(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2007) Vega, Jorge
El primer lustro de la década de 1990 fue una etapa de profundos cambios de política económica en el Perú. En este artículo se analizan las principales medidas adoptadas en materia de comercio exterior entre 1990 y 1994, y se miden sus impactos. Endicho período se abolieron los controles de precios y el control de cambios, se alentó la inversión privada nacional y extranjera, se liquidaron los monopoliosestatales de comercio exterior, se decretó la libertad de comercio interno y externo, se suprimieron las prohibiciones de importación, se redujeron los aranceles, se uniformizó la estructura arancelaria y se eliminaron los subsidios a las exportaciones.Las actividades de sustitución de importaciones, anteriormente protegidas, se vieron obligadas a adecuarse al nuevo contexto de protecciones efectivas reducidas.Varias sucumbieron, pero otras lograron estabilizarse y continuaron creciendo, aunque tuvieron que invertir en equipos nuevos y debieron reducir sus precios deventa en el mercado interno, lo cual benefició a los consumidores. En el agregado, crecieron tanto el PBI total como el del sector industrial. No se produjo el colapso industrial que muchos analistas pronosticaban. El empleo industrial se contrajo,pero fue compensado por aumentos en la productividad laboral. Las importaciones crecieron más rápidamente que las exportaciones, lo cual generó déficits comerciales, financiados por el ingreso de capitales. La apertura comercial si bien no eliminó el sesgo antiexportador pre-existente, lo redujo y sentó las bases para un posterior crecimiento del sector exportador. La reducción de aranceles ocasionó pérdidas fiscales iniciales que luego fueron compensadas por el crecimiento de las importaciones y por las mejoras en la administración tributaria.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2007) Rojas, Jorge
Mercantilism was a very complex phenomenom and, as such, can be examined from different angles. To begin with, it is the first important chapter of the history of economic thought. Second, it can be studied —or criticized— by the theory of international trade, that usually opposes its own free trade philosophy to the mercantilist doctrines. And third, the mercantilist policies of the European powers —both colonial and noncolonial—, from the XVI to the XVIII century, constitute an important topic of the world economichistory. Nevertheless, despite its complexity, mercantilist thought is usually presented ina very simple, almost naive, way: as a school that mistook precious metals for richness; that made the accumulation of those metals an end by itself, justifying with this purpose negative policies of protectionism and of intervention of the state in the economy. Here we will try to present mercantilism from its different angles, underlining its complexity,and emphasizing an aspect that it is not usually emphasized: the commercial colonial policies of the European powers from the XVI to the XVIII centuries. Finally, we make some questions on mercantilism, questions that we think have yet to be answered.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2007) Fairlie Reinoso, Alan
The article reflects on the roll that has the European Union like cohesion factor, considering that the relations are not limited the commercial plane in a context in which the Andean Community of Nations has had difficulties not only in its process of internal consolidation, but also to forge a common foreign policy. One discusses some differences with the FTA with the U.S.A., and the relations in these South-North agreements with regional integration.Of another side, one becomes a balance of the commerce flows, investment and cooperation between the EU and the Andean Community, being in evidence the fundamental importance that they have these bonds, beyond conjunctural losses of relative weight in the commercial aspect. There are limitations, but beyond the European restrictions or external these are fundamentally of internal character: insufficient exportable supply, competitiveness, infrastructure, etc.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2007) Mendoza, Waldo
This paper presents a Keynesian effective demand model that reproduces expansive or contractive effects of an expansionary fiscal policy as a function of the initial conditions of the public finances.In an economy with fiscal slack, when observed primary surplus is above the optimal fiscal surplus level, expansive fiscal policy raises the level of economic activity.However, when there is no fiscal slackness, when the observed surplus is below the optimal surplus, a fiscal expansion may contract the level of economic activity.The outcome has implications for the debate about whether fiscal policy should be countercyclical or not. In the aforementioned scenery the countercyclical policy is appropriate only when there is fiscal slackness, but it is counterproductive, wouldaggravate the recession instead of ameliorating it, whenever at the initial point the observed fiscal surplus is below the optimal surplus level.
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2007) Muñoz, Ismael
The evolution of fiscal spending in nutrition, health and education of children and adolescents between 2000–2005, has not been following the same pattern of growth as that of GDP in the same period of time in Peru. These important components of public policy in childhood and adolescence have not been properly attended with the larger resources collected by the State, specially in the nutrition area given that fiscal real expenditure in that area fell in spite of the rapid growth of GDP during the period of our study. With the figures found in the SIAF, the structure of publicexpenditure in the indicated components has been constructed, according to the expenditure budgetary functions, allowing us to establish a base that allows us to make proposals on improvements in public policy in the formation of the human capital since childhood.