Actores y escenarios como determinantes clave de la política de drogas en Perú. El caso de la implementación del control de hoja de coca en el valle del Monzón (2010-2015)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Históricamente, el valle del Monzón desafió la capacidad del Estado peruano. Hasta 2011 dicho territorio era considerado como la cuenca con mayor producción de cultivos ilícitos de coca del Alto Huallaga, y una zona de gran resistencia social frente a las acciones de control. No obstante, desde 2012 esta situación cambió radicalmente. Algunos argumentan que la efectividad de la política fue producto de los altos niveles de acumulación burocrática gestionados por el Estado, tales como mayores recursos económicos para la política, y una alta disposición de instituciones y de funcionarios públicos trabajando en la zona. Sin embargo, el presente estudio muestra que la efectividad política de drogas implementada durante el periodo 2010-2015 en el Monzón se debe a tres factores: i) el enfrentamiento entre dos facciones terroristas que brindaban protección a los gremios contra la erradicación de coca; ii) el debilitamiento de las organizaciones de productores cocaleros, y iii) el apoyo a Devida por parte de empresas privadas contratadas para la implementación del Programa de Desarrollo Alternativo.
Historically, Monzon Valley has caused great challenges to the Peruvian State capacity. Until 2011, that area was considered as the main area of illicit coca production from the Alto Huallaga, and as an area of high social resistance to the control actions. However, this situation changed radically since 2012. Some may argue that the effectivity of this policy was produced by the high levels from bureaucratic accumulation of the State, such as high level of economic resources for this policy, high institutional disposition, and public officials working in that area. Nonetheless, this research shows that the effectivity of the drug policy implemented in Monzon during 2010-2015 is due to three factors: i) the confrontation between two terrorist factions which protected the cocaleros’ guild against the eradication; ii) the weakening from the coca producer’s organizations, and iii) the help recived by Devida from private enterprises which were hired for the implementation of the Alternative Development program.
Historically, Monzon Valley has caused great challenges to the Peruvian State capacity. Until 2011, that area was considered as the main area of illicit coca production from the Alto Huallaga, and as an area of high social resistance to the control actions. However, this situation changed radically since 2012. Some may argue that the effectivity of this policy was produced by the high levels from bureaucratic accumulation of the State, such as high level of economic resources for this policy, high institutional disposition, and public officials working in that area. Nonetheless, this research shows that the effectivity of the drug policy implemented in Monzon during 2010-2015 is due to three factors: i) the confrontation between two terrorist factions which protected the cocaleros’ guild against the eradication; ii) the weakening from the coca producer’s organizations, and iii) the help recived by Devida from private enterprises which were hired for the implementation of the Alternative Development program.
Palabras clave
Capacidad Estatal, Política de Drogas, Cocaína, Monzón, Perú
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