Patrimonio cultural, identidad y territorio: problemas de investigación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El texto tiene como fin la presentación de los principales problemas de investigación inscritos hoy en día en el contexto de los estudios dedicados al patrimonio cultural. La autora parte de una amplia definición de patrimonio, según la cual este abarca lo que las generaciones presentes quieren preservar del acervo de las generaciones pasa das, todo lo que consideran valioso e importante para la definición de su identidad cultural. La definición nos remite directamente al proceso de construcción de patrimonio cultural. Para presentar de una manera más fácil de comprender los problemas relaciona dos con la construcción del patrimonio, su relación con la identidad cultural del grupo que lo considera propio y su contexto territorial, se han seleccionado dos situaciones en las que el patrimonio suscita discusiones. Uno corresponde a Masuria, una región polaca que a lo largo de su historia ha ido cambiando de adscripción estatal y de población. Sus habitantes actuales pretenden definir el patrimonio cultural en relación estrecha con el proceso de construcción de la identidad regional. El otro es el caso de las comunidades afrolatinoamericanas que buscan formas de recuperación de su patrimonio cultural a partir de su propio concepto del pasado grupal. La cara política e ideológica del patrimonio se muestra con nitidez en ambos casos.El estudio de las relaciones entre el patrimonio, territorio e identidad de las comu nidades locales y regionales en los diferentes contextos culturales indica la diversidad de situaciones en las que se inscriben los conceptos operacionales usados por los organismos internacionales y las agencias gubernamentales, y que son retomados por los agentes locales y regionales. La definición del patrimonio cultural es un proceso que manifiesta relaciones estrechas entre el territorio y la identidad, las relaciones de poder y las aspiraciones culturales. La geografía humanista -con su noción de lugar cargado de significados y sentimientos- constituye un marco posible para los estu dios sobre el patrimonio cultural en el ámbito local. Este marco puede ser ampliado por las perspectivas de ecología política y de los estudios culturales. Los enfoques de las corrientes nuevas del pensamiento geográfico nos permiten hablar del aporte de la geografía humanista en el esclarecimiento de los procesos en cuestión.
The text aims at presenting main research problems related to present-day studies on cultural heritage. The author states that the wide concept of heritage according to which «it is all that the present generations want to preserve from the past, all that they consider valuable and important for the definition of their cultural identity», obliges us to analyze the processes of construction ofheritage.Two cases have been presented in order to show examples of processes of construction ofheritage, its relation to identity of the group and its territorial context. The first one is Polish Masuria -a region that has been changing its state allegiance through its history and that is inhabited by recent immigrants, that are interested in defining the region's cultural heritage as a part of the process of construction of regio nal identity. The other one is the case of Afro-Latín American communities that want to recover their heritage defined by themselves, according to their own view ofhistory. In both cases the political and ideological aspects ofheritage definition are an important part of the process of its construction.Studies on the relations between heritage, territory an local as well as regional identities, conducted in differing cultural context demonstrate diversity of situations in which operational concepts used by international institutions, governmental agen cies, local and regional agents are being applied. The definition of what belongs to heritage and of what is excluded is a complex process determined by relations between territory and identity, power structures and cultural aspirations. Humanistic geography-with its concept ofplace charged with senses, meanings and feelings- is a possibleframework for research on cultural heritage on the locallevel. The perspectives offered by political ecology and cultural studies can be helpful in enriching it.
The text aims at presenting main research problems related to present-day studies on cultural heritage. The author states that the wide concept of heritage according to which «it is all that the present generations want to preserve from the past, all that they consider valuable and important for the definition of their cultural identity», obliges us to analyze the processes of construction ofheritage.Two cases have been presented in order to show examples of processes of construction ofheritage, its relation to identity of the group and its territorial context. The first one is Polish Masuria -a region that has been changing its state allegiance through its history and that is inhabited by recent immigrants, that are interested in defining the region's cultural heritage as a part of the process of construction of regio nal identity. The other one is the case of Afro-Latín American communities that want to recover their heritage defined by themselves, according to their own view ofhistory. In both cases the political and ideological aspects ofheritage definition are an important part of the process of its construction.Studies on the relations between heritage, territory an local as well as regional identities, conducted in differing cultural context demonstrate diversity of situations in which operational concepts used by international institutions, governmental agen cies, local and regional agents are being applied. The definition of what belongs to heritage and of what is excluded is a complex process determined by relations between territory and identity, power structures and cultural aspirations. Humanistic geography-with its concept ofplace charged with senses, meanings and feelings- is a possibleframework for research on cultural heritage on the locallevel. The perspectives offered by political ecology and cultural studies can be helpful in enriching it.
Palabras clave
Comunidades Afrolatinoamericanas, Geografía Humanista, Identidad, Masuria, Parimonio Cultural, Territorio, Geography, Afroamerican Communities, Cultural Patrimony, Humanistic Geography, Identity, Masuria, Territory
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