Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente
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ISSN: 2523-2894
e-ISSN: 2709-3689
La Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente es la revista de investigación arbitrada del Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (INTE-PUCP), indizada en LATINDEX, DOAJ, REDIB y otros. Recientemente indizada en SCOPUS (noviembre 2022) y en SciELO (marzo 2023).
Kawsaypacha es una voz quechua que significa “Tierra viva”. Desde esta revista, el INTE-PUCP busca aportar al debate académico que analiza la relación entre la sociedad y medio ambiente desde diferentes perspectivas, y promover una reflexión interdisciplinaria que brinde nuevos enfoques y herramientas para comprender la creciente complejidad de nuestra relación con la naturaleza y la sostenibilidad socioambiental. Para ello adoptamos estándares internacionales de comunicación científica y prácticas de ciencia abierta.
Resultados de búsqueda
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación N° 14 (2014)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-12-01) Castro, AugustoNo presenta resumen.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Gobernanza y gestión ambiental: a modo de introducción(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-11-12) Tostes Vieira, Marta LucíaIn this 14th number, we organized the articles into three large blocks to address the main trends in research in our environment on governance and sustainable management,: the first, with six investigations linked to sustainable management tools for governance, such as risk management disasters, construction of scenarios, conservation of protected natural areas and contributions of economic sciences in cities such as Áncash, Piura, Ica and Chosica; the second, with three national investigations related to social management in environmental management, in Tacna, Lima (Ancón) and Loreto; and, finally, four very interesting international case studies in Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina and Ukraine. In this sense, the role of Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente journal focuses on being a disseminator of validated scientific knowledge that sheds light on the main debates that the academy must contribute both to the training of committed professionals and directly to the design and implementation of solutions for environmental social problems, with the impetus of a heightened dialogue. That is why we hope that people who read these articles take away reflections on governance for sustainable management, with social management tools for environmental management, from a territorial perspective at a national and international level, which serve as a legacy, as well as for the promotion of sustainable development.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Una revisión integral del escenario energético del Perú: Avanzando en el acceso a la energía, la sostenibilidad y las implicaciones políticas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-17) Colina-Calvo, Aaron OmarPeru is in the race to eliminate poverty, inequality and environmental pollution according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030; however, the country faces significant challenges in the energy sector, with limited access to electricity and a heavy dependence on imported wood and fuels. This study explores the Peruvian energy context, focusing on an integrative model based on policies, emissions, challenges and opportunities to ensure the availability of resources and a sustainable framework for development through the evaluation of indicators and impacts within the energy sector. Our findings show that energy consumption in Peru depends on diesel, natural gas, and wood. Despite the country's efforts to advance renewable sources of energy and their potential, their contribution is approximately 5%. In this regard, sustainability policies towards 2030 have been adopted by promoting various initiatives, such as installing off-grid photovoltaic panels, BonoGas tickets or energy efficiency measures. However, the lack of political, economic, social and institutional support for emerging technologies slows down progress according to the proposed model.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La curva de Kuznets ambiental de Perú 2010-2020: una visión departamental(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-14) Erazo-Camacho, Milton Royer; Cubos-Sifuentes, Uver; Mejia-Avalos, Maribel Ruby; Ramirez-Santana, Allison LuisaThe aim of this article is to empirically test the existence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve between economic growth and average temperature using departmental data from Peru during the period 2010-2020. As a result, it was found that the impact of departmental GDP per capita is negative on average temperature, suggesting that a 1% increase in departmental GDP per capita would decrease the average temperature by 1.92% in Peru's regions. These results strongly refute the existence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis, suggesting instead that we are facing a U-shaped curve.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Diversidad específica y su estado de conservación en las Lomas de Mangomarca, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-29) Rosales Benites (†), Marina; Castro, Augusto; Lleellish, Miguel; Mejía, Jesús A.; Amaya, Pedro M.; Carrasco, Judith M.; Villafani-Vega, Iris; Robles, Rosmary; Vega, Violeta; Franco, Celso J.The specific diversity of the fragile ecosystem 'Lomas de Mangomarca,' located in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho (Lima, Peru), was characterized through the identification of lichen, bryophyte, vascular plant, reptile, bird, and mammal species. Emphasis was placed on the conservation status of the species inhabiting this ecosystem, in accordance with national regulations on threatened species. The threats to the Lomas ecosystem were assessed through direct field observations and the perceptions of local residents via surveys. Ten lichen species, four bryophytes, and 36 vascular plants were recorded, complemented by data from previous studies, totaling 67 species, 28 birds, three reptiles, and one mammal, of which 18 are endemic to Peru. At the global level, the conservation status of the species shows that 40 species are at risk of extinction, as included in the IUCN Global Red List, and eight species are nationally threatened. The main direct threat to the Lomas de Mangomarca ecosystem is habitat loss caused by urban expansion, while the indirect driver is weak governance in the Lomas. Conservation in this ecosystem is vital to prevent the local extinction of key species that inhabit these fragile ecosystems, as 35% of the recorded species are at risk of extinction globally, and there has been a 49% reduction in vegetation cover by 2020 compared to the year 2000.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Análisis del derecho penal sobre ecocidio: un estudio de caso de la guerra en Ucrania(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-07) Haltsova, Viktoriia V.; Volodina, Oksana O.; Hordieiev, Volodymyr I.; Samoshchenko, Igor V.; Orobets, Kostiantyn M.While actions leading to environmental degradation already have global consequences threatening the very existence of humanity, the war in Ukraine has once again proved the effectiveness of existing international environmental protection mechanisms. The purpose of this study is to analyze existing international environmental protection mechanisms from the perspective of the possibility of criminalizing the crime of ecocide. Based on the analysis of the domestic law of countries that have incorporated ecocide as a crime, it follows that national approaches to addressing this issue depend on historical conditions and have significant differences. These differences hinder the prosecution of ecocide in the absence of appropriate international legal mechanisms, while the consequences of ecocide cause global damage. An analysis of the state of international regulations has shown that despite the existence of an extensive environmental protection mechanism, it remains imperfect, thus making it impossible to prosecute ecocide unless it is done in connection with war crimes. An assessment of the data presented in the reports on the war in Ukraine shows that participation in relevant international conventions does not in any way guarantee that the aggressor country will not violate its international obligations. It is shown that recognizing ecocide as a crime at the international level remains the only effective means to bring perpetrators to justice. The results of the study can be used to further improve the legal mechanisms for prosecuting ecocide, in teaching legal disciplines, and in further academic research.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Sostenibilidad en la gestión del riego en seis empresas agroexportadoras de “Carica papaya L” en el departamento de Petén, Guatemala(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-10-04) Martínez-Cuestas, Marco Antonio; González-Cortés, Nicolas; Luna-Jiménez, Ana LauraIn the department of Petén, Guatemala, there are agro-exporting companies producing papaya (Carica papaya L.) with significant water requirements. However, the extraction of water can potentially lead to the depletion of groundwater and surface water sources in the medium term. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the sustainability of irrigation systems in six agro-exporting papaya (Carica papaya L.) companies in the department of Petén, Guatemala. For the analysis of sustainability in the studied companies, descriptive and inferential statistics were used, applying measures of dispersion, variability, skewness, and normality tests of data. With this information, a model for evaluating the sustainable management of water resources was proposed. Data collection instruments included observation, a structured questionnaire, an unstructured questionnaire, and a registration form with experimental indicators that allowed for the proposal of a model with an index to assess sustainability. The application of the model resulted in the Irrigation Sustainable Impact Index with a rating of 0.64, which places the irrigation systems of the studied companies in the category of low sustainability. Therefore, it is recommended to implement management systems based on plans for vegetative restoration in water recharge areas, studies of surface and groundwater quality, as well as environmental impact assessments, and to foster a culture of sustainable education and efficient water use for irrigation.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Influencia de la gestión ambiental regional en la conducta ecológica ciudadana. Estudio de caso en el departamento de Tacna, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-24) Cabrera-Huayhua, Juan ErikCurrently, most of the population does not have behaviors in favor of caring for the environment, which reduces the possibility of achieving sustainable development, which is mainly characterized by implementing actions that contribute to the rational use of natural resources and minimize the effects of pollution, among others. The objective of the study was to determine the influence of regional environmental management on citizen ecological behavior in the department of Tacna. A sample of 384 citizens was considered, aged between 15 and 64 years who reside in the department of Tacna, who were selected at random, through, a stratified and proportional random sampling, distributed by province as follows: Tacna (357), Jorge Basadre (9), Candarave (10) and Tarata (8). The survey technique was used, through the application of two questionnaires: regional environmental management (16 items) and ecological citizen behavior (24 items). The findings of this research indicate that the ecological behavior of population is impacted by the implementation of activities that make up the environmental management promoted by the Regional Government of Tacna, in addition to each of the dimensions (regional plans and policies, regional system environmental, regional environmental policy and regional environmental commissions) have influence on the variable ecological citizen behavior.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Un referente ético de nuestra Amazonía: entrevista a José Manuyama Ahuite, activista ambiental e intercultural de la Amazonía(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-20) Guerra-Carreño, Zussel MariellaFrom a detected ethical problem, appropriate ethical responses must arise. The extractive export model constitutes one of those ethical problems present in the Amazon, which is countered by the actions of upstanding individuals, ethical role models who awaken pathos and internalize the suffering of the land, the communities, and the planet. These everyday people show us another possible path—the path of Jesus, based on mercy and care, as the fundamental criterion that ethically defines the human being.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La desmovilización en la movilización. Reflexiones a partir de la obra de Pablo Lapegna, La Argentina transgénica “De la resistencia a la adaptación, una etnografía de las poblaciones campesinas”(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-19) Quintana Thea, AbrilOne of the major questions faced by researchers analyzing social movements and collective action revolves around determining what happens when a social movement fails to develop, sustain over time, or even establish itself. This phenomenon is often seen as a negative process, characterized by apathy and absence of resources or political opportunities. This question remains relatively unexplored in academic circles dedicated to the study of social movements, prompting Lapegna in his book Transgenic Argentina. From resilience to adaptation, an ethnography of peasant populations, to revisit the analysis of demobilization. The author starts from the premise that this is a process and mechanism involving decision-making and activity, challenging theories that characterize it negatively. Lapegna ethnographically analyzes a case in Moreno (Formosa, Argentina), where the soy boom and the use of agrochemicals affect the entire peasant population. He observes how in 2003, faced with agrochemical drift, the community organizes demonstrations and manages to stop the spraying of neighboring fields. However, in 2009, facing the same situation, the same population does not undertake any collective action. From there, the author seeks to deepen the study of the relationship between clientelistic policies and social movements to explain the process of demobilization.