THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho. Núm. 74 (2018)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Consejo Ejecutivo; 3

  • Derecho Ambiental
  • ¿Quién se robó mi propiedad? el tratamiento de los recursos naturales mineros a la luz de las teorías de dominio público y su aplicación en el Perú Mutsios Ramsay, Milagros; 11-25
  • Camino a una minería sostenible: a propósito del nuevo reglamento de protección ambiental para las actividades de exploración minera Reyes Asencio, Antuanet; 27-37
  • Algunas reflexiones sobre la problemática en la ejecución de proyectos hidroenergéticos en el marco de la normativa vigente en materia de recursos hídricos Lock Benavides, Sandra; 39-54
  • El excesivo uso de la fuerza mayor para la ampliación de plazos en proyectos del sector eléctrico Aguirre Ramírez, Mayra; 55-75
  • Breves comentarios a los mecanismos implementados para la participación ciudadana efectiva dentro de la certificación ambiental por parte de Senace Queirolo Romero, Ana Paula; 77-90
  • ¡Sálvese quien pueda! la elusión de la subsanación voluntaria como eximente de punición por parte de la administración Torres Sánchez, Tessy; 91-105
  • De la indulgencia a la condena: la responsive regulation en el régimen de fiscalización ambiental en Perú Gamarra Abarca, Sebastian; 107-125
  • El derecho a la consulta previa y la garantía de la supervivencia cultural de los pueblos indígenas en el Perú, a propósito del otorgamiento de concesiones mineras Másquez Salvador, Álvaro; 127-138
  • El medio ambiente desde el discurso y políticas de Derechos Humanos: una aproximación preliminar al estado de la cuestión Sotomayor Trelles, Enrique; Atay Calla, Fiorella; 139-152
  • La economía llegó a la atmósfera: el reto de la ley marco de cambio climático para la adaptación como Política Pública Salvador Cárdenas, Gabriela; 153-162
  • Rompiendo lo frágil. La experiencia del crecimiento urbano en las Lomas De Amancaes Soria Dall’Orso, Carlos; Romo Román, Pablo; 163-177
  • Una aproximación al reconocimiento de derechos a otros seres vivientes: Caso del Derecho Animal Villanueva Aramayo, Alessandra; 179-193
  • Derecho, norma ambiental y pensamiento sistémico Verna, Vito; 195-203
  • Bases conceptuales para el estudio interdisciplinario del sistema jurídico y las futuras generaciones: Perspectiva teórica y empírica desde el Derecho Ambiental Foy Valencia, Pierre; 205-226

  • Misceláneas
  • Consideraciones jurídicas y morales sobre la mujer en indias: las “consultas” de Juan De Paz Rodríguez Arrocha, Belinda; 229-252
  • La interpretación errónea del Tribunal Registral respecto a la enajenación de activos de un valor contable superior al 50% del capital social Rey Bustamante, Alonso; Ríos Peña, Sharmilla; 253-270
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 17
    • Ítem
      Bases conceptuales para el estudio interdisciplinario del sistema jurídico y las futuras generaciones: Perspectiva teórica y empírica desde el Derecho Ambiental
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-16) Foy Valencia, Pierre
      The main purpose of this article is to establish, in our medium the initiatory or preliminary bases for the interdisciplinary study of the Legal system in relation to future generations, applied conceptually and empirically to environmental law on an intergenerational perspective.The author dives into the literature on the subject and draws the main lines of investigation on the subject, proposing several themes that compose the current debate on Earth’s conservation by legal means.
    • Ítem
      El medio ambiente desde el discurso y políticas de Derechos Humanos: una aproximación preliminar al estado de la cuestión
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-15) Sotomayor Trelles, Enrique; Atay Calla, Fiorella
      This article proposes a general overview on the complex and multidimensional relationship between human rights and environment issues. However, this relationship requires adetachment from a strictly state-centered perspective, to incorporate enterprises in the interaction that makes it possible to carry out economic activities in a sustainable environment.The paper contains two major sections: a first one that proposes an approach to the research problem from the Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights, perspective regarding the recent Advisory Opinion OC-23/17 of the Inter-American Human Rights Court. Moreover, a second section adopts the perspective of public policies to analyze the interrelation between human rights and the environment, and, specifically, through the analysis of three public policies: the National Plan of Environmental Action 2011- 2021, the National Human Rights Plan 2018-2021 and the future National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.
    • Ítem
      Breves comentarios a los mecanismos implementados para la participación ciudadana efectiva dentro de la certificación ambiental por parte de Senace
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-15) Queirolo Romero, Ana Paula
      Several mining extraction projects have been carried out disregarding the right of citizen participation of whom are aff ected by them.Factors such as gender or cultural gaps prevent its effective exercise. Therefore, to guarantee the right of citizen environmental participation, SENACE has incorporated Gender and Intercultural approaches to their environment assessment procedure.In this article, the author stars to review the concept of citizen participation and then analyze its environmental variant. Later, analyzes the recognition and implications of citizen environmental participation within the context of environmental assessments, to further evaluate the need of incorporating the Gender and Intercultural approaches. Finally, analyzes the role of the State as a guarantor of the right of citizen participation and values the incorporation of these approaches made by SENACE.
    • Ítem
      El excesivo uso de la fuerza mayor para la ampliación de plazos en proyectos del sector eléctrico
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-15) Aguirre Ramírez, Mayra
      During the last decade, the failure to meet public works execution deadlines has been a frequent matter. Particularly among the electricity sector, private companies have loosened established project execution deadlines by resorting to force majeure as a justification for obtaining an extended deadline. However, have these granted extensions really been justified in events of force majeure?.In this article, the author explains the regimes under which electric concessions are granted to further detail the regulation established electric project deadlines and the consequences of its non-compliance. Subsequently, the author reviews the regulation and doctrine on force majeure and lastly, acutely analyzes its use as justification in the deadline extensions granted in recent years.
    • Ítem
      Rompiendo lo frágil. La experiencia del crecimiento urbano en las Lomas De Amancaes
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-15) Soria Dall’Orso, Carlos; Romo Román, Pablo
      This paper introduces the reader into the interdisciplinary nature of environmental law, through the review of a case of green areas ecosystem degradation by Lima’s city urban growth. The authors show the usefulness of using history, urban planning, environmental policy, environmental management tools, criminal prosecution, among other disciplines, in order to apply the legislation in a coherent manner and oriented to contribute to the common well-being. The integration of these multiple approaches in the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, allows fi nancing for projects help overcome the challenges in order to reconcile urban growth and urban green areas conservation.
    • Ítem
      Una aproximación al reconocimiento de derechos a otros seres vivientes: Caso del Derecho Animal
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-15) Villanueva Aramayo, Alessandra
      In the course of the last century, progress has made regarding the recognition of human rights. However, in most recent decades, the question of whether this recognition of rights should be extended to other living species has arisen. Building on this debate, it is worth wondering whether it would be possible to recognize rights in favor nonhuman animals, in Peru.This article seeks to outline the main advances made in the recognition of animal rights, starting from a historical evolution recount of the recognition of animal welfare since the 17th century, times in which animals were an object of the human environment, until the first decades of the 21st century, where animal interests begin to be legislated. Furthermore, having analyzed the similarities and differences between human beings and animals, this article presents the possible categories attributable to the latter. Lastly, it identifies the current role of animals in social practices and how their right or interest is collected by the legal system, to suggest alternatives for its regulation.
    • Ítem
      De la indulgencia a la condena: la responsive regulation en el régimen de fiscalización ambiental en Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-15) Gamarra Abarca, Sebastian
      The influence of the Responsive Regulation Theory in administrative law and, especially, in the areas associated with environmental management has brought into debate both the redefinition of the role of regulatory agencies and the relevance of an increasingly dominant persuasive approach as an alternative to the repressive character of law.In this article, the author seeks to examine the postulates of the Ayres and Braithwaite’s theory and, using several legal instruments among wich stands out the new Monitoring Regulation, analyze its reception in the regulatory policy of the Environmental Monitoring and Assesment Agency (Spanish: OEFA).
    • Ítem
      Camino a una minería sostenible: a propósito del nuevo reglamento de protección ambiental para las actividades de exploración minera
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-15) Reyes Asencio, Antuanet
      The recent Environmental Protection Regulation for Mining Exploration Activities has brought with it a sequence of modifications and technical classifications in the stages of the mining activity that directly aff ect the issuance of mining licenses.In this article, the author seeks to analyze and explain if these modifications contribute to the dynamism of the mining exploration activity and generate a friendly regulation for both the investor and the environment.
    • Ítem
      La interpretación errónea del Tribunal Registral respecto a la enajenación de activos de un valor contable superior al 50% del capital social
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-16) Rey Bustamante, Alonso; Ríos Peña, Sharmilla
      The Registration Court has established that it is not necessary verify the previous existence of the agreement of the general meeting of shareholders for the acts in section 5 of article 115 of the General Corporation Law, because its execution is presumed.In this article, the authors examine what legal foundations are opposed to what the Court has established.
    • Ítem
      ¿Quién se robó mi propiedad? el tratamiento de los recursos naturales mineros a la luz de las teorías de dominio público y su aplicación en el Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-15) Mutsios Ramsay, Milagros
      The way in which the private property regime is structured often delimits the way in which a society is organized. In the mining aspect, ownership of natural resources is usually the main reason for the proper functioning of the system or endless disputes between native communities and state agencies.In this sense, in order to better understand how the pubic domain system is structured on natural resources in our country, Milagros Mutsios explains in this article the four main public domain theories of natural resources and delves into the various concepts that influence the adoption or operation of each of these.