agricultural land in a demarcation that is part of one of the largest cities in the world, in rapid expansion since the middle of the last century? The explanation articulates two key categories: reconfigured communality in Milpa Alta through historical struggles that continue to unfold to date; and the social metabolism of human-nature exchanges mediated by the work of various agencies, whose projects come into conflict at different times. We argue that the re-creation of indigenous forms of organization and collective practices have made it possible to curb the extraction of raw materials (wood and water) and land-use change for development projects promoted by government agencies and private companies; in addition to contributing to the conservation of small-scale agricultural practices. The analysis is based on semi-structured interviews that were carried out between 2016 and 2020 with inhabitants of Milpa Alta and on a systematic review of bibliographic, newspaper, statistical, and online sources.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Sistemas locales de producción y redes alimentarias alternativas en Amealco de Bonfil, Querétaro, México(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Bara, Claudia Rosina; González-Santos, Rosalinda; Colmenero Morales, Silvia Leticia; Hernández-Sandoval, Luis; Hernández-Puente, Karla NicolAlternative Food Networks (AFN) emerged globally as competing movements and interconnections between alternative and small-scale food initiatives which counterpose the industrialized, globalized and mass consumption agri-food system. In Mexico, given the seriousness of the consequences that the industrial food system entails for people in the country, several alternative food initiatives have emerged that work in networks to promote local production systems and promote a transformation of this system from below. In the southern zone of the state of Querétaro, and specifically in the municipality of Amealco and its three main delegations, we analyze from a quantitative and qualitative methodology, what is the genetic richness of these indigenous communities in terms of edible plants and local crops and what role local production systems have, as well as the initiatives that integrate the AFN, in the construction of food sovereignty. For this purpose, we analyzed what local actors understand about food sovereignty from a territorial and cultural perspective, who are the actors that make up the AFN at the territorial level, how they interrelate and what are the requirements and challenges to consider walking towards food sovereignty.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Soberanía alimentaria y feminismo popular en Brasil(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Motta, Renatta; Teixeira, Marco AntonioThe Marcha das Margaridas is a coalition of women and feminism movements, agrarian movements, trade unions, and international organizations that emerged in 2000. Women’s organizations that are part of a rural trade federation lead the process. While its initial agenda included gendered class-based demands for the recognition of women’s work in food production, access to land titles and labour rights, the Marcha das Margaridas progressively incorporated other topics, such as agroecology and food sovereignty. The article addresses three questions: How did food sovereignty enter their agenda? What is the meaning of food sovereignty for them? How can food sovereignty be understood from a (popular) feminist perspective? Based on an analysis of the political documents, we identified five main themes in the discourse of the Marcha das Margaridas on food sovereignty: 1) food as a right and a common; 2) state support for women’s food production; 3) the value of uncommodified food work; 4) environmental recovery through agroecology; 5) violence-free food, produced through respectful social relations.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Soberanía de semillas campesinas y justicia climática en un mundo biotecnológico(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Hernández Rodríguez, CarolPeasant agriculture and its agrobiodiversity systems are at a juncture in which two global processes impose significant challenges for their sustainability: climate change and the expansion of agricultural biotechnology supported by a regimen of intellectual property rights over plant genetic resources. In this article, I explore some potential risks these global processes impose on peasant agriculture, particularly on their seed systems. We analyze how, in response, peasant communities have increasingly mobilized around two converging political agendas, seed sovereignty and climate justice. In addition to the political achievements confronting some of the great biotechnology and corporate developments in the context of climate change, community peasant actions implemented to protect and defend their seeds directly contribute to reaffirming peasant seeds as part of peoples’ commons and preserving the diversity of the plant genetic resources hold in their hands, which may be vital for the adaptation of peasant food systems to future climate scenarios.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Tierra, trabajo y reciprocidad(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-12-12) Ramirez, Delia ConcepciónThis article is a systematization of the experience of an emblematic organization for family farmers in the Alto Paraná region of Misiones: Independent Producers of Piray (PIP), in the Union of Land Workers (UTT). The analysis has been carried out considering two articulated dimensions a) the collective organizational actions linked to the conditions of possibility, which in turn are permeated by conjunctural influences, and b) the trajectories and biographies of individual actors that account for the local history of the territory. This articulation has made it possible to analyze the political practices imbricated in the strategies of social reproduction. This systematization arises from the need to reconstruct a local history based on reflections within the framework of ethnographic involvement. The main contribution of the text lies in the identification of the reciprocities established around neighborhood and kinship, without which the political action of organized producers and the subsistence of the local population could not be understood.