El arranque tritonal en el español amazónico de Iquitos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El artículo presenta un fenómeno particular de entonación en el español amazónico de la ciudad de Iquitos, ubicada en la Amazonía peruana: el denominado arranque tritonal. Este fenómeno consiste en un acento tonal complejo L+H*+L realizado durante la primera sílaba tónica de la frase entonacional. Para ello, se registran muestras de la producción oral de hablantes de dicha variedad dialectal y, luego, se las analiza usando el modelo métrico autosegmental (Pierrehumbert 1980) y el sistema de anotación prosódica Sp_ToBI (Beckman y et al. 2002). Los datos presentan y distinguen construcciones de foco amplio y de foco estrecho. El análisis de los datos confirma una tendencia al arranque tritonal que es independiente del foco.
This article presents a particular phenomenon of intonation in the Amazonian Spanish of Iquitos, a city located in the Peruvian Amazonia: the so-called tritonal start-up. This phenomenon consists of a complex tonal accent L+H*+L produced during the first tonic syllable of the intonational phrase. For this purpose, samples of the oral production by speakers of this dialectal variety were recorded and then analyzed using the autosegmental and metrical model (Pierrehumbert 1980) and the Sp_ToBI prosodic annotation system (Beckman et al. 2002). The data present and distinguish wide-focus and narrow-focus constructions. The analysis of the data confirms a tendency towards a tritonal start-up that is independent of the focus.
This article presents a particular phenomenon of intonation in the Amazonian Spanish of Iquitos, a city located in the Peruvian Amazonia: the so-called tritonal start-up. This phenomenon consists of a complex tonal accent L+H*+L produced during the first tonic syllable of the intonational phrase. For this purpose, samples of the oral production by speakers of this dialectal variety were recorded and then analyzed using the autosegmental and metrical model (Pierrehumbert 1980) and the Sp_ToBI prosodic annotation system (Beckman et al. 2002). The data present and distinguish wide-focus and narrow-focus constructions. The analysis of the data confirms a tendency towards a tritonal start-up that is independent of the focus.
Palabras clave
Español Amazónico Peruano, Entonación, Acento Tritonal, Foco
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