Covid y la educación no presencial: aportes desde el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la carrera de diseño industrial de una universidad de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las TIC y las competencias digitales generan la posibilidad de nuevos escenarios virtuales como la educación y sus procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. En el Perú, la implementación de este escenario virtual es básico y aletargado. La COVID-19 obligó a que el Gobierno y universidades privadas en Lima implementaran protocolos de emergencia para rescatar la educación actual. Esta investigación se basó en explorar, comprender e interpretar las percepciones de 28 estudiantes de la carrera de Diseño Industrial de una universidad privada de Lima por la implementación de recursos, herramientas tecnológicas y estrategias didácticas en la educación no presencial de manera online. Se empleó una metodología de enfoque interpretativo en su variante sociocrítica, a nivel exploratorio y de tipo mixta mediante encuestas cuantitativas y cualitativas a estudiantes. Los resultados muestran la limitada interacción entre estudiante-docente, estudiante-estudiante y la falta de estrategias para diseñar la experiencia en el aprendizaje basado en la comunicación virtual. Las conclusiones muestran la necesidad de una formación continua de los docentes para mejorar sus competencias digitales, reconocer las TIC como herramientas complementarias y un replanteamiento en la interfaz de la plataforma Moodle para la interacción con los estudiantes.
ICTs and digital skills generate the possibility of new virtual scenarios such as education and its teaching and learning processes. In Peru, the implementation of this virtual scenario is basic and lethargic. COVID 19 forced the government and private universities in Lima to implement emergency protocols to rescue current education. This research was based on exploring, understanding and interpreting the perceptions of 28 students in the Industrial Design career at a private university in Lima for the implementation of resources, technological tools and teaching strategies in non-face-to-face education online. An interpretative approach methodology was used in its social-critical variant, at an exploratory level and of a mixed type through quantitative and qualitative surveys to students. Results show limited interaction between: student - teacher; student - student and lack of strategies to design the learning experience based on virtual communication. The conclusions show the need for continuous training of teachers to improve digital competences, and to recognize ICT as complementary tools and a rethinking of the Moodle platform interface for interaction with students.
ICTs and digital skills generate the possibility of new virtual scenarios such as education and its teaching and learning processes. In Peru, the implementation of this virtual scenario is basic and lethargic. COVID 19 forced the government and private universities in Lima to implement emergency protocols to rescue current education. This research was based on exploring, understanding and interpreting the perceptions of 28 students in the Industrial Design career at a private university in Lima for the implementation of resources, technological tools and teaching strategies in non-face-to-face education online. An interpretative approach methodology was used in its social-critical variant, at an exploratory level and of a mixed type through quantitative and qualitative surveys to students. Results show limited interaction between: student - teacher; student - student and lack of strategies to design the learning experience based on virtual communication. The conclusions show the need for continuous training of teachers to improve digital competences, and to recognize ICT as complementary tools and a rethinking of the Moodle platform interface for interaction with students.
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