Implementación del programa “Buenas prácticas ambientales- BPA” en una institución pública de primaria de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo trata sobre la experiencia educativa en la implementación del
Programa “Buenas prácticas ambientales - BPA” en una institución educativa del
distrito de Villa El Salvador. El trabajo de suficiencia profesional, tiene como objetivos
reflexionar acerca de la implementación del programa en instituciones educativas
públicas de Primaria de Lima, reconociéndolo como una oportunidad para que los
estudiantes desarrollen hábitos y conductas respetuosas con el medio ambiente. Así
como, demostrar el desarrollo de las competencias profesionales del perfil de egreso,
a través de la narración reflexiva acerca de la implementación del programa y por
último brindar un aporte a la propuesta formativa de la facultad de Educación. La
metodología utilizada, es la narración reflexiva en base a la experiencia docente
significativa y sobre las competencias profesionales adquiridas en la formación inicial.
En síntesis, fue una oportunidad dentro de mi practica educativa docente, oportunidad
donde los estudiantes pueden adquirir habilidades prácticas en el cuidado del entorno
y promover un cambio positivo en su comunidad. A través de la narración reflexiva,
pude identificar las competencias profesionales que he desarrollado a lo largo de mi
vida profesional, reconociendo las fortalezas y debilidades. El análisis de la propuesta
formativa de la facultad de Educación, me permite identificar que es importante
trabajar competencias que desarrollan los TICS, habilidades blandas y comenzar la
practica educativa desde los primeros ciclos.
This work deals with the educational experience in the implementation of the “Good Environmental Practices - GAP” Program in an educational institution in the district of Villa El Salvador. The objectives of the professional proficiency work are to reflect on the implementation of the program in primary public educational institutions in Lima, recognizing it as an opportunity for students to develop habits and behaviors that respect the environment. As well as, demonstrate the development of the professional competencies of the graduation profile, through the reflective narration about the implementation of the program and finally provide a contribution to the training proposal of the Faculty of Education. The methodology is the reflective narration based on significant teaching experience and the professional skills acquired in initial training. In short, it was an opportunity within my teaching educational practice, an opportunity where students can acquire practical skills in caring for the environment and promote positive change in their community. Through reflective narration, I was able to identify the professional skills that I have developed throughout my professional life, recognizing strengths and weaknesses. The analysis of the training proposal of the Faculty of Education allows me to identify that it is important to work on competencies that develop ICT, soft skills and begin educational practice from the first cycles.
This work deals with the educational experience in the implementation of the “Good Environmental Practices - GAP” Program in an educational institution in the district of Villa El Salvador. The objectives of the professional proficiency work are to reflect on the implementation of the program in primary public educational institutions in Lima, recognizing it as an opportunity for students to develop habits and behaviors that respect the environment. As well as, demonstrate the development of the professional competencies of the graduation profile, through the reflective narration about the implementation of the program and finally provide a contribution to the training proposal of the Faculty of Education. The methodology is the reflective narration based on significant teaching experience and the professional skills acquired in initial training. In short, it was an opportunity within my teaching educational practice, an opportunity where students can acquire practical skills in caring for the environment and promote positive change in their community. Through reflective narration, I was able to identify the professional skills that I have developed throughout my professional life, recognizing strengths and weaknesses. The analysis of the training proposal of the Faculty of Education allows me to identify that it is important to work on competencies that develop ICT, soft skills and begin educational practice from the first cycles.
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