Las experiencias literarias para desarrollar la regulación emocional en niños de 3 años de una Institución Educativa del distrito de Surco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente tesis tiene como objetivo general analizar las experiencias literarias que
emplea la docente de una Institución Educativa del distrito de Surco para el
desarrollo de la regulación emocional de los niños de 3 años. Para ello, se ha
planteado describir los recursos y las estrategias que emplea la docente en las
experiencias literarias que lleva a cabo en el aula de 3 años. Esta investigación se
encuentra bajo un enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptivo. Con el propósito de
recopilar la información necesaria y suficiente para esta tesis, se han empleado dos
técnicas de investigación: la entrevista y la observación. En cuanto a las
conclusiones, es evidente que la docente tiene conocimientos acerca de la
regulación emocional y de cómo debe ser esta en los niños de 3 años. Asimismo, se
concluye que la docente utiliza diversas experiencias literarias con el objetivo de
potenciar el desarrollo de la regulación emocional en sus estudiantes. Por otro lado,
con respecto a las estrategias que emplea la docente, estas son variadas pues
engloban desde el uso de juegos rítmicos, la narración de cuentos hasta la
reproducción de rimas. Por último, lo trabajado en esta tesis contribuye a la
investigación de la regulación emocional, capacidad indispensable para el desarrollo
integral del ser humano, a través de las experiencias de carácter literario
otorgándole mayores herramientas a la plana docente del nivel inicial.
The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the literary experiences used by the teacher of an Educational Institution in the district of Surco for the development of emotional regulation in 3-year-old children. For this, it has been proposed to describe the resources and strategies used by the teacher in the literary experiences that she carries out in the 3-year-old classroom. This research is under a descriptive qualitative approach. To collect the necessary and sufficient information for this thesis, two research techniques have been used: interview and observation. Regarding the conclusions, it is evident that the teacher has knowledge about emotional regulation and how it should be in 3-year-old children. Likewise, it is concluded that the teacher uses various literary experiences with the aim of promoting the development of emotional regulation in her students. On the other hand, regarding the strategies used by the teacher, these are varied since they range from the use of rhythmic games, storytelling to the reproduction of rhymes. Finally, what has been worked on in this thesis contributes to the investigation of emotional regulation, an indispensable capacity for the integral development of the human being, through experiences of a literary nature, granting greater tools to the teaching staff of the initial level.
The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the literary experiences used by the teacher of an Educational Institution in the district of Surco for the development of emotional regulation in 3-year-old children. For this, it has been proposed to describe the resources and strategies used by the teacher in the literary experiences that she carries out in the 3-year-old classroom. This research is under a descriptive qualitative approach. To collect the necessary and sufficient information for this thesis, two research techniques have been used: interview and observation. Regarding the conclusions, it is evident that the teacher has knowledge about emotional regulation and how it should be in 3-year-old children. Likewise, it is concluded that the teacher uses various literary experiences with the aim of promoting the development of emotional regulation in her students. On the other hand, regarding the strategies used by the teacher, these are varied since they range from the use of rhythmic games, storytelling to the reproduction of rhymes. Finally, what has been worked on in this thesis contributes to the investigation of emotional regulation, an indispensable capacity for the integral development of the human being, through experiences of a literary nature, granting greater tools to the teaching staff of the initial level.
Palabras clave
Emociones infantiles, Literatura infantil, Desarrollo infantil, Educación preescolar--Investigaciones
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