Espacio y Desarrollo. Núm. 17 (2005)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado Hidrología y variación topográfica de un riachuelo subantártico en la ensenada MacKellar, Isla Rey Jorge, Antártida(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005) Tavares Correa, CarlosThe purpose of this study is to present preliminary results of the hydrologic and topographic monitoring of a small stream at the King George Island, Antarctica. Two methods were used in order to measure stream discharge: an area-velocity method using a flow meter and a Parshall flume. Also a topographical survey was made using a total-station theodolite. Great stream discharge fluctuations were identified at the seven stream sections between January 21st and February 13th, 2000. Comparison between 1999 and 2000 topographic survey showed a volumetric decreasing of about 9.450 m3 in one year. This topographic variation could be explained by the erosive capacity of the maximum discharges occurred during the beginning of the australsummer, when a new channel was built.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Homogeneidad y diversidad en el patrimonio urbano: casos de El Carmen, San Pedro de Lloc y Huancayo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005) Córdova Aguilar, Hildegardo; Bernex, Nicole; Goluchowska, KatarzynaPatrimony is a heritage that a person or group of persons receives from their ancestors. Urban centres, as well as places, have a set of attributes, which increase with time and little by little they beco me representatives of the historie sequences of their develop ment, giving way to patrimonies.Cities undergo value mutations of their built spaces. In fact, when greater is thecity, greater is the lost of its own spatial references and the absence of identity roots, adds to the disappearance of its communal way of life, re-enforcing any type of unordered behaviors. Fortunately, the globalization process is not lineal and does not lead to automatic homogenization as may be thought. Against this direci:ion there are the revitalization processes of ethnic identities, the construction of their geographic spaces with new identities in the distinct zones of cities, and the rebuilding of nationalism.In this study we analyze the cases of El Carmen, a small town of 1.000 people, mainly blacks, located Southeast of the city of Chincha; San Pedro de Lloc, a small city of 9.500 people in the Jequetepeque Valley; and Huancayo, a middle-size city of 400.000 people located in the inter Andean Valley of Mantaro. These centers havedifferent cultural histories from their origins, but with time, little by little they became integrated to the national system.The differences found have cultural-ethnic explanations but also places play a very important role because they give the sense oflocation and belongings to unique landscapes that are kept in the people's memory for undetermined time. Human adaptations toa place are manifested in dances, music, feasts, and in the arrangements of parks, plazas, and avenues, with proper symbols that show to the foreigners an identity that presses to be respected.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación. Espacio y Desarrollo; Núm. 17 (2005)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005) Córdova Aguilar, HildegardoNo contiene resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Ordenamiento territorial o el arte de vivir en comunidad(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005) Gómez Espinoza, NelsonIn this paper I present a synthesis of what is understood for territorial management and its different stages when applied to specific cases. It departs from the concept that territorial management is not only a technical, economic, and political issue bur also a cultural one, where the value systems play a very important role, because each society arranges its space according to its culture. Only by this way we may reach asustainable territorial management.Ítem Texto completo enlazado BERNEX DE FALEN, Nicole (ed.). Amanecer en el Bajo Huatanay. Cusco: Centro Guamán Poma de Ayala, 2004, 553 p.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005) Parra Maza, RaúlNo contiene resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado La reestructuración industrial y sus efectos en el territorio(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005) Silva Arciniega, RosaThis topic is immersed within the study program of the current Plan of Studies «D»for the License in Geography and Territorial Management, Unit 11, New Production and Spatial lmpact's Models. The objective of this program is:to make a detailed analysis of the new industrial facts, especially in relation to the organization foundations and strategic management of industry. lt strengths changes in the re-adaptation processes followed by industry in the developed countries as well as in the Third World. On this basis, it tries to valuate the spatial impacts of thestrategies and new industrial models. (UAEM s/f: 56)Then, the objective of this paper is to show how current world industrial restructuring is leading to deep changes in the territorial organization' patterns. It stresses the modernization of industrial equipment, giving insights about their territorial implications that are leading to industrial restructuring, such as is the case of the maquilas in Mexico.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Planificación estratégica y desarrollo territorial(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005) Chiarella Quinhoes, RobertoThis paper focuses on the strategic planning method linked to the territory' s sustainable development as it is currendy being proposed by various organisms involved in public policies in Peru. lt is aimed to discuss the methodology in terms of its validity as a new theoretical paradigm. lts ultimare goal is to bring about a new comprehension of the strategic planning process within the present competitive framework -among districts, provinces, regions, etc.- featured by factors such as human resources assessment, expressive technological investments and emphasis on inter-connectivity, among others.The paper starts by revising the strategic planning model genesis within the publicinitiative sector and its relationship with the attraction of privare investments at local scale. The percourse which links one point to the other goes through both the perspective of economists and administrators and the vision of prominent planners. lt ends up by showing the possibilities of a new prospect in the strategic planning of development at local scale, as well as existing doubts regarding the model: firstly, if we lack adequate information in reference to the objective capacities of our closest competitors, we will hardly be able to elaborare competitive strategies favorable to us in a specific environment; secondly, we consider that, in the current context of our country, the goals in the territory development process must be guidelined by employment and income generation for local population and this, without doubt, relies on systematic planning of investment attraction; and finally, we accept that strategic planning may constitute a tool that will enable to consolidare the decentralization and territorial integration processes.Ítem Texto completo enlazado ¿Conurbación o ciudad internacional? Gestión urbana e impactos en el territorio iñapari, Assis Brasil, Bolpebra(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2005) Chiarella Quinhoes, RobertoThis paper is on territorial management in the frontier zone of Peru, Brazil and Bolivia, and its relation to the construction of the transoceanic highway. lts main objective is to discuss the processes of urban growth in the settlements of Iñapari (Madre de Dios, Peru), Assis Brasil (Acre, Brazil), and Bolpebra (Pando, Bolivia), and their connection to the wider process of international South American integration. Another objective is to bring a new comprehension to the planning and management process of the Amazon territory from a decentralized viewpoint, taking care of the environmental conservation and the protection of the Rio Acre basin.The discussion departs from the view that the construction of the road will stimulatean organized urban growth that may dramatically enforce the problems in relation to the social and environmental degradation, to flnally propose a new strategy for terri torial and urban management through the building of an international city that includes the three urban settlements already mentioned above. Finally, this paper shows that the best development possibilities for the region arein the integral management of the urban services, infrastructure and equipment. It is hoped that the perspective of an international city will ameliorate and even control the appearance of problems typical offrontier urban settlements, such as delinquency, prostitution, drugs trafflc and consumption, smuggling, unemployment, lack of cultural identity, etc.