Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente. Núm. 13 (2024)
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Dossier: Cosmopolíticas y emancipación en América Latina
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Actual y futura disponibilidad del agua en un contexto de inseguridad hídrica en la subcuenca de Parón, cuenca del río Santa, Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-16) Izaguirre Liviac, Marcos Fabio; Drenkhan, Fabian; Timaná, MartínWater security in Andean watersheds depends on adaptive water management in the face of glaciohydrological and socioeconomic impacts. The Parón sub-basin in the Santa River basin (Ancash, Peru) is a suitable case in this respect. Water is regulated by a floodgate in the Parón lake, which has become a focal point of social conflict. This study analyzes the water balance of this sub-basin using a semi-distributed hydrological model for the present (2006-2016) and future (2030-2050), considering different scenarios of precipitation variation, glacial melting, and increased water demand. Without regulation of the lake, the sub-basin would enter into a strong water deficit in the dry months (June-August). Until 2030 (2050), assuming a maximum regulation of 2.6 m³/s, a 15% (35%) increase in precipitation, and a 10% (26%) decrease in the glacier contribution to the annual flow, water availability would be reduced by 37% (35%). In a pessimistic scenario with a 15% (35%) decrease in precipitation, water availability would still be reduced by 47% (56%) annually. These results highlight the need to keep a socially acceptable minimum water flow (>2 m³/s) to avoid critical levels of water scarcity in the dry months and to address the needs of local water users.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Cosmopolitismo en América Latina, un recorrido histórico conceptual(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-16) Mota, AureaThis article develops key elements to consider that, despite cosmopolitan theoretical debates being determined by a Eurocentric conceptualization, there is a Latin American intellectual tradition that has innovatively advocated for cosmopolitanism as an essential political practice for the modern world. To develop the analysis of how the cosmopolitan imaginary was formed and transformed in Latin America over the two hundred years since the colonial emancipation process, two specific historical moments will be discussed, as well as the main intellectual traditions we identify regarding cosmopolitanism. The first moment to be discussed is the formation of nation-states (19th century). In a second moment, the discussion on the "racial" and postcolonial issue that emerged in Latin America during the 20th century is analyzed. Although it is correct to say that the historical path outlined does not cover all the defining moments and thoughts of the cosmopolitan imaginary in the region, we nonetheless offer a synthesis capable of supporting the argument about the process of historical conceptual development of the cosmopolitan imaginary in Latin America.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Evaluación del desperdicio de alimentos: normas y acciones para fomentar la circularidad en Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-16) Huiman Cruz, AlbertoPopulation growth generates a higher demand for food and, thereby the waste of larger quantities of food. The fight against this problem has been initiated in several countries through strict regulations that manage food waste: Peru has made proposals related to the use of food waste, however, they were ineffective when it became evident that there was a lot of waste The objective of this article is to analyze the management of food waste in Peru and the world, both in terms of regulations and situation; for this purpose, a bibliographic review was carried out taking into account the guidelines of circularity in food. The results obtained show deficiencies in the Peruvian and world regulatory framework, with the exception of Europe. It was found that the generation of food waste is abundant worldwide, especially in the hotel, restaurant and cafeteria sector, with portion size being the main cause. The countries coincide in their concern for the increase in waste and seek to frame themselves in the circularity model, in the case of Peru, this implies modifying and improving regulations with the participation of the actors involved. In view of this, a vision of sustainability is proposed in which the agricultural sector, the local economy, the supply chain, and technology intervene as factors that guarantee a sustainable food industry; as well as the legislative initiatives that seek to reduce food waste.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Buenas prácticas ambientales en hogares de Valparaíso Metropolitano, Chile(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-16) Castañeda-Meneses, Patricia LorenaIn Chile, the main issues affecting the quality of life of the population include air pollution, scarcity and contamination of water resources, degradation, loss, and pollution of soils, nuisance noise, solid waste management, and loss of biodiversity. In response to this situation, good environmental practices emerge in households, which can be characterized as simple and useful measures that individuals can adopt in their daily lives to reduce the negative environmental impact of their activities. In this context, the article presents the results of a qualitative research aimed at identifying and classifying the environmental practices carried out in households in Metropolitan Valparaíso, Chile. Methodologically, an exploratory-descriptive approach study was conducted, gathering information from 64 households through semi-structured interviews. The results show the implementation of good environmental practices in the household, related to the recycling of organic and non-organic waste, reusing organic and non-organic waste, and reducing the consumption of natural resources. It is concluded that the environmental practices developed by individuals in their households are motivated by a deep concern for environmental issues and seek to reduce the long-term negative consequences that will affect the living conditions of future generations. From an integrated perspective, the good environmental practices carried out in the household represent a silent and persevering microsocial dynamic that challenges the devastating actions of global economic, political, and technological actors regarding the use of natural resources.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Trampas de la Economía Circular(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-16) Feola, GiuseppeThe Circular Economy, as it is most often picked up in urban policy, government and scientific debate, is often presented as transformative, but it is reformist at best. In fact, the Circular Economy is so seductive exactly because it promises to reduce environmental impacts without questioning the cultural and institutional foundations of the economy as we know it. In this short article, I unveil the environmental, socio-economic and managerial pitfalls of the Circular Economy, and conclude by suggesting three areas of intervention to address them: seriously combating illicit and illegal activity in key sectors and in terms of labour, giving more prominence to the value retention principles of reject, reduce and reuse, and engaging in a serious and democratic policy debate about where a Circular Economy should be heading.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Riesgo socioambiental en el Perú: identificación, caracterización y categorización de 1874 distritos al 2019, usando aprendizaje automatizado y econometría espacial(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-17) Trujillo Córdova, Christian MoisésThe environmental crisis due to climate change has forced many States to direct efforts towards environmental transition to reduce the probability of occurrence of a situation with a negative impact on their population or environment. Peru is no exception. In this sense, the need arises to identify and categorize its districts according to a certain socio-environmental risk. Faced with this challenge, a multistage quantitative methodology was developed and implemented, which made use of both machine learning (supervised and unsupervised) and spatial econometrics. The results of this methodology, visualized through emerging risk indixes, evidenced the existence of 165 districts considered socio-environmental risk zones (SERZ, in Spanish known as ZRS), mostly located in the coastal strip. Finally, it is concluded that the pattern and replicability of urban development model in Peru is currently not coherent with efforts towards environmental conservation and preservation.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Los efectos del COVID-19 en la población indígena de México. Un análisis espacio-temporal bayesiano(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-17) Núñez Medina, Gerardo; Uribe Salas, FelipeThe aim of this work is to analyze the impact of Covid-19 on indigenous populations in municipalities of Mexico. To analyze this relationship, Bayesian spatio-temporal models are used to capture the complex dynamics of epidemiological transmission in terms of spatial, temporal and joint spatio-temporal dependence. These models have the ability to include covariates, such as the percentage of indigenous population, which makes it possible to quantify the effect that the covariate has on the evolution of the epidemic. Likewise, the models allow us to identify spatio-temporal clusters with high and low incidence rates, showing health inequalities based on the proportion of the indigenous population residing in specific municipalities. Contrary to expectations, the results showed a protective effect on the incidence rate of COVID-19 for the indigenous population. Furthermore, a wide heterogeneity was observed in the distribution of COVID-19 incidence rates by municipality, with significant fluctuations over time. The incidence rates of COVID-19 in indigenous populations were low, which may be due to the fact that the indigenous population predominates in municipalities with low population density, less access to health services, and greater social marginalization. However, it is important to interpret these results with caution due to the high level of observed underreporting of COVID-19 cases found in indigenous populations.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Trazados curriculares desde una "ética-estética" para la formación de una cultura ambiental(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-18) Melo Romero, Andrea del Pilar; Castro, AugustoThe article Curricular Pathways from an Aesthetic Ethics for the Formation of an Environmental Culture is part of the preliminary results of a research conducted with high school students in Bogota, Colombia, which works on ethics-aesthetics as an alternative proposal from the construction of a Latin American environmental thinking. The first part of the article explains what ethics-aesthetics refers to; in the second part of the article, the methodological design of the research is explained; in the third part, the environmental values that can be worked from ethics-aesthetics and how they are perceived within an environmental forum developed with the learning community are discussed; finally, the article concludes with the findings.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Ontologías ecopolíticas en la Sierra Oriental Hidalguense (México): una mirada sobre la ritualidad de los "Ñuhu" y "Ma’alh’ama’ "a la Sirena(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-18) Martínez Patricio, Gustavo; Castillo Oropeza, Oscar AdánIn Mexico, in the Eastern Sierra of Hidalgo, as well as in other territories inhabited by indigenous groups, an intimate relationship with their territory and nature is observed, generating knowledge, ways of being and existing that are transmitted generationally through oral tradition and practice, embodied in various rituals. In the case of the Ñuhu (Otomi) and Ma’alh’ama’ (Tepehua) peoples of this region, the presence of various deities is noted, one of them being the "Siren," which is shared among both ethnic groups. Therefore, this document aims to primarily analyze the ecopolitical ontologies of the Ñuhu and Ma’alh’ama’ of the Eastern Sierra of Hidalgo through their customs (ritual practices), specifically those related to the Siren, which strengthen their relationship with their territory and nature. This analysis is made possible through semi-structured interviews, the systematization of shared experiences and narratives from nine farmers, and ethnographic work supported by participant observation. Finally, it is concluded that rituals to the Siren can be understood not only as sociocultural events but as historical assemblages between humans and non-humans, inherent to the existence and continuity of these indigenous groups as collective political subjects with their own rights over their nature, territory, and self-determination.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Efectos de Bacillus spp. en organismos no diana del ecosistema terrestre(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-26) Castañedo Hernández, Zoe Alicia; Meneses-Marcel, Alfredo; Marrero Chang, Osmany; Cruz-Martin, MileidyThe increase in the world population brings with it the need for food production and therefore the search for technological alternatives to satisfy this demand. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), it is necessary to evaluate both the effectiveness and the safety of all products used in agriculture. The Institute of Plant Biotechnology of the province of Villa Clara, Cuba, immersed in the solution of this problem, has shown that two biopreparations CCIBP-C5 (Bacillus pumilus) and CCIBP-A5 (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) have an effect on plant growth and activity against phytopathogenic fungi. However, there is no evidence of its safety on non-target organisms in the ecosystem. Terrestrial ecotoxicology is the branch of science devoted to predicting said impact on representative organisms. Four tests were carried out to evaluate the acute toxicity of Bacillus species at concentrations of 108 UFC.g-1 of soil, according to the regulations of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the biomodels of Eisenia fetida and different species of terrestrial plants. Mortality/germination inhibition, weight, vegetative vigor and other clinical findings were investigated for 30 days. There was no mortality in any of the biomodels and the observed effects did not show significant statistical differences with the corresponding control group. We can conclude that the CCIBP-C5 and CCIBP-A5 biopreparations are not toxic to the species studied in the terrestrial ecosystem.Ítem Texto completo enlazado ¿Ideales cosmopolitas? Del reino de la libertad a la asunción de la necesidad. Los desafíos de una lectura feminista de cara al sur(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-26) Ciriza, AlejandraUnder the conjecture that embodied people draw expectations of emancipation on the basis of a certain historical horizon, this work investigates the limits and pressures that the current conditions of existence imprint on the political imagination of those who inhabit the south of the planet, at a time of increase in inequalities between human beings and aggression against the nature that we are and in which we live. This work traces, from a situated and feminist perspective, some significant temporal milestones because these marks in time account made possible a cosmopolitan horizon, in which we can take notice that the world with which we stay, in which we live, is one. Under the sign of the French Revolution, Kant constructed the idea of a cosmopolitan government and imagined a norm for regulating relations between states that would enable a hospitality capable of welcoming the stranger as a full subject of law. Under the imprint of 1848 (and also of 1871) Marx projected, from the terrain of history and class struggle, the possibility of an emancipation that could be international. The world today shows a desolate panorama: the globalization of the world with its aftermath of reification and commodification of nature, with the bet on war in its different versions as a way out of the capitalist crisis, with fierce competition for what has become scarce: fuel, land, water, seeds. Cosmopolitanism, as an ethical and political imperative, invites us to take on the challenge implied by the impossibility of reproducing life on the planet under the current conditions of capitalist globalization. The cosmopolitan horizon can no longer be the realm of abstract freedom, but that of the assumption of the determinations of the realm of necessity: dependence on the nature that we are and in which we live, the importance of the body, the need for food, affection, care that human been can only satisfy in community.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El ecofeminismo: la inclusión de la ética del cuidado a la reflexión sobre la crisis ambiental(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-26) Castro-Bernardini, XimenaIn this research, a review is made of the contribution of constructivist ecofeminism to the analysis of the environmental crisis. This ecofeminism proposes including gender categories and approaches of theoretical feminism in the analysis of the current environmental situation. Figures from the last year on the sexual division of labor - domestic and paid - in Latin America have been reviewed with the aim of identifying and highlighting the inequality of the sexual division of labor while recognizing that care work is still awarded in its majority to women. This article will show that the universalization of care experiences that are taken up from the ecofeminism of Alicia Puleo and in the Ethics of Care can be of vital importance as a measure of transformation of the relationship between human beings and nature.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Ecoficciones y procesos artísticos: la producción de obras artísticas y la relación simbólica con el territorio habitado y construido(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-06) Villavicencio Monti, Karla Paola; Hernández Calvo, Max Alfredo; Escribens Bacigalupo, AlessandraThis article intends to explain the different possibilities of representation of what we will call “fictional ecosystems”, being imaginary ecosystems that are developed through visual representation, highlighting their importance to establish, develop and maintain a connection with the inhabited territory, as fundamental relationship to build a society that questions the subjectivities established in the coexistence with the natural, humanized and collective environment. Thus, an explanatory line is developed, which answers the following question, can elements of visual representation be used for the creation of “fictional ecosystems” that help to question the relationship that we build with our natural and humanized ecosystems in the contemporary environment and its corresponding problems? The answer is built through a methodology created using two phases of analysis. An explanatory line is drawn through artistic proposals made in Peru, developed on different supports and using various means, such as painting, drawing, installation and video art. The first phase called “Ritualized Territory and Creation” deals with the relationship between own experiences in the territory of the artists and their creative processes; the second phase “Territory and Cultural Imaginaries”, highlights the intrinsic link between the experiences established in the previous phase and the construction of imaginaries that enable to question our cultural and ethical environment. It is attempted to highlight the importance and the fundamental role of the abovementioned representations as a bridge for a better understanding of the framework of subjectivities that triggers the relationship between natural and humanized ecosystems. This methodology will be explained through the development of four projects: “Abglutia”. “Peligro de Extinción”, “Natural Sense Making” and finally, “Pestes”. Through the analysis of these projects, it is recognized that the visual representations of these fictional ecosystems are useful and necessary to develop a critical view that promotes introspection and questioning about the relationship with our natural environment and the ecosystems that have influence on it, enabling to establish in our collective relationships the development of a symbolic relationship with the territory that we inhabit and build.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Hidrógeno verde: abriendo las puertas a un futuro energético sostenible en el Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-06) Aranibar Ramos, Edgar Romario; Olarten Pacco, Miguel Angel DemetrioThe concern for climate change has driven the search for sustainable energy solutions. In this context, green hydrogen stands out as an emerging and promising option, given its carbon-free production and extensive applicability. However, its academic approach at the Peruvian level is still limited. Therefore, the objective is to analyze the potential of green hydrogen in Peru, considering technical, economic, environmental, and regulatory aspects. The study is based on a review of Peru's current energy matrix, identifying its challenges and limitations, and explores the opportunities and advantages that it could offer in the national context, also examining international experiences. It is observed that Peru has a diverse energy matrix but faces challenges in terms of infrastructure, dependence on fossil fuels, and vulnerability to international price fluctuations. Green hydrogen has the potential to harness renewable natural resources and offers economic, environmental, and social benefits, as well as greater energy diversification and security. It is concluded that the successful implementation of green hydrogen in Peru will require addressing technical obstacles, establishing a solid regulatory framework, and ensuring access to affordable financing. International experiences highlight the collaboration between the government, industry, and academic institutions to accelerate the development of these technologies. Additionally, the establishment of regulatory and political frameworks that provide security and promote collaboration is necessary. One limitation of the work is that it briefly addresses the cost aspect of production plants, a potential point for future research.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Evolución espacio-temporal de las unidades de ordenamiento ambiental (ZPB, ZPAES) y el refugio de vida silvestre de Los Pantanos de Villa, Perú (1987-2022)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-09) Fabian Tolentino, Elveis Daniel; Torres Cordero, Nina Aleli; Bardales Martínez, María Fernanda; Naquiche Yesquen, Dagnert Luis; Ramírez Huaroto, Dámaso WilfredoCoastal wetlands adjacent to urban areas, such as the Pantanos de Villa in the city of Lima, Peru, are subject to constant changes in land use due to anthropogenic interaction. This has led to the reduction of dense vegetation areas, giving way to built-up areas. Therefore, this article addresses the issue of the physical changes experienced in urban areas adjacent to the wetland, such as the environmental management units, in this case the Zone of Protection of Outcrop and Surface Runoff (ZPAES), and the Zone of Landscape Protection of Edge (ZPB), as well as the Pantanos de Villa Wildlife Refuge (RVSPV), as a result of rapid urban expansion. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the spatial and temporal evolution of the Pantanos de Villa environment and urbanization within the Environmental Management Units ZPB, ZPAES, and RVSPV. To achieve this, the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform was used, and satellite images from Landsat 5 TM and Sentinel 2 MSI sensors were processed. These images were worked on in the GEE interface and analyzed using spectral indices, NDVI and NDBI, through map algebra codes and pixel masking. For cartographic representation, a Geographic Information System (GIS) was used. The results show a 291.12% increase in built-up area and a 26% reduction in vegetated area over the last 35 years, for the Environmental Management Units ZPB and ZPAES, and the RVSPV. The identified reduction is directly related to unplanned expansion of urban areas and anthropogenic activities.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El desarrollo de la conciencia ambiental en la didáctica del sistema educativo(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-14) Rodriguez La Rosa, Sara NatalyThis study aims to present the different theories on the development of environmental consciousness that, throughout history, have influenced educational system didactics and human behavior, in order to achieve a sustainable pro-ecological attitude change. To do this, the PRISMA methodology was used and 10 articles were prioritized, respecting eligibility criteria and filters. The inquiry was conducted considering variables according to data from Web of Science and Scopus for the period 2020-2023. The results suggest that the various theories on the development of environmental consciousness embraced by the Peruvian educational system have significantly impacted didactics focused on the holistic formation of the individual in favor of the environment; an aspect that gives us hope for creating a world where there is a balance between humans and the environment, with emphasis on sustainability and respect for all elements and living beings, where ecological morality and ethics prevail over any profit-seeking endeavors.Ítem Texto completo enlazado A modo de introducción del dossier «Cosmopolíticas y emancipación en América Latina»(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-30) Rueda Barrera, Eduardo A.After exploring the practical-political meaning that underlies the idea of “cosmopolitics” and describing its impact on the transformative agendas of Latin America, its links with cosmopolitanism are explained. At the end, the work of the Dossier is briefly reviewed.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Epistemes otras y cambio social: sentidos de lo interdisciplinario(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-30) Rueda Barrera, Eduardo A.The paper addresses the significant role that other forms of knowledge must play in the construction of alternatives to overcome the most pressing problems faced by today's global societies, namely: local and global environmental degradation, social inequality and inequity, and violent conflict at various scales. To do so, it characterizes and provides reasons to validate other forms of knowledge, particularly those anchored in the social experience of indigenous peoples, women, and laypeople, and advocates for an understanding of interdisciplinarity as an ethical-political agency obligated to open, for transformative purposes, paths of dialogue between such forms of knowledge and academic disciplines. The purpose of this dialogue is not other that catalyzing, through the effects of such forms of knowledge, the production of genuinely innovative visions and practices in the face of the challenges that confront us today.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación N° 13 (2024)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-06-10) Castro, AugustoNo presenta resumen