Revista de Actualidad Mercantil. Núm. 08 (2024)
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Protección al consumidor
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Acciones de daños por infracciones al derecho de la competencia en Colombia(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) De la Calle Restrepo, José Miguel; Toro Ochoa, David; Ocampo Meléndez, JerónimoThe purpose of competition law is to preserve economic competition; however, anticompetitive practices impact the market, affecting consumers and entrepreneurs. Despite this, the Colombian competition authority, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (hereinafter, "SIC"), cannot resolve disputes between private parties, as the legal framework of competition law was designed to protect a public good. Thus, the process to claim damages caused by anticompetitive practices follows the standard procedure of civil liability, making it difficult for affected parties to seek redress.This text analyzes actions for damages in Colombian competition law, comparing them with regional legislation and developments in Europe and the United States. Concrete proposals are offered to strengthen the role of competition law in protecting business interests and in denouncing those who cause harm as a means to preserve economic competition.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Acerca de los informes crediticios y su regulación argentina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Fernández, Diego; Barbero, JosefinaIn Argentina, the Personal Data Protection Law No. 25,326, along with its Regulatory Decree No. 1558/2001, introduces in its Article 26 norms related to the provision of credit services, imposing obligations on data controllers and recognizing rights to data subjects. In this article, we will analyze the current regulatory framework, offering comments from a comparative law perspective. We will examine legislation in the region and in European Union countries. We will also review the most relevant jurisprudential cases in Argentina related to the provision of credit services under Law No. 25,326, and the interpretation of the supervisory authority regarding Article 26. We will finally review the different proposed reforms to Article 26 presented in the Argentine Congress, with emphasis on the project to replace Law No. 25,326, recently introduced by the Executive Branch, and on the modifications that said project introduces regarding the creation of credit reports.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Consideraciones legales sobre datos personales en fusiones y adquisiciones(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Frene, Lisandro; Aberg Cobo, JuanIn the last fifteen years, new technologies –’fueled’ by massive data processing– have grown at such a vertiginous pace that they have encompassed virtually all society, industries and business activities. This unprecedented technological expansion –of which data is its fuel– generated specific legislation on the processing of personal data. Thus, nowadays, in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions, the legal analysis of data privacy issues of the target company is commonplace and even essential in any due diligence and minimally serious operation. In this article we will try to outline the main unavoidable legal considerations on personal data to be considered in merger and/or acquisition operations, in the respective pre and post-closing stages of such transactions.Ítem Texto completo enlazado “Dark commercial patterns” o “Patrones comerciales oscuros” en el Perú: Comentarios sobre su licitud y evaluación en materia de protección al consumidor(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Olano Rodríguez, Karina Leticia; Loaiza Tapia, José SebastiánThis article explores dark patterns in commerce, including their definition, key elements, and modalities. These practices are increasingly relevant in virtual commerce channels, raising concerns among competent bodies regarding their potential infringement on consumer choice freedom. In Peru, consumer protection regulations could empower the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi) to apply coercive, aggressive, or deceptive commercial methods to sanction such practices. Given the limited legal precedent in Peru, it’s crucial to examine comparative regulation and jurisprudence to better understand how to resolve these cases, aiming to protect consumer rights without unjustifiably restricting commercial innovation. Finding a balance that allows providers to exercise their right to private initiative and promote sales through accurate information in their publications is essential.Ítem Texto completo enlazado De las stock options a las gifted actions(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Chiriboga, Margoth; Aguinaga Latorre, ÁngelesHistorically, we have sought to reconcile the interests of workers and company owners, recognizing that the efforts of employees should be rewarded and motivated, as well as the vision of investors. We propose a mechanism where shares are awarded to outstanding workers based on their performance, subject to ongoing evaluations, with the possibility of recovery for non-compliance. Shareholders welcome these workers, but the shares are expected to be non-transferable and not part of a succession process, seeking to balance the needs of the workers with the protection of shareholder interests.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Disrupción digital en la praxis legal: explorando el ecosistema legaltech en el Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Montezuma Panez, Oscar; Sardá Paz, Jordi Víctor HugoThis article examines the intersection between technological development and digital transformation in the context of legal services facilitation in Peru. The emerging legal tech sector in Peru, made possible by the growing massification of computing capabilities, focuses most of its solutions on the use of simple technologies aimed at legal professionals. Although the lack of differentiation in the offerings and the difficulty in accessing financing for new ideas in the digital ecosystem is notorious, the efforts of private and public actors in promoting the digital transformation of the sector are recognized. This article concludes with some recommendations to strengthen trust in digital services and foster innovation in the national legal tech sector.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Evolución de la Industria de las Telecomunicaciones en Chile(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Rodríguez Ariztía, Andrés; Ovalle Irarrázaval, José Ignacio; Fabres Pfau, CristiánSince the 1980s, Chile has witnessed significant development in its telecommunications industry. From natural monopolies to a complete opening to foreign investment and the advent of new technologies, Chile is now positioned as a regional HUB for emerging technologies, witnessing remarkable transformations in the telco business structure. This article will address the development of the telecommunications industry from two thematic axes: (1) the evolution and regulation of mobile telephony in Chile; and (2) the telecommunications infrastructure in the country. The foregoing aims to expose the main regulatory challenges in these areas identified by both the industry in general and the national regulatory authority, the Subsecretariat of Telecommunications of Chile.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El “Hub”, Los “Spokes” y La Rueda de Fuego(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Marques Bom, Pedro; Souto Moura, AntónioHub and spoke infringements involve illegal agreements between direct competitors (“spokes”) facilitated by a common supplier or customer (“hub”). These agreements combine vertical behaviors that may be seen as horizontal collusion by competition authorities. They are typically categorized as by-object infringements and carry significant penalties. Various actions, such as price indication and monitoring, are necessary to connect the vertical and horizontal aspects of the infringement. These practices pose challenges for competition law, such as reconciling them with legal concepts and determining the burden of proof. The authors aim to address these questions and evaluate hub and spoke infringement based on applicable rules, past decisions, and relevant literature.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Ideas disruptivas para mejorar el trámite de reclamos individuales de consumidores(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) de Estrada, Mariano EnriqueIn light of the author’s substantial experience in consumer conflict matters within the Argentine context, he advances several propositions aimed at the reformation of procedural protocols governing individual consumer conflict resolutions. Furthermore, he advocates for the judicious incorporation of contemporary technologies into these proceedings, with the overarching objective of achieving expeditious and efficient resolutions that concurrently embody principles of equity and transparency for all implicated parties.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Información No Divulgada y Secretos Comerciales en Chile(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Egaña Bertoglia, Juan PabloThe author analyzes the Trade Secrets statute in Chile, describing the decisive role of the international treaties TRIPS and the FTA with the USA, and the difficulties and inconsistencies observed in the implementation of its rules on undisclosed information in the domestic legal system. It also refers to the way in which the courts of justice and specialized adjudicating bodies applied this statute in the settlement of disputes arising under the Industrial Property and Access to Public Information laws, generating a jurisprudence that, despite the inconveniences of this statute, managed to achieve uniformity in the protection of undisclosed information, whether it was test data or Trade Secrets. Finally, it includes a look at the most recent legal amendments that affected the institution of Trade Secret in the criminal and industrial property fields, explaining how it is expected that they will contribute to strengthen this institution, thanks to the reference to the definition of Trade Secret of the Industrial Property Law, which is formulated when typifying the crime of violation of this institution in the criminal law.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Inteligencia Artificial y Buen Gobierno Corporativo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Porto, José Miguel; Raunelli, José RodrigoThis article exposes artificial intelligence as a tool to strengthen the good corporate governance of Peruvian companies. In a corporate market where the ownership and management of companies are in the hands of controlling shareholders, this structure generates other structural problems of sustainability in the long term, since the company’s control bodies are captured by the controlling shareholders and decisions tend to benefit the controlling shareholders immediately to the detriment of the long-term sustainability of the business. How can good corporate governance incentives be generated so decisions are aimed at promoting the long-term sustainability of the business? How can corporate bodies make decisions that benefit the environment and society in general (ESG), rather than the controlling shareholders they serve? We believe that the incorporation of artificial intelligence can play a leading role in corporate governance if its participation in the board of directors or management of companies with algorithms that favor ESG is allowed.Ítem Texto completo enlazado “Mecanismos alternativos de resolución de controversias en materia de consumo en Chile: Análisis del impacto y eficacia”(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Corvalán Pérez, José Luis; Fernández Hitschfeld, Isidora FranciscaThis article will review the alternative dispute resolution mechanisms currently in place in Chile regarding consumer issues. The article will examine key elements of the regulations governing mediation, conciliation, and arbitration in consumer matters published in Chile’s Diario Oficial on December 13th, 2022 and came into effect on June 14th, 2023. It will also address the online dispute resolution (ODR) system introduced by the Santiago Chamber of Commerce and the voluntary collective procedures established by Law 21.081 published on September 13, 2018. The objective of the article is to diagnose the situation that was in place before these mechanisms and analyze their impact on consumer and commercial relationships, their implementation, effectiveness in conflict resolution, incentives for providers to offer and adhere to them within a legislative framework strengthening consumer rights protection, and the remaining challenges in this area.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El mercado de los Criptoactivos: ¿hasta dónde llega la responsabilidad de los Exchanges?(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Castelli, Leandro M.; Gascón, Alejo M.The digital asset market has experienced rapid global growth in the past years driven technological advances, which occurred within a regulatory framework designed for a different type of assets and businesses. Platforms that facilitate the exchange and storage of crypto assets, known as “Exchanges”, are exposed to the risks of internet use and those specific of the crypto-asset environment. In this article, we provide certain guidelines for a better understanding of the role of Exchanges and the limits of their responsibility.Starting from this premise, in the article, we (i) analyze the legal nature of crypto assets to understand how they should be treated. We delve into topics such as the determination of their value, inherent risks, trading, and the protocols that govern them. (ii) We also address the Exchange’s responsibility for the various risks posed by crypto assets, including contract formation, typical clauses, and protective regimes. (iii) Lastly, we explore the difference between a consumer and an investor, dissecting the characteristics of the operations each engages in and the applicable legal frameworks.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Normas sobre trazabilidad de los comerciantes en el entorno digital europeo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Flaquer Riutort, JuanContracting through digital intermediation platforms has experienced spectacular and continuous progress in recent years. One of the main problems that consumers face in this field is the precise identification of the person with whom they establish the exchange relationship, since, relatively frequently, the intervention of the platform itself confuses the user about of the real identity of the person with whom a certain good and/or service is truly contracted or acquired. In this work, the author analyzes the new informative duties imposed in this sense on platforms in the European community framework, essentially aimed at offering a greater degree of consumer protection, and among which the precise identification of the person with whom you contract, such as their status as a merchant or not, which is especially relevant for the purposes of the eventual application of consumer protection regulations. At the same time, the degree of compliance that, with respect to these informative duties, is observed in some of the platforms with the greatest implementation in the digital market.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Sotelo Molero, AndreaNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El Rol de la Cooperación Internacional en el Desarrollo de la Defensa de la Competencia en América Latina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Peña, JuliánThe purpose of this work is to see the level of influence that international cooperation has had on the development of competition law in Latin America, both in the introduction of new legal regimes and in their application, considering the economic, political, social and geographical differences that are found between the different countries of the region.The development of international cooperation in Latin America has reflected how different actors have sought particular solutions for each region, avoiding the “one size fits all” approach of the past. The wide variety of initiatives shows the growing interest of Latin American jurisdictions in the defense of competition law, although posing certain challenges for the region.International cooperation in Latin America, through technical assistance and bilateral cooperation between agencies, has played a key role in the development of antitrust law. Without this cooperation, the learning process of many Latin American competition agencies would have been much slower and more difficult.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Vis a vis con el pasado, presente y futuro(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Urquiaga, Franco GabrielNo presenta resumen.