Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente. Núm. 13 (2024)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Castro, Augusto; 000

  • Dossier: Cosmopolíticas y emancipación en América Latina
  • A modo de introducción del dossier «Cosmopolíticas y emancipación en América Latina» Rueda Barrera, Eduardo A; D-000
  • Cosmopolitismo en América Latina, un recorrido histórico conceptual Mota, Aurea; D-001
  • ¿Ideales cosmopolitas? Del reino de la libertad a la asunción de la necesidad. Los desafíos de una lectura feminista de cara al sur Ciriza, Alejandra; D-002
  • Ontologías ecopolíticas en la Sierra Oriental Hidalguense (México): una mirada sobre la ritualidad de los "Ñuhu" y "Ma’alh’ama’ "a la Sirena Martínez Patricio, Gustavo; Castillo Oropeza, Oscar Adán; D-003
  • Trazados curriculares desde una "ética-estética" para la formación de una cultura ambiental Melo Romero, Andrea del Pilar; Castro, Augusto; D-004
  • El ecofeminismo: la inclusión de la ética del cuidado a la reflexión sobre la crisis ambiental Castro-Bernardini, Ximena; D-005
  • Ecoficciones y procesos artísticos: la producción de obras artísticas y la relación simbólica con el territorio habitado y construido Villavicencio Monti, Karla Paola; Hernández Calvo, Max Alfredo; Escribens Bacigalupo, Alessandra; D-006
  • Epistemes otras y cambio social: sentidos de lo interdisciplinario Rueda Barrera, Eduardo A.; D-007

  • Artículos
  • Actual y futura disponibilidad del agua en un contexto de inseguridad hídrica en la subcuenca de Parón, cuenca del río Santa, Perú Izaguirre Liviac, Marcos Fabio; Drenkhan, Fabian; Timaná, Martín; A-001
  • Buenas prácticas ambientales en hogares de Valparaíso Metropolitano, Chile Castañeda-Meneses, Patricia Lorena; A-002
  • Evaluación del desperdicio de alimentos: normas y acciones para fomentar la circularidad en Perú Huiman Cruz, Alberto; A-003
  • Hidrógeno verde: abriendo las puertas a un futuro energético sostenible en el Perú Aranibar Ramos, Edgar Romario; Olarten Pacco, Miguel Angel Demetrio; A-004
  • Trampas de la Economía Circular Feola, Giuseppe; A-005
  • Los efectos del COVID-19 en la población indígena de México. Un análisis espacio-temporal bayesiano Núñez Medina, Gerardo; Uribe Salas, Felipe; A-006
  • Riesgo socioambiental en el Perú: identificación, caracterización y categorización de 1874 distritos al 2019, usando aprendizaje automatizado y econometría espacial Trujillo Córdova, Christian Moisés; A-007
  • Efectos de Bacillus spp. en organismos no diana del ecosistema terrestre Castañedo Hernández, Zoe Alicia; Meneses-Marcel, Alfredo; Marrero Chang, Osmany; Cruz-Martin, Mileidy; A-008
  • Evolución espacio-temporal de las unidades de ordenamiento ambiental (ZPB, ZPAES) y el refugio de vida silvestre de Los Pantanos de Villa, Perú (1987-2022) Fabian Tolentino, Elveis Daniel; Torres Cordero, Nina Aleli; Bardales Martínez, María Fernanda; Naquiche Yesquen, Dagnert Luis; Ramírez Huaroto, Dámaso Wilfredo; A-009
  • El desarrollo de la conciencia ambiental en la didáctica del sistema educativo Rodriguez La Rosa, Sara Nataly; A-010
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
    • Ítem
      Riesgo socioambiental en el Perú: identificación, caracterización y categorización de 1874 distritos al 2019, usando aprendizaje automatizado y econometría espacial
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-17) Trujillo Córdova, Christian Moisés
      The environmental crisis due to climate change has forced many States to direct efforts towards environmental transition to reduce the probability of occurrence of a situation with a negative impact on their population or environment. Peru is no exception. In this sense, the need arises to identify and categorize its districts according to a certain socio-environmental risk. Faced with this challenge, a multistage quantitative methodology was developed and implemented, which made use of both machine learning (supervised and unsupervised) and spatial econometrics. The results of this methodology, visualized through emerging risk indixes, evidenced the existence of 165 districts considered socio-environmental risk zones (SERZ, in Spanish known as ZRS), mostly located in the coastal strip. Finally, it is concluded that the pattern and replicability of urban development model in Peru is currently not coherent with efforts towards environmental conservation and preservation.
    • Ítem
      Actual y futura disponibilidad del agua en un contexto de inseguridad hídrica en la subcuenca de Parón, cuenca del río Santa, Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-16) Izaguirre Liviac, Marcos Fabio; Drenkhan, Fabian; Timaná, Martín
      Water security in Andean watersheds depends on adaptive water management in the face of glaciohydrological and socioeconomic impacts. The Parón sub-basin in the Santa River basin (Ancash, Peru) is a suitable case in this respect. Water is regulated by a floodgate in the Parón lake, which has become a focal point of social conflict. This study analyzes the water balance of this sub-basin using a semi-distributed hydrological model for the present (2006-2016) and future (2030-2050), considering different scenarios of precipitation variation, glacial melting, and increased water demand. Without regulation of the lake, the sub-basin would enter into a strong water deficit in the dry months (June-August). Until 2030 (2050), assuming a maximum regulation of 2.6 m³/s, a 15% (35%) increase in precipitation, and a 10% (26%) decrease in the glacier contribution to the annual flow, water availability would be reduced by 37% (35%). In a pessimistic scenario with a 15% (35%) decrease in precipitation, water availability would still be reduced by 47% (56%) annually. These results highlight the need to keep a socially acceptable minimum water flow (>2 m³/s) to avoid critical levels of water scarcity in the dry months and to address the needs of local water users.
    • Ítem
      Evaluación del desperdicio de alimentos: normas y acciones para fomentar la circularidad en Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-16) Huiman Cruz, Alberto
      Population growth generates a higher demand for food and, thereby the waste of larger quantities of food. The fight against this problem has been initiated in several countries through strict regulations that manage food waste: Peru has made proposals related to the use of food waste, however, they were ineffective when it became evident that there was a lot of waste The objective of this article is to analyze the management of food waste in Peru and the world, both in terms of regulations and situation; for this purpose, a bibliographic review was carried out taking into account the guidelines of circularity in food. The results obtained show deficiencies in the Peruvian and world regulatory framework, with the exception of Europe. It was found that the generation of food waste is abundant worldwide, especially in the hotel, restaurant and cafeteria sector, with portion size being the main cause. The countries coincide in their concern for the increase in waste and seek to frame themselves in the circularity model, in the case of Peru, this implies modifying and improving regulations with the participation of the actors involved. In view of this, a vision of sustainability is proposed in which the agricultural sector, the local economy, the supply chain, and technology intervene as factors that guarantee a sustainable food industry; as well as the legislative initiatives that seek to reduce food waste.